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Doom III demo


AMD 64 Mobile Athlon 3000+ 1.8ghz
Ati Mobility Radeon 9600 (latest omega drivers)
512 MB of Ram

This is gonna run like shit on my laptop, isnt it? I'll try, anyway.


Junior Ace
In before the spaghetti.



works for Gamestop (lol)
Jonny said:
AMD 64 Mobile Athlon 3000+ 1.8ghz
Ati Mobility Radeon 9600 (latest omega drivers)
512 MB of Ram

This is gonna run like shit on my laptop, isnt it? I'll try, anyway.

It'll probably be playable at medium quality


You know, my 1.5ghz, Radeon 7500 machine has practically exploded every time I try to run a new demo nowadays, yet I still have the sick urge to try this one out, just to see if maybe, through some miracle, I can run it....
Out of curiousity, what level of Doom III is in the demo? I already own the game, and have finished it, but I'm just wondering.
trippingmartian said:
The first three levels, whatever that means.

That means that it's pretty much the better part of the game if you ask me. Spreaking of that...Who's the chick in your avatar trippingmartian?


Scary Euro Man
For no apparent reason, here's a nice quote from Games(TM) on Doom 3:

"Chainsaws are for cutting trees. Mars has no trees. Discuss."


I'm pissed. The download supposedly finished but when internet explorers stupid download manager tried to copy the file to my desktop if froze on me. now its suck in the file download screen with 1 second to go and no file on my desktop! Fuck you internet explorer! Why the fuck doesn't microsoft's download manager save your progress on downloads?!?! How fucking stupid are they, really?


iapetus said:
For no apparent reason, here's a nice quote from Games(TM) on Doom 3:

"Chainsaws are for cutting trees. Mars has no trees. Discuss."

if you actually read the pda's, the employees themselves were puzzled by this.
trippingmartian said:
The first three levels, whatever that means.

If you played the first three levels you pretty much have seen all the game play Doom 3 offers. I have never felt a FPS become so tedious so rapidly.


Funky Papa said:
I can't understand the purpose of the demo. Do they want to lose potential buyers? :D
Ha, I was thinking the exact same thing.

I made it to level 10 out of 27 or so, which impresses me. My endurance for banality is better than I thought.

Your dislike of Doom 3 does little to explain why you like Quake II single player, though. ;) ;) ;)!!!!!!!!


works for Gamestop (lol)
I played a decent amount until I stopped playing
(Up to the point where you get to Hell)

The nice graphics and lighting was the only thing keeping it going for me


Ugh. My framerate sucks. It's so inconsistent, and is barely capable of hitting 30 fps for more than 3 seconds.

Running at 640x480 on Low settings on a:

P4 2GHz
64MB GeForce4 Ti4200

I need more MB's, RAM and video.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Funky Papa said:
I can't understand the purpose of the demo. Do they want to lose potential buyers? :D

The demo covers the beginning of the game, before it starts to suck immensely. So it will earn a few buyers based on extremely false perceptions.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
BenT said:
So is Doom 3 an official GAF-ENDORSED BAD GAME yet? No one here seems to like it.

I should hope so. Its really immensely crappy. The combat has zero finesse, you fight nonstop in hallways so thin that you cant dodge, so all it is, is run straight while shooting, no dodging, no tactics, no cover, just run forward with mouse_1 held down. They fully support this gameplay by placing health powerups every 6 inches.

Fuck what a stupid game, I can't believe it has over 80% at gamerankings.


works for Gamestop (lol)
It's a good game if you're a graphics whore, I'll give it that. But what Schafer said pretty much sums up my thoughts in the gameplay department


A few months from now I'll read all the major reviews of Doom 3 and see how out of touch they seem with actual reality.

Fairly, I would imagine. I'm sure there's a good article here somewhere.


okay , I admit that 2 years ago I came across a copy of the alpha of this , I only wanted to see the engine at work. it ran at around 8 FPS tops. The full game runs only about twice that which on one hand tells me I need to upgrade but on the other hand , not for this game. Schafers' impressions are pretty much dead on, while I don't hate the gameplay that much it is pretty repetative, see, games like serious sam and painkiller actually do a better job of recapturing the doom, doom 2 feeling if you want my humble opinion. Also they take a weaker system to run well.


Jack Flack always escapes!
Hmmm, I loved every minute of that game. I must have missed those crappy parts you guys are talking about. Oh well....


And even i am moderately surprised
i don't get it, i had great fun with it.
Played late at night in the dark on a projector with 5.1 sound. Very nervy at times.

It's not the best game in the world, but it's far from being a bad game. VERY far from it.

Funky Papa

BenT said:
Your dislike of Doom 3 does little to explain why you like Quake II single player, though. ;) ;) ;)!!!!!!!!
Quake II has LIGHTS and the monsters don't appear exactly on the same places on every damn room, plus, combat was ectic and vicious. Doom 3 was a fucking disaster on that regard, you can guess where are the enemies just looking at the enviroment (heck, I KNEW where the imps were going to be TELEPORTED before they appeared) :mad:

After seeing the Quake 4 scans I am going to be very cautious with my hopes BTW. I was expeting something different, that doesn't look like Quake 2 by a mile.

