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+ Better, more focused level design
+ Engine works with what id tried to project (space station, hell)
+ Features one of the coolest plot twists ever
+ More atmospheric
- Less weapons
- Less enemies

+ More weapons
+ More enemies
- Overblown, confused levels
- Engine didn't really work with what id tried to project (urban environments)
- Less atmospheric

jDoom w/ plugins rocks. Discuss.


Fafracer forever
+ Features one of the coolest plot twists ever
Ok seriously I have to ask - Doom 1 was the only Doom game I played all the way through - and I never noticed any semblance of a plot. What was it?

I agree with the observation about Doom2 - the level design killed the game for me.
Scrow said:


basically think doom made into a 1999 era gfx game



Fafalada said:
Ok seriously I have to ask - Doom 1 was the only Doom game I played all the way through - and I never noticed any semblance of a plot. What was it?

I agree with the observation about Doom2 - the level design killed the game for me.

Sure, the plot is ridiculous. But 1/3 way through, the main character DIES and goes to hell. I can't believe they took that out of Doom 3, which was supposed to remake Doom 1.

Oh, and jDoom is a new port of Doom, to which you can add hi-res textures, 3d models, detail textures, lighting effects and much more, making it look almost like a new game.

EDIT: 1999? Jeez.. more like 2002.


jDoom rocks.

After beating Doom 3 I played through Doom 2 and Doom 64 (pc conversion). Great stuff.


Ps. Doom 1 is better than Doom 2 in my opinion.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Ugh, the level designs in Doom 1 suck compared to 2. ESPECIALLY everything beyond the first level...

Back in the day, they were pretty cool I suppose, but having just replayed through both games this summer...I was impressed with how well designed Doom 2's levels were and disappointed with how incredibly boring and awful most of Doom 1's levels were (only nostalgia pushed me through).

I also enjoyed playing through with the PSX music and sound effects. I know people dig the classic music, but it was nice hearing something totally different...

I also played through Memento Mori, I believe. Fantastic level designs. I was quite impressed!

Still have these old pics even...




dark10x said:
Ugh, the level designs in Doom 1 suck compared to 2. ESPECIALLY everything beyond the first level...

Back in the day, they were pretty cool I suppose, but having just replayed through both games this summer...I was impressed with how well designed Doom 2's levels were and disappointed with how incredibly boring and awful most of Doom 1's levels were (only nostalgia pushed me through).

I also enjoyed playing through with the PSX music and sound effects. I know people dig the classic music, but it was nice hearing something totally different...

I also played through Memento Mori, I believe. Fantastic level designs. I was quite impressed!

Still have these old pics even...



I was screwing around with the bloom lighting effects in this shot...


Are those shots from jDoom or zDoom? That bloom lighting stuff looks fun, I haven't seen any such options in jDoom...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
EmSeta said:
Are those shots from jDoom or zDoom? That bloom lighting stuff looks fun, I haven't seen any such options in jDoom...

It happens to be in jDoom (latest version).

You can find it somewhere in the giant tweak menu found within the options menu. I think they call it halos or something. The default halo effects look awful, though, but you can toy with them to make something very different.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
it looks like Doom64 weapons in Doom2

And yes there's light blooms and stuff afaik they're on by default :p


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DopeyFish said:
it looks like Doom64 weapons in Doom2

And yes there's light blooms and stuff afaik they're on by default :p

Yes indeedy. There's a good reason for that.

Pulled them out of...




SKluck said:
Doom 2 had the double-barrel shotgun. Winner by default.

Amen. Double-barrel shotgun was the ONLY weapon I used in 2 vs 2 modem play. God that was fun sh!t. Wasn't there a mod or something released to put the double barrel in Doom 1? I seem to remember that.


All this DOOM talk has made me want to get that doom pack that was just released with doom1, doom2 and final doom. Damn you all.
jDOOM is awesome, although I still haven't been able to get the multiplayer working. :(

And now I want to bust out DOOM 64 and take it for a spin. That was such a great game. I miss the swarms of enemies in the well-designed 3D levels. :(


Agreed. Especially about the atmosphere. DOOM II comes no where close to having the feel of an urban setting. At best it's...kind of like a factory or something. The hell levels near the end are also really boring.
Whenever I play Doom, I miss the stuff that Doom2 has. Some of the Doom2 levels are pretty damn confusing and overblown is a good word, but by and large they are still great. The urban stuff looked like shit.

But the one new weapon was the most important new weapon until the sniper rifle (sIn? Half-Life? Blood2?) The new enemies all rock, and they used even more MIDIs made from heavy metal tracks (Pantera, Alise in Chains). The endboss was kinda half-functional, but still way more frentic and original than one giant monster that we see closing up damn near every other FPS game.

Doom2 is better, and Doom64 is really good too.


EmSeta said:
Sure, the plot is ridiculous. But 1/3 way through, the main character DIES and goes to hell. I can't believe they took that out of Doom 3, which was supposed to remake Doom 1.

He did? I never got that. I always thought the transporter just sent him to hell.


dark10x said:
Back in the day, it really did seem that way...

