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Doom III is some scary shti


works for Gamestop (lol)
It's too bad Doom3's gameplay is shallow for a FPS

Anyone else think iD was influenced by Silent Hill? If only the flashlight was hung on the marine's chest...


Yea, I mean space marines don't carry a flashlight in their hands. Its like, on their guns, on their helmets, or they have it surgically implanted in their eyeballs hooked up to that big ass battery like you find in your mom's flashlight under the kitchen sink.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I at least give the Doom universe bonus points for inventing batteries that don't die and need recharging after 30 seconds of use (Halo, Alien Vs. Predator 2, Half-Life).


Wario64 said:
It's too bad Doom3's gameplay is shallow for a FPS.
Yeah. Id really needs to hire some new game designers. It's kinda sad to see that their ideas of FPS-gameplay haven't changed since, well, the original Doom.

I mean it's a good game, but if it wasn't for the graphics and the sound, I doubt this game would have even made a dent in the reviews.


Fafracer forever
It's too bad Doom3's gameplay is shallow for a FPS
Well it plays a lot like Quake2, except that it's actually fun and has a story.

Anyone else think iD was influenced by Silent Hill?
They have a long way to go in terms of atmosphere and/or terror factor. Playing as the badass marine in D3, the only thing that occasionally scared me is falling into a deep chasm or a bad grenade bounce.

Btw, anyone else noticed how Imps make fantastic target practice for grenades? They're actually my favourite weapon, I keep running out of them. :(
teepo said:
doom3 is my goty so far :(

Doom 3 would be my GOTY so far if it weren't for FFXI on PS2.

I get scared by Doom 3 but only when I hear some monster spawn from behind right when I'm about to reload.


I reckon it's an awesome game. Not too much storyline so that you have to pay attention to every little friggin detail that those PDA's give you and not too much thinking to do. :D

Using your brain for a game (hey! that rhymes!) is a big no no for me. I'm one of those lazy people who likes to pick up a gun and start shooting at everything that moves...

"Oops! You're NOT a zombie? Why da fuck are you so pale?"


seismologist said:
I think so too. Awesome game. Well crafter level design item enemy placement. Probably the most polished FPS since Quake 2.
?? Really...well Disrupter should have been GOTY back in the day..



seismologist said:
I think so too. Awesome game. Well crafter level design item enemy placement. Probably the most polished FPS since Quake 2.

Well crafted level design? Sure it looks nice, but its a bunch of boring metal hallways and stuff. You need to play Far Cry if you want to see good level design in FPS. Varied jungle and indoor type locations and always multiple paths with different strategies to playing each, plus it looks fantastic and lets the AI really go wild with tactics and whatnot.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Doom 3 did a pretty good job of screwing with my head throughout the game. It had amazing production values, and while the levels were fairly similar (it is mostly in a military/research base after all) I can't say it ever bored me. The gameplay was certainly nothing revolutionary, more like a first-person realization of Resident Evil or Silent Hill. I had a good time. Would I play it again? Eh, not so sure...
Doom 3's Zombies have nothing on the zombies in this thread. Jesus. Cant see a mediocre PC game when its right up in their faces shitting in their mouths.

If you think Doom 3 is the shit, end yourself. System Shock 2 anyone?! Man Alive!
MrAngryFace said:
Doom 3's Zombies have nothing on the zombies in this thread. Jesus. Cant see a mediocre PC game when its right up in their faces shitting in their mouths.

If you think Doom 3 is the shit, end yourself. System Shock 2 anyone?! Man Alive!

blinded by ID love. Luckily i was a tad too young to play doom when it came out. I have been saved from the brainwashing!


Doom 3 = corridor shooter
Far Cry = beautiful island based stick figure shooter
System Shock 2 = GOTY '99 / Best hybrid RPG ever made

System Shock 2 and Doom 3 both take place in spaceships with metal walls and have--OMG they are exactly alike and it's imposssibly for someone to like SS2 and D3 OMG all D3 likers are zombies because they don't like a game that has the same type of levels!!
I liked how Doom 3 had to remind you what level you were on with the name in the lower left because the fuckin' level designers couldn't distinguish them otherwise.

SaitoH said:
It's always cool to hate something that's popular.


Ps. That video was stupid.

In this case rightfully so. Doom3 is boring with repetitive gameplay. People calling it goty have something wrong with them. UT2k4 is a better game


Ante Up
The graphics certainly played a role in how I felt about the game. I'd give it a high '8' type of score.

Farcry is soundly beating it in gameplay, however. Can't wait for the DOOM 3 based games.
ProTip: I hate Painkiller, yet Painkiller did a better job with its monster closets.

ProTip#2: Those touting Doom 3 for 'scary' (and I use the term loosely) atmosphere obviously havent played system shock 2, which has way more terror involved and is about actual survival.

Doom 3 is pretty yes, Doom 3 sounds nice yes, but is it a good game? Well if your idea of a good game is a benchmark demo, then hell YES DOOM 3 IS GOTY IT HAS MARINES AND IF YOU HATE IT YOU ARE JUST A HATER CAUSE SOMETHING THAT SELLS WELL IS OBVIOUSLY GOOD CAUSE MAJORITY RULES AND PEOPLE IN GENERAL MAKE VALUE PURCHASES!