DCharlie said:
It's not the best game in the world, but it's far from being a bad game. VERY far from it.
Did you finished the game? It is fun for the first few hours, but it's a trainwreck after that.

Schafer said:
I should hope so. Its really immensely crappy. The combat has zero finesse, you fight nonstop in hallways so thin that you cant dodge, so all it is, is run straight while shooting, no dodging, no tactics, no cover, just run forward with mouse_1 held down. They fully support this gameplay by placing health powerups every 6 inches.
Listen to this man. He speaks teh truth.
I'm only an hour or so into the game (Alpha Labs), so maybe the repetition argument is lost on me, but I'm really failing to see what the problem with the game is.

I don't think the gameplay is shallow or repetitive. First person shooters are my favorite genre, and I've played most of them, and Doom 3 gets a lot of things right almost all FPS's get wrong. First, the controls are spot on. No mouse lag or oddities in the mechanics. Weapon change times, movement and the level design is all fantastic.

Even simple things like the item pick-ups, doors opening, in-game GUI's, and the way that your character interacts with other characters (the seemless lowering weapons/flashlight to talk), it's all polished and well designed. Nothing in the game has frustrated me. Not even dropping to the desktop to go visit a URL to get a code for a locker.

Maybe it was gimmicky, but the chaingun was worth it =)

As far as the actual gameplay goes, I don't think it's shallow at all. I feel like I'm fighting, not mindlessly shooting. If you're finding the game dull, maybe you should be playing it on a higher difficulty, rather than criticising it? It's often said to fully appreciate Halo, you should play it on Legendary - so the strengths of the games design and AI come through.

Halo is doing a lot of things different to Doom (in the type of combat, AI and environments), but my experience in Doom 3 has been anything but dull.

It seems like Doom 3 is often criticised for failing to be something it never something it never promised to be.

Funky Papa

buck naked said:
I'm only an hour or so into the game (Alpha Labs), so maybe the repetition argument is lost on me
More lost than a son of a bitch on the Fathers' Day.

Joking aside I used to think the same until every fucking enemy came after me on the same fashion and realiced that I was an unstopable, overpowered killing machine no matter what was the difficulty level. It REALLY destroys the otherwhise incredible inmersion.
Funky Papa said:
More lost than a son of a bitch on the Fathers' Day.

Joking aside I used to think the same until every fucking enemy came after me on the same fashion and realiced that I was an unstopable, overpowered killing machine no matter what was the difficulty level. It REALLY destroys the otherwhise incredible inmersion.

Haha =)

I just started playing today. I held off playing sooner, deciding to wait for my new speakers (Logitech Z-680's) and small upgrade (a second stick of 512mb CAS 2 RAM) instead.

Now the game is running at 40-60fps on high quality at 1024x768 with Dolby Digital 5.1 audio - it's a visceral treat =)


Templar, I will =)
the reason why you think there is no repetition is because you are at the start of the game. come back to us when you have played the whole thing. :)


I'm thinking of downloading this, just to see if it will start up on my 350 mhz PC with a Geforce 2 MX. Then maybe I can play with 1/10 fps!


buck naked said:
If you're finding the game dull, maybe you should be playing it on a higher difficulty, rather than criticising it? It's often said to fully appreciate Halo, you should play it on Legendary - so the strengths of the games design and AI come through.
Somehow I don't think giving the enemies more hitpoints or attack power would greatly enhance my enjoyment. It would greatly enhance my quickload utilization, though.

And good AI in an id game? Come on. :D :D :D :D :D :D ;)


Is there any good sites or something about ways to tweak this game? I have a decent setup but I'm getting like 10 fps on low detail.


LakeEarth said:
Is there any good sites or something about ways to tweak this game? I have a decent setup but I'm getting like 10 fps on low detail.

What's your rig?

I'm thinking I need to get more RAM (384MB right now), and perhaps upgrade my video card (currently a 64MB GF4 Ti4200).

I'm looking at an 128MB ATI Radeon 9800 Pro, or is that overkill for my system (P4 2GHz)?


I got a GeForce 4 MX 64 meg card, 512 ram, 2.3ghz athlon... uhh... I'm not much of a tech guy so I can't start talking about bus speeds and all that stuff but this is the only game I've ever seen it stutter on, not counting Sim City 4 at 30000 population.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Duckhuntdog said:
If you played the first three levels you pretty much have seen all the game play Doom 3 offers. I have never felt a FPS become so tedious so rapidly.

No, that's not true at all.

Honestly, the game was a bit tedious early on when all they wanted to throw at you was imps, but later on, the combat heats up quite a bit as they introduce more demons and you have to fight more efficiently as a result. I just wish the hell segments had been spread out a bit more, as that was easily the coolest level in the entire game...

I don't understand the hate myself. The game has some design flaws, that's for sure, but I thought it was pretty enjoyable most of the time.

Of course, when it comes to the FPS genre, everyone has a different opinion on what is good. The fact that there are people that believe Halo to flat out "suck" says a lot...
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