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I love both games, but Doom 2's level design totally blows the original out of the water. I loved the outdoor levels, they are just amazing to run around in. Especially the outdoor levels with super high buildings. I hope if(when!) Doom 3 gets an expansion they give it the same look and feel as some of Doom 2's outdoor areas.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I've got Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, and Master Levels all for the PC.
I now have Doom 64 too, since learning it was an original product, and not a port.
I also picked up Doom and Doom 2 on the GBA for kicks back in the day, though before I picked up the Doom Collection for the PC.

I'll get Doom 3 eventually.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Mej, you should really take a look at some of the megawads. In all honesty, some of the levels are way beyond anything that was ever released commerically. REALLY good content...

Check this out...


Also, for my settings (these are rough). The Z-mag factor is what REALLY changes the intensity of the bloom. At 1, you can hardly see anything. :p



Also, make sure you have the high-res texture pak!!

Old textures...


New textures...



GAF's Pleasant Genius
Yes, it is, but I like the sprite based enemies ;).

When I play DOOM II I want to play it like it was designed, would you want to play Toshi's Island re-made in 3D ? I would not.
dark10x said:
They really didn't know what they were doing when the made the control scheme for Doom 64, though. Good lord does it suck...

They really didn't know what they were doing when they made the N64 controller.

As for Doom64, I played through it without much difficulty, that must mean that it's at least solid. (I never owned a N64 until two years back and am an absolute control nazi)

Not totally disagreeing with you, dark, just softening the blow.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Panajev2001a said:
Yes, it is, but I like the sprite based enemies ;).

When I play DOOM II I want to play it like it was designed, would you want to play Toshi's Island re-made in 3D ? I would not.

So do I. I never use those annoying 3D models...

I am using the Doom 64 sprites, though. I needed the change...

The texture pak is kind of difficult to find, as you might have seen. The file you want is ~180mb in size. However, there are other updated textures that must be downloaded on their own for the very best quality (as SOME of those textures were just the original textures with a noise map applied). I have the best possible set of textures you could get, but it's absolutely massive.

THIS site will get you to the individual texture pages. However, the main pak is much easier to initially deal with...

Also, you'll want the jDoom Enviroment pak and Interface pak (high-res UI, menus, etc). There is just so much content that has been created for jDoom. It truly is staggering. Honestly, all these additions are responsible for my summer Doom fest. Doom, Doom 2, Doom 64 TC and several megawads all within a few days. Very fun. :)

As for Doom64, I played through it without much difficulty, that must mean that it's at least solid.

Well, while I've only briefly played it myself (and disliked the controls), I had some of your rants in mind. You slammed the controls pretty hard at first, ya know. As with anything, though, you can usually get used to them...
Uh, if I remember correctly I ended up using the four face buttons as forward\back\stafe while using the analog stick with my left(!) hand and using its forward and back input as my primary movement, since it was analog...

no wait... ok the left hand on the d-pad for strafe, with weapon up and down mapped as well; right hand on the stick and trigger. Turn controls mapped to some of the faces as a backup. Um, think my map was on a trigger or some dumb shit. God knows where I put the use button, but I'm pretty sure I had run on the other trigger, that makes sense. Fuck, that does sound bad. Well, props to me for finding a control solution that worked for me and making it a non-issue.

The important thing to remember is that whatever I ended up using, it was 100% custom, and I had to remap everything every time the game booted. i have no idea what the defaults were, but suffice to say that the insane layout above sounded better to me. Dark might actually remember better than me because I probably sent him a curse-laden email about it around four in the morning, as is the custom.

Anyways, it's the N64 controller's fault, totally.


Running off of Custom Firmware
So it was customizable? Because if you could do something that simulated the "Turok" control scheme (also available in GE and PD) then I don't see how it could be bad.
You could do Turok up to the point where you look up and down with the stick. In Doom64, you move foward and backward with the stick, as well as turning, always. So when you're trying to line up some running "jump" perfectly, you're often dumping yourself right off a ledge because you were pushing forward or backward just a tad while turning. This is why I double-mapped turn control to digital buttons.

Also, keep in mind how annoying it is to do a complete control set teardown everytime you play it.

Other things I disliked about it were that it is the trappenest Doom ever and there were no checkpoints. This game tries to trap you constantly, with crushers, pits, and assloads of reinforcements. And if any of these traps gets you, well you gotta start the whole level over again, even if you were twenty minutes in.

Why was I twenty minutes into a Doom level? Because this'un is very Tomb Raider-esue in its "this generic switch opens a door across the damn level for five seconds" madness. You pretty much had to memorize every scrap of the larger levels as you went through and because able to notice any little change as you check the whole map after nearly every switch. Some levels are really bad about this but most just have one or two instances at the most.