*caps used for emphasis and comedy*
MrAngryFace said:
Doom 3's Zombies have nothing on the zombies in this thread. Jesus. Cant see a mediocre PC game when its right up in their faces shitting in their mouths.

If you think Doom 3 is the shit, end yourself. System Shock 2 anyone?! Man Alive!

Ah. I see now. Clearly your opinion is the correct one. Forgot about that.

Next time I start liking a game I'll send you a pm, making sure it's okay to like it.

Would that be good?
Hating Doom 3 is hating America, and if you don't buy Doom 3 the terrorists have already won, probably by jumping out of closets which is apparently very scary!


MrPing1000 said:
In this case rightfully so. Doom3 is boring with repetitive gameplay. People calling it goty have something wrong with them. UT2k4 is a better game

You forgot the "in your opinion" in that post.

I own Doom 3, UT2k4, as well as the mighty System Shock 2, Thief 3 and Far cry. In my opinion, Doom 3 is a fantastic shooter. One of the best I've played in years. I can't say it's goty, because I haven't played Half-life 2 yet, but definitely one of the best games this year, thus far.

SaitoH said:
You forgot the "in your opinion" in that post.

I own Doom 3, UT2k4, as well as the mighty System Shock 2, Thief 3 and Far cry. In my opinion, Doom 3 is a fantastic shooter. One of the best I've played in years. I can't say it's goty, because I haven't played Half-life 2 yet, but definitely one of the best games this year, thus far.


would u like me to add "in your opinion" to every post I make, incase people think I speak for everyone?


MrPing1000 said:
would u like me to add "in your opinion" to every post I make, incase people think I speak for everyone?

Well if you are going to make a retarded blanket statement like: "People calling it goty have something wrong with them. UT2k4 is a better game", then yes.

I love how people use 'IN YOUR OPINION' in threads like these as if they've found a massive loophole in the conflicting argument.

The issue isnt if its my opinion or your opinion, its that your opinion is stupid and mine is not.


Tag of Excellence
MrAngryFace said:
System Shock 2 anyone?!
Gattsu25 said:
System Shock 2 = GOTY '99 / Best hybrid RPG ever made

Who cares if you don't agree with them, the important part is that you look at those two specific parts.

If you haven't done so already play that game. If not then Drinky is right, the terrorists have already won.


MrAngryFace said:
I love how people use 'IN YOUR OPINION' in threads like these as if they've found a massive loophole in the conflicting argument.

The issue isnt if its my opinion or your opinion, its that your opinion is stupid and mine is not.

Yes, your opinion is indeed stupid.


*drowns in jizz*
Yay, I feel so inclined to jump into this fucking lame discussion! Or not..

I've played and beaten Doom3. What did I think? Actually, I dont have the urge to tell anyone. Whatever I thought of it is my own business. If I enjoyed it, my gain, if I didnt, my loss. Wow, what a fucking concept!

You people have issues.


Queen of Denmark
Slurpy said:
I've played and beaten Doom3. What did I think? Actually, I dont have the urge to tell anyone. Whatever I thought of it is my own business. If I enjoyed it, my gain, if I didnt, my loss. Wow, what a fucking concept!

Some people are interested in what others have to say about Doom 3, or cars, or chairs, or any other of billions upon billions of topics in this world. If they enjoy talking about their opinions and debating them, their gain. If you don't, stay out of it. Wow, what a fucking concept!

God, if everyone walked around with this mentality, no one would ever talk about anything. You're welcome to keep your opinions to yourself, but don't tell people who want to share theirs that they "have issues".



SaitoH said:
Yes, your opinion is indeed stupid.

Pure Fact

Slurpy said:
Yay, I feel so inclined to jump into this fucking lame discussion! Or not..

I've played and beaten Doom3. What did I think? Actually, I dont have the urge to tell anyone. Whatever I thought of it is my own business. If I enjoyed it, my gain, if I didnt, my loss. Wow, what a fucking concept!
It's sad that we've reached the point where people cant appreciate simple yet effective incredibly polished gameplay.
Everything has to be a "hybrid" FPS-action-adventure-stealth-RPG-dating sim for people to even give it the time of day . bleh...

Just give me more high andrenaline mindless shooters and day. I dont want to have to think while I'm playing an FPS. My only real disappointment with Doom 3 is that you can't hide in shadows.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
seismologist said:
It's sad that we've reached the point where people cant appreciate simple yet effective incredibly polished gameplay.
Everything has to be a "hybrid" FPS-action-adventure-stealth-RPG-dating sim for people to even give it the time of day . bleh...

Just give me more high andrenaline mindless shooters and day. I dont want to have to think while I'm playing an FPS. My only real disappointment with Doom 3 is that you can't hide in shadows.
If the gameplay isn't new, then it's old. And that's exactly what Doom3's gameplay is. Beyond the incredibly graphics, I've played this dozens of times years ago.


I like System Shock... but who are you trying to fool? System Shock 2 was scary for about 10 minutes at the start of the game. Thats it.


seismologist said:
Just give me more high andrenaline mindless shooters and day. I dont want to have to think while I'm playing an FPS. My only real disappointment with Doom 3 is that you can't hide in shadows.

I enjoy those type of games too, I just don't think Doom 3 is one of the better ones. If a game is gonna have mindless shooting, it better have varied environments and enemies to keep it interesting. I enjoyed the Serious Sam games more than I have Doom 3.
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