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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done

There are only a handful of shooters I *really* like - Halo 3, Perfect Dark, and Goldeneye

This game, though a little *too* red and dark for my tastes, is AWESOME. Just gloriously tense and badass throughout every level

Just beat the last
Argent Tower mission, now warping to hell
. Hope the next set of environments varies the scenery up a little, but either way, everything else about this game rules

You do get some varied scenery, but I think one of the game's strengths is that it sticks to such a consistent visual theme throughout. I personally never felt it to be monotonous and thought the visual pacing was on point.


everything is saved
if you go back to earlier missions you have all the current upgrades as well

why hello. So there's no "100% playthrough" really, but rather a "100% save slot". So i can do cleanup on misc. challenges or weapon masteries in any mission i choose?

that's super neat, thanks for clearing that up. That'll make me a lot less anxious and enjoy my playthrough a lot more :)
As I was playing back through this game, I couldn't help but wonder, "What would it be like if it were set to the music of the originals?" I eventually decided to capture footage from most of the levels and set them to the songs I thought fit best.

Here's the end result:

I hope you guys enjoy!



I bought the game recently and tried out the multiplayer just now, and my god it's awful, the gunplay and the arena style maps clash horribly, the time to kill is incredibly low. It's just complete shit.


So uh...

Not many people playing MP on XBO huh? Been sitting in a queue for 20 mins now. Maybe I'm playing at the wrong time?

I played half a dozen games when I first got the game no problem, but I didn't win any, and I need that last achievement :S


I bought the game recently and tried out the multiplayer just now, and my god it's awful, the gunplay and the arena style maps clash horribly, the time to kill is incredibly low. It's just complete shit.

The time-to-kill is low? Everyone has been complaining that it's too high (since we're not picking up weapons, weapons are weaker).


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
I have a mixed feeling about this game.
I like the gameplay, the graphics, the gore, speed and all, but I don't feel like playing it for to long. It kinda bores me to quick. I can't really explain. I'm still at the beggining of the campaign, so maybe is that?


I have a mixed feeling about this game.
I like the gameplay, the graphics, the gore, speed and all, but I don't feel like playing it for to long. It kinda bores me to quick. I can't really explain. I'm still at the beggining of the campaign, so maybe is that?

to be fair, i feel the same. I only play 1 mission / session, really.

but i'm a huge completionist and that "save and quit" button after 100%ing a level is just so tempting. it gives a nice sense of closure to each single mission.


The time-to-kill is low? Everyone has been complaining that it's too high (since we're not picking up weapons, weapons are weaker).

Let me rephrase that, damage drop-off is completely broken, from afar weapons do hardly anything, but up close they will one shot you or two shot you.
So up close the time to kill is way too low, and from far away it's to high.
So i just got back from the first level in hell, how long do i have left? This game is just insanely fun, but im constantly worried its gonna run out of enemies/weapons to throw at me.... it hasnt so far, but its just so typical for games these days!


So i just got back from the first level in hell, how long do i have left? This game is just insanely fun, but im constantly worried its gonna run out of enemies/weapons to throw at me.... it hasnt so far, but its just so typical for games these days!

you're a little bit less than halfway through the game (seeing as mission 1 is ridiculously short)


Let me rephrase that, damage drop-off is completely broken, from afar weapons do hardly anything, but up close they will one shot you or two shot you.
So up close the time to kill is way too low, and from far away it's to high.

I'm confused by the dislike for the multiplayer in this game. I think it's a blast and a refreshing break away from 'aim down sights' in multiplayer games on console.

What guns are you using that suffer damage drop off? I use the burst rifle and does a consistent 10 points of damage to the body and 15 to the head?

Edit : also the controls in this game are TIGHT. I'm managing to pull off some seriously impressive shots on PS4 because the cursor goes EXACTLY where I want to put it on both the X & Y axis. After playing Overwatch where the controls (to me) are seriously flawed.


I'm confused by the dislike for the multiplayer in this game. I think it's a blast and a refreshing break away from 'aim down sights' in multiplayer games on console.

What guns are you using that suffer damage drop off? I use the burst rifle and does a consistent 10 points of damage to the body and 15 to the head?

Edit : also the controls in this game are TIGHT. I'm managing to pull off some seriously impressive shots on PS4 because the cursor goes EXACTLY where I want to put it on both the X & Y axis. After playing Overwatch where the controls (to me) are seriously flawed.

Well I'm a fan of TF2/Quake style multiplayer, and to me it just sort of feels like Call of Duty and Quake had an ugly baby.

Maybe I haven't played enough, I'm also on PC so it's pretty different.
I have a mixed feeling about this game.
I like the gameplay, the graphics, the gore, speed and all, but I don't feel like playing it for to long. It kinda bores me to quick. I can't really explain. I'm still at the beggining of the campaign, so maybe is that?

Its so frantic that I tend to play it in short bursts. It's non-stop, but it's brilliant fun. Best shotgun in gaming.


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
Its so frantic that I tend to play it in short bursts. It's non-stop, but it's brilliant fun. Best shotgun in gaming.

