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Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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will learn eventually
Stop inviting him. <- hardcore measure

Tell him that not a single pro game starts like that because it fucking sucks and he will get the lane to himself and see how well he fares. Because then he will certainly lose the lane and be pissed. Let him see firsthand how well a build with tangoes fares.

If nothing works, challenge him to 1on1 mid where he buys stuff like this and you buy items that work.


Corporate Apologist
Can anyone explain this?
me 400 wins
scrub 1 11 wins
scrub 2 21 wins
scrub 3 13 wins
scrub 4 22 wins

The enemy team had someone with 789 wins and the rest were 300-500ish, What a broken piece of shit the MM is. It cannot be defended really. Is it so much to ask to be put into a game were everyone is of an equal skill level? I guess so.

fuck you valve

Your team of scrubs is a bunch of smurf accounts.


Stop inviting him. <- hardcore measure

Tell him that not a single pro game starts like that because it fucking sucks and he will get the lane to himself and see how well he fares. Because then he will certainly lose the lane and be pissed. Let him see firsthand how well a build with tangoes fares.

If nothing works, challenge him to 1on1 mid where he buys stuff like this and you buy items that work.

We used this argument
He says "We are not pro's, why should I do what they do"

This logic melts my brain
I've been wanting to play Puck for awhile now and finally gave it a go last night. All I had to go on was a Purge game I watched + 10 minutes against bots. I didnt fare to well mid against a bloodseeker. He was just able to hit so much harder than I could that he could deny before the creeps were low enough to last hit. I only died to him once though until late game when he could basically ohk me with daedalus. Still not sure who fed him so much.

If someone wouldnt mind looking over my match for me and giving me some pointers I would appreciate it.

Match 234481336
What do we say to a guy that keeps doing similar "Starting lane" builds everytime


This guy keeps doing this (He is a friend of a friend of mine) and despite we saying that he needs to buy Tangos, Salves and Clarities for early harass, he keeps saying "That's a dead end build. It sucks, this is better"

He insists on this crap despite losing every lane since he can't harass and transfers all the heat to the carry he is supposed to babysit. He does this every time he goes Support/Intel whatever

And he insults us.

I have no words.


Remove from friends list. Or if he is somebody that you enjoy playing other games with then man up and tell him you arent playing Dota together anymore. You gotta do what you gotta do. You cant spend your time playing dota with someone who refuses to play correctly.


I've been wanting to play Puck for awhile now and finally gave it a go last night. All I had to go on was a Purge game I watched + 10 minutes against bots. I didnt fare to well mid against a bloodseeker. He was just able to hit so much harder than I could that he could deny before the creeps were low enough to last hit. I only died to him once though until late game when he could basically ohk me with daedalus. Still not sure who fed him so much.

If someone wouldnt mind looking over my match for me and giving me some pointers I would appreciate it.

Match 234481336

Puck's one of my top heroes. If you want I can give you a video analysis of this replay.
What do we say to a guy that keeps doing similar "Starting lane" builds everytime


This guy keeps doing this (He is a friend of a friend of mine) and despite we saying that he needs to buy Tangos, Salves and Clarities for early harass, he keeps saying "That's a dead end build. It sucks, this is better"

He insists on this crap despite losing every lane since he can't harass and transfers all the heat to the carry he is supposed to babysit. He does this every time he goes Support/Intel whatever

And he insults us.

I have no words.


What's that recipe for, soul ring?

Tell him that you're not going to play with him if he continues that shit.


What do we say to a guy that keeps doing similar "Starting lane" builds everytime


This guy keeps doing this (He is a friend of a friend of mine) and despite we saying that he needs to buy Tangos, Salves and Clarities for early harass, he keeps saying "That's a dead end build. It sucks, this is better"

He insists on this crap despite losing every lane since he can't harass and transfers all the heat to the carry he is supposed to babysit. He does this every time he goes Support/Intel whatever

And he insults us.

I have no words.