Duke 3D has aged poorly, however...

i dont think so, i still play it now and then. duke 3d will never get old, what with those fantastic levels.
anyway, i think quake is a better comparison for duke 3d.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Hmmm, so it was effectively a whole new game? What about the PSOne Dooms? Were they unique too?


Doom64 is a new game with new levels, graphics, sound, etc
Doom PSX is a port of Doom 1 and 2 with some levels missing, some areas in levels missing, some enemies missing (D2 boss and Arch Vile (sp?) and I'm guessing they're both gone due to their tendancies to fill the levels with bajillions of sprites) and the best music ever to grace a console FPS until just recently (hell...2D FPSs in general)


Running off of Custom Firmware
Cool, so I should get Doom 64, but can skip on the PSOne games? (I have Doom, Doom 2, Master Levels, and Final Doom for the PC already.)

What is Doom 64 Absolution?


Doom 64 PC port with enhanced graghics--I suggest you try it out as it's pretty damn fun

I still suggest getting jDoom (it will work with the .wad files in Doom1-2 and enhance those games the same way Absolution enhances D64) and playing with the Doom(PSX) soundtrack

I remember seeing a jHexen but I can't find my copy of Hexen >_<


Tag of Excellence
Mejilan said:
Cool, so I should get Doom 64, but can skip on the PSOne games? (I have Doom, Doom 2, Master Levels, and Final Doom for the PC already.)

What is Doom 64 Absolution?
Ripped straight from the webpage!
Doom64 Absolution said:
Doom 64 was released for the Nintendo 64 in early 1997. It was one of the first FPS games for the system, along with Turok. The game had stunning hi-resolution graphics, new enemies, a new weapon, and item designs, and a whole new look. The game was still in actuality Doom, in fact using the very same engine (but slightly modified), but a new feel and look for a new generation of Doom.

For those who haven't played the game before, you might wonder what's so special about Doom 64. The game, first of all, had a whole new look, with larger sprites, pseudo 3D (using a glitch in the game's code, it's not true 3D like most people think), new textures, scrolling skies, and more. The game had custom scripting which is unbelievable what can be done with such an old game. The enviornments morphed, enemies faded in from thin air, waves of enemies come at you, and items spawn. The best mappers that could be found were hired by Midway for this incarnation of new levels. The levels are some of the best Doom levels ever.

A new weapon has been added this time. The long-forgotten Unmaker from the original Doom Bible is finally presented, a laser weapon that's fully upgradable. Also, two new enemies were added. The Nightmare Imp is a faster, purple, translucent version of the original enemy. Also, a new final boss was added. The Mother Demon is a boss with many attacks, including guided missiles and spewing flames across the ground. Old enemies have been spiced up a bit. Arachnotrons now fire 2 plasma shots, Pain Elementals now shoot 2 Lost Souls at once, and the Lost Souls themselves are much more aggressive.

The game had sounds from the PSX version of Doom, which are crisper, and with much more bass (pump up the volume!). The music is ambient by the genius behind PSX Doom's ambient music, Aubrey Hodges. Playing this game in the dark with the music blaring will freak you out for sure.

Doom 64, however, wasn't well recieved by the Doom community for many reasons. First of all, the style is different. Lovers of the original style might not like the darker feel, the new enemy models, and such. Obviously mouse control is gone. Multiplayer was ditched at the last moment. But the big loss is the things that got dropped due to the cartridge size being so low compared to a CD. Enemies were missing, including the Commando, Arch-Vile, Revenant, and Spider Mastermind. There's a mere 32 levels, a decent amount, though nothing compared to the 56 levels of the PSX verison. The final nail in the coffin was the controller isn't that well used. The digital control, which most are used to playing console Dooms with, turns way too slow, forcing you to get accustomed to the analog stick to play the game at it's full potential.

Still, even with the low points, I can't recommend Doom 64 more. I say you try it for yourself and see what you think. I personally love the style, and can live with the changes. If you can find it, pick this gem up, even after the TC is released.

Yes, get it (either mod or N64 original).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I guess if you enjoy owning the original cart, that's good...but Doom 64 has pretty awful controls on the real N64. It's also very difficult, doesn't allow saving, and offers up cheap deaths near the end of many levels.

The PC mod is much better than the original Doom 64, I'd say.


Tag of Excellence
Dark how do you get the light bloom and fogging looking so great?

EDIT: Chalk up another "PC Mod better than N64" vote. I just downloaded this and already I can attest to that.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
TekunoRobby said:
Dark how do you get the light bloom and fogging looking so great?

Lots and lots of fiddling. Seriously, it took a while to get things looking just right. If I have the chance, I'll try to post the settings I am using...


Tag of Excellence
dark10x said:
Lots and lots of fiddling. Seriously, it took a while to get things looking just right. If I have the chance, I'll try to post the settings I am using...
Please do! You have some mighty fine holy touch there.

I love how this thread has turned into a jDoom lovefest. AND RIGHTFULLY SO!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Mejilan said:
Nothing's stopping me from getting the PC Mod as well, right?

Well, errr, heh. Yeah.

I guess you could hold onto the cart and just play it on the PC. :p

They really didn't know what they were doing when the made the control scheme for Doom 64, though. Good lord does it suck...

I can see where you're coming from, though, I prefer to own originals as well. Thankfully, in this case, the mod isn't considered piracy...
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