The fuck are you even wanting a sub for swtor for jesus christI feel terrible for not having a compedium by now. This non existent peer pressure is too much for me.
Its either compedium or expansion + sub for swtor.
The fuck are you even wanting a sub for swtor for jesus christI feel terrible for not having a compedium by now. This non existent peer pressure is too much for me.
Its either compedium or expansion + sub for swtor.
Here is some discussion on several ways to do it:
The fuck are you even wanting a sub for swtor for jesus christ
How do you find out a LeagueID to do the auto spectate script? Wondering for East Qualifiers and other TI3 stuff.
For the autospectate script so you don't have to babysit your computer to get courier views or if you just want to lazily watch.Sorry for asking (I'm behind on all of this, because I was swamped in College Finals the past 2 weeks). Just got my compendium 2 days ago, and couldn't place predictions on the West Qualifiers (have mine in for East though).
But why would anyone want to do this?
Is there any item worse than Ethereal Blade? Cant think of a single situation where it is worth the money: if you're a carry you wont prob rely that much on magical damage (your auto-attacks will do more damage by the time you get EB), and as a support its too expensive, and there are also a lot of better support items to get. They should buff ethereal blast and make it work only on the target, not the hero using it.
Why is that even a choice?! Look at what you get!
You could just collect cards and sell them.
The fuck are you even wanting a sub for swtor for jesus christ
I take it you weren't around for TI2.
Is there any item worse than Ethereal Blade? Cant think of a single situation where it is worth the money: if you're a carry you wont prob rely that much on magical damage (your auto-attacks will do more damage by the time you get EB), and as a support its too expensive, and there are also a lot of better support items to get. They should buff ethereal blast and make it work only on the target, not the hero using it.
Was that the time the nerfed EB? I was wondering why it went from 2,5x to 2x, it's useles now![]()
I don't really have interest in the league but is the compendium worth it?
I know you get a courier and HUD but is there anything else?
I don't really have interest in the league but is the compendium worth it?
I know you get a courier and HUD but is there anything else?
EB is scary on a Morphling
Yeah, never really play him much. I guess morphing into agility and using EB can be quite good. But since they nerfed him, it would be good to make this item good with more than 1 hero.
It's p good on skywrath too
Is there any item worse than Ethereal Blade? Cant think of a single situation where it is worth the money: if you're a carry you wont prob rely that much on magical damage (your auto-attacks will do more damage by the time you get EB), and as a support its too expensive, and there are also a lot of better support items to get. They should buff ethereal blast and make it work only on the target, not the hero using it.
a battle bonus that lasts until late august I think, potentially a taunt, an item and the chance to vote for the next hero.
edit: EB is pretty niche but I think skadi or sny are my least used items/items I don't see much use for.
The battlebonus alone is worth it, all the other stuff is nice too.
Taunt is the next one up. I think it's very likely.Thanks guys.
What's the chance of a taunt?
Is there any item worse than Ethereal Blade? Cant think of a single situation where it is worth the money: if you're a carry you wont prob rely that much on magical damage (your auto-attacks will do more damage by the time you get EB), and as a support its too expensive, and there are also a lot of better support items to get. They should buff ethereal blast and make it work only on the target, not the hero using it.
For the autospectate script so you don't have to babysit your computer to get courier views or if you just want to lazily watch.
It's p good on skywrath too
DD have been so impressive lately. They were completely off my radar until the qualifiers. It's funny that EE was whining that they got an invite.
I am honestly curious what route valve/icefrog will be taking after the "port" is complete from dota 1 to dota 2.
Hopefully icefrog doesn't let the limitations of dota 1 interfere with dota 2. I want to see new items and new heroes that weren't possible in the WC3 engine. Hearing that icefrog wants to update the games equally is a good thing, but at the same time it worries me. I don't want icefrog to balance the game around a limited and outdated engine.
Mouz or EG?
Mouz or EG?
EG, Mouz gonna farm for 25 minutes and then get team wiped.
Syndturtle vs Egthrow
The ultimate showdown.