Maybe my problem is that I just finished Blood & Wine. So I went from Beauclair to Hell. That's a hell of a difference.


Maybe my problem is that I just finished Blood & Wine. So I went from Beauclair to Hell. That's a hell of a difference.

DOOM is a series about immediacy. I play both the original Doom and the new DOOM only about 1-2 hours in a given day, but these games provide immediate fun in those 1-2 hours. Playing an open world RPG like The Witcher is better suited for longer, more drawn out play sessions.

It depends what mood you're in.


Played the demo on X1 and its amazing. The intro when you are going up the elevator to the outside of the planet with the insanely crunchy, gothic, industrial theme roaring in the background, gave me goosebumps. Mick Gordon is a genius. They need to release the OST ASAP. Had to resort to listening to it in my office via YouTube. My coworkers must have thought I was performing an exorcism or something.

Really want to purchase digitally, it has to go on sale soon I would imagine?

I really need the soundtrack and just more music like this in general.

Someone with good music knowledge should do a music inspired by Doom playlist for Spotify.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Is there some kind of progress killing bug in the room before the Lazarus Elevator? The holographic sequence that shows civilians running into occurs, and then I hoi the computer panel to open the door. I ripped the eye out of whatever you call those things, and killed all the enemies that were summoned. I had to stop playing, and when I went back, it has me in the previous room, but with no computer panel active to open the door. You can go one room back and do the glory kill rune trial, but there doesn't appear to be a way back into the elevator room.

Loving the game up to this point, but I appear to be screwed in getting further. Thus is version 1.03 on PS4.
Both the arena spaces and the levels themselves become more open-ended and intricate. Also, the combat itself becomes more complex as more and more weapons, enemies, and power-ups are introduced, along with the more complex arenas.

nightmare looks locked but you can play it from start, there is only one locked difficulty and that is ultra nightmare with permadeath
make sure to play on nightmare

I didn't like the game after the first level, you have to learn how it wants to be played, and as lxion said, the weapons get so much better and more fun, the standard gun and shotgun are really lame. after a few hours I realized this is one of the best shooters ever and easily the best one of the last 10 years. I absolutely love it.

The game keeps adding weapons and enemy types, the first level pretty dry since you're just fighting basic garbage enemies with the pistol for most of it.

It gets better and better and better.
By the time you have all the weapons the game starts throwing insane shit at you that completely changes the way you have to play the game (in comparison to the early levels).

It becomes way more frantic, way more intense and way more fun, especially if you're playing on Ultra Violence or Nightmare.

Thanks for all of the replies. Sounds good, though I may wait to get it until my next break in college work in a couple of months.


Well I'm a dumbass. I was joining the queue for the playlist in MP expecting it to put me into any of the game modes selected and wondering why I wasn't getting in games. Selected TDM and got straight in.

So 1000/1000 now. Man that Ultra Nightmare level was brutal.


Also I think I might like the multiplayer more than Overwatch.


As I was playing back through this game, I couldn't help but wonder, "What would it be like if it were set to the music of the originals?" I eventually decided to capture footage from most of the levels and set them to the songs I thought fit best.

Here's the end result:

I hope you guys enjoy!


Very nice. I'd thought about cutting together something like this myself, using Sonic Clang and Andrew Hulshult's mixes instead of the original MIDI tracks. Really love the vibe in the sequence at 17:55.


hit argent tower on ultra nightmare .... think im gonna stop for now and continue later lol. argent facility was a bitch to get through


The Doom RPG SnapMap feels like it could have been DLC. Had more fun in it than the campaign tbh. The difficulty was great (that wasn't just going through the game with no deaths).

I'm holding that first place spot in the leader boards though. :p


Question - rather than using a field drone on an upgrade I don't want (I'm only on level 2 - started playing yesterday) could I instead ignore the drone and play the level again once I've got better weapons and it will still be there to upgrade those weapons instead?

Thanks :)
Just beat the game, freaking incredible! Dat
ending! Dem credits!

I have a spoilerific question for you guys though.
I didn't really follow the story about the wraiths at the end, can someone explain this?


Question - rather than using a field drone on an upgrade I don't want (I'm only on level 2 - started playing yesterday) could I instead ignore the drone and play the level again once I've got better weapons and it will still be there to upgrade those weapons instead?

Thanks :)

The number of drones equals the total number of upgrades for all weapons, so if you want to upgrade all weapons you will have to replay a level if you missed the drone on it. I'm not sure I explained it very well but in answer to your question, yes, you can do that. :)


The number of drones equals the total number of upgrades for all weapons, so if you want to upgrade all weapons you will have to replay a level if you missed the drone on it. I'm not sure I explained it very well but in answer to your question, yes, you can do that. :)
You answered fine :) I think you're also saying I might as well upgrade it though - because there are enough drones to get all of the upgrades...


Hell will blow your mind with its awesomeness. The first Hell level is possibly my favorite out of the entire game for numerous reasons.

Kadingir Sanctum is a huge level, I never realised how big it was till I got to the end of it...Wonder when the Cyber Demon pops up...I have been waiting to face him for sometime now...


