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Doom III demo

9800 Pros and Doom3 shouldn't mix. Bad things can happen.

I initially played Doom3 with P4 2.6\9800PRO\1gb and if it weren't for the constant "snow" artifacts and the fact that my card pretty much broke after a few days, I'd have said that it ran ok. That's "ok" as in not real great. I ran at 800X600 with High settings and it held 60fps when I was just standing there, but most combat dove 30 frames or over.

I replaced the 9800POS with a 6800GT. and things improved greatly. I bumped my res up to 1024x768 and now those combat framerate hits where usually lessened to 15 frames if not eliminated entirely.

I still noticed some parts of the game that sat at 30fps, and that bothered me; plus I was disgusted with the disparity in performance between Farcry's outdoor maps (CPU) and indoor maps (GPU). So I got a P4 3.4.

With a P4 3.4\6800GT\1gb Doom3 runs very well, but still cannot hold an unshakable 60frames. Combat never appears to be skipping, and I think 30fps is a rarity, but of course the flashlight still costs you.

This game isn't going to see a rock-solid 60fps, running under desired settings, for a year or more. I've learned to accept that.
dark10x said:
Honestly, the game was a bit tedious early on when all they wanted to throw at you was imps, but later on, the combat heats up quite a bit as they introduce more demons and you have to fight more efficiently as a result. I just wish the hell segments had been spread out a bit more, as that was easily the coolest level in the entire game...

The first quarter to third of the game is balls-in-a-can, looked at all-together, because it's almost 100% shooting imps with a shotgun. The level motifs don't waver one bit, the enemy roster is kept anemic, not to mention it doesn't present a hint of challenge. All the hate has to come from these stretched out early sections which only reward you for completing them by offering you another level exactly like it.

However after this portion of the game is complete, say, when you finish the Alpha Labs, things really pick up. New enemies show up about every other level, for a while, you get new toys, and you finally feel like you're in different sections of the base.

Doom3's representation of Hell is phenominal, and it's a shame we don't see more of it. The last third of the game is very good, but still not very hard.
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