This was already posted in the SnapMap thread, but the first update was announced, which includes improvements to all three modes:
The multiplayer update already happened last night.
PHOTO MODE!? Nobody hyped for this?
This was already posted in the SnapMap thread, but the first update was announced, which includes improvements to all three modes:
The multiplayer update already happened last night.
$39.99 on PS4 and Xbox One -
Just ordered it myself.
Do we know how long it's going to be this price at BB for?
It's one of this week's deals. You have until the 18th.
So this isn't a permanent price drop then? Maybe I should get it...
As someone who LOVED DOOM 3, will I like this?
I didn't play Doom 3 but it seemed more horror themed with less action, smaller areas, and fewer enemies? If so you won't get a similar experience here as this game has larger arenas and you're expected to fight armies at once, though this is still a fantastic game.
So this isn't a permanent price drop then? Maybe I should get it...
As someone who LOVED DOOM 3, will I like this?
Ok, thanks for the reply
Found a used copy that is cheaper. Does the game include some sort of code for additional content? the used copy does not have any code.
Really, I thought id telegraphed there would be more coming after reading this quote from Eurogamer's coverage:No single player DLC :-/
"We know that talk will only go so far with players and hope that our actions this year continue to give players across every component of the game - multiplayer, singleplayer and SnapMap - more and more reasons to continue playing and enjoying the game in whatever way they choose," Stratton says.
DOOM VR coming next year
Yes! Doom must be the first time I've been disappointed I couldn't view a game's credits from the menu screen.
Anyone have any idea what's going on with that?
they're finally adding deathmatch
this game might be saved!
This game would be so much better if it wasn't just arena fights.
With free roaming monsters and more classic map design it would be one of the best games ever.
Couple of things.
1. Hot shit wow god damn whoa. I've missed this kind of shooter sooooo much.
2. Got a Metroid Prime touch to it.
It really doesn't. It has a DOOM touch to it.
DOOM had open level design nearly 10 years before metroid prime came out. Silly fan boys slapping "FPA" label on it because they'd never played a pc shooter before doesn't really change that.
It really doesn't. It has a DOOM touch to it.
DOOM had open level design nearly 10 years before metroid prime came out. Silly fan boys slapping "FPA" label on it because they'd never played a pc shooter before doesn't really change that.
It really doesn't. It has a DOOM touch to it.
DOOM had open level design nearly 10 years before metroid prime came out. Silly fan boys slapping "FPA" label on it because they'd never played a pc shooter before doesn't really change that.
A bit off-topic, but if anyone wants to run with this one... Gotta say, just started it the other day, not even a little concerned with the "lack of a story." In fact, while playing Doom, I've found the lore to be pretty dang fun/intriguing. I have to wonder if the people knocking games like Doom for a lack of narrative are the types who just run n gun their way through, paying no attention to the environment and the things it possesses. Any thoughts?
Dat classic Doom platforming.