This is the secular equivalent of man standing on street corner with sign, for people in which science is their religion:
But the result is the same. It's a nice, well intentioned call for peace, for making good use of our time, but nothing more. No matter how educated you are, you don't know any better how close to the end our world is, no more than any other person making a guess. Something as complex as that cannot be predicted by a bunch of experts who only specialize in one field and have very little understanding beyond that (even if they talk to others, they will not be experts in those other fields). You can list a bunch of reasons why but things could change, new developments happen, and any number of random and unforeseen factors could alter the course of history and of the future. Just a bunch of educated fucks who have about as little power as the rest of us, trying to exert some kind of influence in the most unsociable way as only nerds who spend a lifetime in lab coats looking into microscopes know how.
Btw, the clock comes from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, not even a conglomeration of scientists from across the spectrum. Nots Psychologists, Sociologists, Philosophers, Behavioralists, Historians, Politicians, etc. Which means they have as much clue about human behavior, and humans--the ones who will press the buttons--any of us.
Nope. Nope. Put it back 30 seconds. It doesn't scan properly with the chorus any more..
Damn, beaten, I came to post this. Iron Maiden, legends