I enjoyed this game because it played like Doom should play, with frentic action and reliable weapons, and I really kicked its ass. I was very forgiving on it because I just played it for the first time about five months ago, so I wasn't expecting too damn much. If you're a real fan of the first two Doom games, then Doom64 sould be enjoyable too, as long as you can find a way to control it.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Sounds interesting and very different? And the game didn't save your control settings? That's harsh. Seems like you could create a control method that was half Turok hald Metroid Prime. Doesn't sound bad, though I'm sure I'll find out soon! Thanks for the descriptions!


Fafracer forever
EmSeta said:
Sure, the plot is ridiculous. But 1/3 way through, the main character DIES and goes to hell. I can't believe they took that out of Doom 3, which was supposed to remake Doom 1.
I must have missed that somehow - but I too thought you just teleported to Hell like everywhere else... There's no plot exposition save for the text messages between levels right(it's been so long I can't remember anymore)? Maybe I didn't read closely enough :p

MightyHedgehog said:
Hmmm...I thought that Doom II had far better level design than Doom ... and oh yeah...super shotgun.
I like the double barelled shotgun too(multiplayer ahoy) but the level design was the reason I never bothered completing the game. I got sick and tired of playing around level 10 IIRC... some levels just stretched on forever, it bored me to tears.

That's where Duke3d excelled - it's levels were never boring, not to mention how much better multiplayer was :)
Fafalada said:
I like the double barelled shotgun too(multiplayer ahoy) but the level design was the reason I never bothered completing the game. I got sick and tired of playing around level 10 IIRC... some levels just stretched on forever, it bored me to tears.
Well, to be honest, I probably never finshed more than a third of Doom II by myself...my bro and I were too hooked into co-op...

That's where Duke3d excelled - it's levels were never boring, not to mention how much better multiplayer was :)

Agreed. Loved those cameras and the shrink ray.
trippingmartian said:
C buttons were ideal for playing Ocarina and nothing else.

Actually it was good for controlling the camera angles in games (at the time). Going back to use the N64 controller feels quite weird when using the analogue stick. I really wished more games allowed you to use the D-Pad if you wanted to. I liked the Z-trigger a lot.

You know how Nintendo advertised that you could hold the N64 controller in 3 ways. Was there any games that used the 3rd method of using it ?(where you held the middle prong of the controller with your right hand and your left hand on the left prong). I think Perfect Dark allowed for it.

Reading this topic really makes me want to play through the Doom games. I don't think I've ever finished one without cheats unfortunately.

I don't remember Doom looking that good on the PS1. Are these Picture Photoshop or something? The lighting is beautiful the pictures. Are these pictures Doom 64?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Err, sonic...have you read this thread at all? :p

That's a shot of jDoom that I took on my PC. Alongside the fog, lighting, and texture improvements, I'm also using the Doom 64 weapons, enemies, and items as well as the PSX music and sound effects.

That shot with the fireballs is from Doom 2.

That other shot (with the broken link) is from Absolution, which is the Doom 64 total conversion for the PC (it IS Doom 64 for the PC). Looks and plays so much better on PC...

Sho Nuff

These are all from Zdaemon... with auto-mod installation!!!

Double click on the game and it auto-downloads the wad!





Red Dolphin said:
You know how Nintendo advertised that you could hold the N64 controller in 3 ways. Was there any games that used the 3rd method of using it ?(where you held the middle prong of the controller with your right hand and your left hand on the left prong). I think Perfect Dark allowed for it.

Some games had the "left handed" option, even though even lefties wouldn't be comfortable with it. I think the Japanese version of Chopper Attack only had the left handed design, but they changed that for the US.
Red Dolphin said:
Was there any games that used the 3rd method of using it ?(where you held the middle prong of the controller with your right hand and your left hand on the left prong). I think Perfect Dark allowed for it.

Yeah, I think that's how I ended up playing Doom64, though I had to set it up myself.

For Perfect Dark I went with the dual controllers route. I was so fucking impressed when I realized that they let you do that, though they almost had to.


Tag of Excellence
I'm subscribing to this thread, dark10x makes it worthwhile. Thanks so much for all your help! I'm already well underway in compiling all the textures from that website!

Ahhh the N64 I had good times with that system and the controller. No wonder it was instantly cloned upon inception. The Dual analogue sticks was such an awesome addition to a few games. Perfect Dark and that Star Wars racing game based on epidose 1, very very cool.


Tag of Excellence
How the hell do I use the textures I just downloaded (from NullParamater) in jDoom and also how do I extract the Absolution mod sprites (aka the ones they used in Doom64) so I can use them in the rest of the Doom games?

Oh and as for soundtrack I'm using Sycraft's music and it's excellent. Thanks to Dark10x I also downloaded jDEP, jDUI, and also went ahead and downloaded the new jDRP. Man this game just keeps looking better and better!

Also some good news, there is going to be a new jDTP!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
TekunoRobby said:
How the hell do I use the textures I just downloaded (from NullParamater) in jDoom and also how do I extract the Absolution mod sprites (aka the ones they used in Doom64) so I can use them in the rest of the Doom games?

