Hm, guys, this game is sequel of DOOM II ?!?!
I found Soul Cube Easter Egg.![]()
The game is a sequel to Doom 1, 2 and Doom 64
Hm, guys, this game is sequel of DOOM II ?!?!
I found Soul Cube Easter Egg.![]()
Hm, guys, this game is sequel of DOOM II ?!?!
I found Soul Cube Easter Egg.![]()
They call this a reboot but story elements lead me to believe it's a sequel. And someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Doom 64 has a different Doomguy. I think at the end of Doom 64 he decides to stay in Hell to make sure they never invade again. Kind of a tragic ending really.The game is a sequel to Doom 1, 2 and Doom 64
I really never ever got the impression this was the case at all. It really did just look like shoot, run at them, glory kill, rinse and repeat - regardless of difficulty.
They call this a reboot but story elements lead me to believe it's a sequel. And someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Doom 64 has a different Doomguy. I think at the end of Doom 64 he decides to stay in Hell to make sure they never invade again. Kind of a tragic ending really.
They call this a reboot but story elements lead me to believe it's a sequel. And someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Doom 64 has a different Doomguy. I think at the end of Doom 64 he decides to stay in Hell to make sure they never invade again. Kind of a tragic ending really.
This game actually kinda rewrites the end to Doom 64
When the Doomguy enters the Blood Temple, he gets trapped in a sarcaphogus and then locked away
It is, 100%, the same guy from Doom 1,2 and 64
Brilliant and thanks. That looked exactly what I want, although presumably that was pc? Can I ask you FOV and game difficulty?
I think it was the same Doomguy. IIRC it's because of the experience and surviving the first 2 Doom games and the story that Doomguy goes back to stop Hell once and for all in Doom 64. I think the preamble talks about him speaking to shrinks and whatnot because nobody believed him on what happened on Mars or something. lol
It does sound like this game rewrites Doom 64 indeed. I never knew if Doom 64 was Canon anyway considering it was developed by Midway.This game actually kinda rewrites the end to Doom 64
When the Doomguy enters the Blood Temple, he gets trapped in a sarcaphogus and then locked away
It is, 100%, the same guy from Doom 1,2 and 64
After playing some of the campaign and not liking it very much I tried the multi player and I must say I am pleasantly surprised, I enjoy it a lot more than the single player. Only thing I would change is the announcer, he doesn't fit very well.
Isnt it awesome how they maintain the mythology of the games?
So much fun.
The game is more of a Doom 3 than the real Doom 3.
I'm having so much fucking fun with this game. Is the soundtrack for the game available anywhere?
I said this quite a few pages ago but my favorite thing in the game is
the scene where you see Olivia Pierce talk to a disembodied voice who is supposed to be the "big bad" and she just told him that DoomGuy is lose. The big bad then immediately goes "ok,alright,pack it up,that's it,he got out and we are fucked." and Olivia actually has to interject and say she has a plan to continue.
Doom Guy is so epic, the big bad declares "war over" the moment it hears he is around
God damn. Rocking this at work. Makes sending emails feel bad ass.
They dont call them Challenges for nothing lol...some of those Runes are ridiculously hard...kill 3 Imps with a Glory Kill while falling down on them in 30 seconds...? yeah right,I have a hard time doing one in that time lol...just giving up on them,sucks for the rewards but oh well.
The hardest for me thus far was "you can only move for 3 seconds after each kill, kill 15"They dont call them Challenges for nothing lol...some of those Runes are ridiculously hard...kill 3 Imps with a Glory Kill while falling down on them in 30 seconds...? yeah right,I have a hard time doing one in that time lol...just giving up on them,sucks for the rewards but oh well.
Reading all these positive impressions is weakening my resolve.
I reckon once UC4 is done I'll trade that for Doom. If I enjoy it anything like as much as I enjoyed TNO then I'll be a happy bunny.
Holy crap.
To emphasize what this game is to me, a little about myself: I'm 35 years old. My first ever PC game was Wolfenstein, and DOOM followed soon after. I played a lot of it, both solo and with my friends over modem. Then came Quake, the internet and things moved online, but I always played the high paced, straight forward shooters. That's what defined me as a gamer, and continues to do so.