You answered fine :) I think you're also saying I might as well upgrade it though - because there are enough drones to get all of the upgrades...

Sure. Just be aware that some of the drones are well hidden and you may miss them on your first playthrough of certain maps. Or until you upgrade your suit to show all the map's secrets.


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
Jesus fuck, these classic maps are some bullshit. They should add even more soldiers and pinky demons to every room. Got to the final room of Phobos Labs only to be annihilated by 4 pinkies and no less than a dozen soldiers. It's getting to the point where they just aren't fun. They didn't even try to balance it.

Luckily the main game is fantastic. Just beat level 8. Playing on Ultra Violence. Been finding all the secrets and everything in every level. Difficulty is pretty comfortable. maybe even a little easier than I'd like (except for those unfair classic maps).


Based off all the great impressions I read it in this thread, I bought Doom last week and beat it tonight. What a ride! First game in a while where I actually wanted to find all the secret/collectibles just because how fun it was to discover hidden nooks and crannies. Combat was addictive, and I never got sick of glory kills. I do wish there was at least 1 or 2 more bosses in the game though, as I highly enjoyed the 3 that were in the game. Not sure if this is a common sentiment. Lastly, I have played too many shooters over the last couple years that focus too much on story; Doom was great because I could more or less completely ignore it and just have fun.

My 2nd favourite game this year right after Dark Souls III.


I'm quite far in the game and haven't hit a classic Map yet.

So I'm assuming my eyes are not catching the entrances.

What do they look like?

This game is truly amazing. The controls are so well done. Only thing that bothers me is stopping in the middle of the action to use the weapon wheel on console.


I'm quite far in the game and haven't hit a classic Map yet.

So I'm assuming my eyes are not catching the entrances.

What do they look like?

This game is truly amazing. The controls are so well done. Only thing that bothers me is stopping in the middle of the action to use the weapon wheel on console.

I only found the one in the first level. It was a
lever that opened up a secret door
. They seem ultra hidden since I've never seen another one ever


I'm quite far in the game and haven't hit a classic Map yet.

So I'm assuming my eyes are not catching the entrances.

What do they look like?

This game is truly amazing. The controls are so well done. Only thing that bothers me is stopping in the middle of the action to use the weapon wheel on console.

you can usually spot them on the map as rooms you have not found, yet. not all of them but most

there is always a lever that opens them and in most cases it's nearby. not in the same room but maybe 30 seconds away.


I'm quite far in the game and haven't hit a classic Map yet.

So I'm assuming my eyes are not catching the entrances.

What do they look like?

This game is truly amazing. The controls are so well done. Only thing that bothers me is stopping in the middle of the action to use the weapon wheel on console.

All of them are found by
finding a hidden lever, which opens the door to them. They are hide to find, I had to use a guide to find some of them.


Oh my goodness, campaign feels so bare after playing that DOOM RPG map for like 7 hours haha. id, please give us a Final Doom experience like that for the next single player experience
Opened my father's day gift and my daughter gifted me Doom on the Xbox One (she is only 3 so I dont know how she bought it without ID).

Remember playing Doom on shareware on a floppy disc as a wide eyed 10 year old. I can't wait to try this game after all of the reactions.


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
I'm quite far in the game and haven't hit a classic Map yet.

So I'm assuming my eyes are not catching the entrances.

What do they look like?

This game is truly amazing. The controls are so well done. Only thing that bothers me is stopping in the middle of the action to use the weapon wheel on console.

A few of them are behind large, sturdy looking doors. Most of them are just behind inconspicuous walls. They're easy to find by checking the map and seeing that there's a room behind a wall that you haven't explored. They are opened with levers that are on the ground somewhere in the vicinity of the door.

The levers are dull looking and hard to spot, so they are much harder to find than the door itself. After you find the classic level, the full version of the level is available from the main menu.


I've been playing this for the last day or two on my Xbox and I really like it, but I've run into a weird bug. I just entered the Foundry and all of a sudden the sound mix has gone nuts. My guns and badguys make noises, but I have no background music or any ambient noise. So if I'm not fighting the game is literally silent. When I enter the pause menu there's music. I can live with this for one level but if the rest of my whole game i screwed up I'm kinda pissed. Anyone else have this issue?


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
I've been playing this for the last day or two on my Xbox and I really like it, but I've run into a weird bug. I just entered the Foundry and all of a sudden the sound mix has gone nuts. My guns and badguys make noises, but I have no background music or any ambient noise. So if I'm not fighting the game is literally silent. When I enter the pause menu there's music. I can live with this for one level but if the rest of my whole game i screwed up I'm kinda pissed. Anyone else have this issue?

I ran into this yesterday in level 7. A lot of missing sounds. No footsteps, jump noises, etc. Gun shots worked though. It didn't last long though. I think it fixed itself after I died.

Had some weird mapping issues in Kadinger Sanctum too. Parts of my map weren't filling out when I walked there, and my cursor was too high and to the right of where I actually was. Had a few Lost Souls get frozen into place and say textures disappear a few times too. Just a buggy load in of the level i guess.
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