Oh and as for soundtrack I'm using Sycraft's music and it's excellent. Thanks to Dark10x I also downloaded jDEP, jDUI, and also went ahead and downloaded the new jDRP. Man this game just keeps looking better and better!

Also some good news, there is going to be a new jDTP!

Textures go in...



As long as they were named properly (which they should be), they should auto-load (unless you disable them).

Also, get the Doom 64 resource pak for an easier method of ripping the data.


You can find it there...


Setec Astronomer
Ahhh the N64 I had good times with that system and the controller. No wonder it was instantly cloned upon inception. The Dual analogue sticks was such an awesome addition to a few games. Perfect Dark and that Star Wars racing game based on epidose 1, very very cool.
I think we have a visitor from an alternate dimension here.
Hitokage said:
I think we have a visitor from an alternate dimension here.

Not really. The Dual Shock and every other analog stick came after the N64's standard controller, so omitting the Nights controller, one could surmise that the N64 proved that an analog stick was a viable idea.

Also, some games, like Perfect Dark allowed you to use two controllers at a time, thus two analog sticks.

Whether he had good times with that bizarre thing is up to him. I personally found it no more than a novelty.


Tag of Excellence
ArcadeStickMonk said:
...one could surmise that the N64 proved that an analog stick was a viable idea.
That was the thrust of my thoughts but said more bluntly, thanks! Unfortunately being witty ranks high in forum replies.

The dual stick setup was actually pretty fun. It reminded me of typical tank controls (which I'm very fond of) and I thoroughly enjoyed the setup in that Star Wars Episode 1 Racing game. It mimicked the controls in the movie to some degree and made it a more genuine experience. Of course whether or not that game was of any enjoyment is up to opinion, I was just referring to the extra control method. Of course I don't prefer it to the control setups we have now, it was just a neat gimmick at the time.

Again thank you very much dark10x! I have this beauty fully optimized with all the additions that piqued my interest.
ArcadeStickMonk said:
Not really. The Dual Shock and every other analog stick came after the N64's standard controller, so omitting the Nights controller, one could surmise that the N64 proved that an analog stick was a viable idea.

Also, some games, like Perfect Dark allowed you to use two controllers at a time, thus two analog sticks.

Goldeneye allowed the two controllers option. Did this game release before the Dual Shock came out? Not that it really matters as the Dual Shock was obviously inspired by the N64 controller.
Red Dolphin said:
Goldeneye allowed the two controllers option. Did this game release before the Dual Shock came out? Not that it really matters as the Dual Shock was obviously inspired by the N64 controller.

Godeneye was out in late '97, I don't remember seeing Dual Shocks until '98. I might be a tad fuzzy on this as I was a PC asshole until '99, but that should be close.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Dark10x - reviving this just for you. I have a question - do you have a complete set of replacement textures for doom 1 / 2? Where did you get them? I've been searching for a complete set of high-res textures, but the best I've found is a series of textures from that Null Parameter website's gallery, and that is very incomplete.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yes, I do have a complete set for Doom, Doom 2, and Final Doom.

The problem is, I can no longer find the file on the net. Believe me, I was trying to find a link for this very thread, but came up empty handed. I found a 180+mb texture pack, and then simply updated some of those textures manually using Null's site. So, I ended up with a 100% complete pack of textures. My textures folder is 211mb right now...

I will look again, though, but hosting a 180mb file isn't entirely appealing to smaller sites.

If anyone has a good solution, I could upload the entire folder in a RAR file or something. Perhaps we could start a torrent file? I dunno...


they call me "Man Gravy".
I figured that was what happened - all the links to the hi-res texture pack on the net are down. It's somewhat frustrating. I'd love to start a torrent, but right now can't as the hotel I'm staying in limits bandwidth (business). Argh, it's so frustrating to be so close to enjoying Doom all over again after blasting through it about 2 years ago on xbox (I <3 source ports)
Holy cool, dude. That texture pack is still on my hard drive from last year. Here's to going twelve months without formatting.

I don't have the 64 stuff however, and I don't know how that hand shadow gets on the pistol. Looking forward to dumping your whole directory on my iPod. in some weeks.

Maybe we could play some nightmare co-op right after SS2 and before Halo 2...

god, I miss Kentucky


The first DOOM is still my favorite FPS. None of this storyline crap, no jumping and jetpacks and strippers and camping and all of that. Just you vs everything that moves. So much mindless fun. :)


Is there anything for jDoom that lets you have modern FPS controls?

I love Doom and all, but the controls are showing their age.
Ecrofirt said:
Is there anything for jDoom that lets you have modern FPS controls?

What, like mouse look and an unneeded jump? I'm sure there is, since I used that stuff way back with Boom and DOSDoom. The mouselook at least is built in I'm sure.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Ecrofirt said:
Is there anything for jDoom that lets you have modern FPS controls?

I love Doom and all, but the controls are showing their age.

Err, yeah. The engine renders things properly in 3D as well (even if you use sprites), so looking around the level does not result in distortion.

The game controls like any modern FPS, only without a jump feature (naturally).
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