Straight forward, fast paced, skill based twitch shooters pretty much died when tech reached the point where semi-realism became viable, and such games took off. Don't get me wrong, I love Far Cry 3 for example, but the subgenre that DOOM stands for pretty much died off, with few exceptions like Bulletstorm or Serious Sam, which were good, but not great. I wasn't sure the days of me jumping around firing rockets, chainsawing enemies and flying around using jump pads would ever come back, at least not in any solid, modernized form. Heck, I wasn't even sure it would work anymore, even for me.
But here we are... THIS is the game I've been waiting for for the last 10 years.
This game fucking sings. Each and every design decision in it support one or both of the two things that matter: The gameplay and the atmosphere. It gives me the type of rush I haven't gotten from a game in years. 30 minutes after starting I was jumping around and blasting demons in the face with a shotgun like the past 10+ years of my life had never happened. I was back in my youth, playing a game that doesn't try to hook you through anything else than being fun to play.
I have to tear myself away from this game. The way they've managed to bring modern game design paradigms into the mix with all the upgrades, without taking away from the straight forward aspect of the gameplay, is impressive as hell. All the weapons feel right, all the skills feel right. It feels new and just like DOOM at the same time. So fast, so fierce, and so precise. Compared to other recent games, I feel like I am one with the controls, I don't even register using a mouse and a keyboard... what I wish to happen just happens. It's an amazing feeling having after such a long time away from it. Game also looks pretty, and runs near-perfect.
And I'm still pretty good at it, too! Whenever I get near death, the adrenaline kicks in and I let my instincts take over, and it's like I'm 15 years old again, taking out enemies at a pace that will make a sidestander wonder what the hell is even happening on my screen. It really is a shame that so many people will be experiencing this with a gamepad. I am not in a "team" when it comes to gaming, I have consoles and I have the PC, but this sure as shit is one game you want to play with m+kb. I wouldn't play a soccer game or fighter with a keyboard, and just the same, I wouldn't play this with a gamepad.
10/10. GOTY. id software just resurrected from the dead and jumped straight onto my AAA developer list that really isn't long. Good lord what a surprise.
Hype over. Buy this game. We need more games like these.
If you time your double jumps well you can do glory kills from above as well.
So what's the ideal way to take out the guys with shields? I try jumping over them to shoot from behind but they turn around pretty quickly. Chainsaw is a easy option.
So what's the ideal way to take out the guys with shields? I try jumping over them to shoot from behind but they turn around pretty quickly. Chainsaw is a easy option.
So what's the ideal way to take out the guys with shields? I try jumping over them to shoot from behind but they turn around pretty quickly. Chainsaw is a easy option.
I love how this game commits to its tone. The game knows its a ridiculous adrenaline fueled action romp but doesn't go into camp territory with it. Doomguy basically giving a non-verbal fuck off to Hayden as Hayden gives his "benefit of mankind" speech in the intro before dropping the title screen while metal fucking music plays, ultimately ending with the sound off the shotgun being cocked, was a perfect tone setter for "go forth and rip and tear"
Plasma rifle stun shot is my goto for them. That alt fire is kind of overpower in some ways.
Plasma rifle stun shot is my goto for them. That alt fire is kind of overpower in some ways.
Apparently FPS have trained me to try and reload whenever my gun's ammo indicator isn't full. At least I get to look at the pretty chainsaw.
So what's the ideal way to take out the guys with shields? I try jumping over them to shoot from behind but they turn around pretty quickly. Chainsaw is a easy option.
Plasma rifle stun shot is my goto for them. That alt fire is kind of overpower in some ways.
If you brought up playing games like Doom, then this game really nails it, but the modern generation just are not bothered about these style of games.
Apparently FPS have trained me to try and reload whenever my gun's ammo indicator isn't full. At least I get to look at the pretty chainsaw.
And that's kind of coincidental too because the chainsaw is a bit of a reloader.
If you brought up playing games like Doom, then this game really nails it, but the modern generation just are not bothered about these style of games.