So just don't play with him? Or at least tell him to figure something out cause that shit isn't working
What do we say to a guy that keeps doing similar "Starting lane" builds everytime


This guy keeps doing this (He is a friend of a friend of mine) and despite we saying that he needs to buy Tangos, Salves and Clarities for early harass, he keeps saying "That's a dead end build. It sucks, this is better"

He insists on this crap despite losing every lane since he can't harass and transfers all the heat to the carry he is supposed to babysit. He does this every time he goes Support/Intel whatever

And he insults us.

I have no words.


In addition to what people already mentioned, try not taking the games you play with him seriously. Don't go in with the attitude that you need to win, just play for shits and giggles and build dumb items. If you've ever watched SingSing play, just play like him. Build Mask of Madness and Phase Boots on every hero and try to have fun. You play for having fun after all and if the conventional way of playing doesn't work with him, try it a different way.


In addition to what people already mentioned, try not taking the games you play with him seriously. Don't go in with the attitude that you need to win, just play for shits and giggles and build dumb items. If you've ever watched SingSing play, just play like him. Build Mask of Madness and Phase Boots on every hero and try to have fun. You play for having fun after all and if the conventional way of playing doesn't work with him, try it a different way.

But the win rate D=


Sniper become beast in late game after getting some attack speed items and one or so damage item if he is left alone in team fight. The other team always need to initiate on him or kill him first as he died very easily. I think the positioning is very important on sniper as he have long range and insane damage late game. Most of the pub team fail to control sniper late game unless you have some 1st tier carry that can out damage him.

Playing sniper mid vs bloodseeker is usually pretty hilarious. If he ults you you can just right click him to death. Especially if he puts his silence on you and gives you a massive damage boost


I've changed my buttons which:

123456 - items in my inventory
qwer - abilities
c - use courier
space - camera on character
z - upgrade ability

Edit: It's whatever you're used to. So many people use the layout from HoN because of the fact they're used to it.

I have a mouse with two side buttons, one is linked to F1 for quick character camera return, the other is A for easy deny click.
QWER - Usual abilities
Space - First item slot (for panick presses with thumb e.g. wand)
Alt+QWER - For the next four item slots so I don't have to move my hand.


What's that recipe for, soul ring?

Tell him that you're not going to play with him if he continues that shit.

Soul Ring
When he finished the item he literally did nothing for more 20 minutes

Oh and I forgot this time where he retreated to base to get health and mana, and walked back.
He refused to use a TP so he could finish the item early.


In addition to what people already mentioned, try not taking the games you play with him seriously. Don't go in with the attitude that you need to win, just play for shits and giggles and build dumb items. If you've ever watched SingSing play, just play like him. Build Mask of Madness and Phase Boots on every hero and try to have fun. You play for having fun after all and if the conventional way of playing doesn't work with him, try it a different way.

normally, I'd agree, but...

A recipe?

Really. A recipe as a starting item.


Soul Ring
When he finished the item he literally did nothing for more 20 minutes

Oh and I forgot this time where he retreated to base to get health and mana, and walked back.
He refused to use a TP so he could finish the item early.

If you're playing something like a DK safelane and you know you're gonna finish the item fast getting the recipe for soul ring is actually great, the courier should be just devoted to the mid until he gets his bottle and boots. Sometimes more if he needs to crow.
normally, I'd agree, but...

A recipe?

Really. A recipe as a starting item.

I think getting a soul ring recipe is actually okay in a sidelane as it means you don't take the courier from the mid early on. But you can't just have the recipe and the sage's mask. You need health regen and the sage's mask won't give much mana at level 1.


Fuck matchmaking.

I grouped with 2 friends. All of us level 30+. We got a fucking level 2. LEVEL FUCKING 2!!!!! Needless to say we lost.

Next game we get 2 morons who didn't group or say a single fucking word.

Really considering quitting. 95% of the games are stomps. Very very very few good well matched games.
Fuck matchmaking.

I grouped with 2 friends. All of us level 30+. We got a fucking level 2. LEVEL FUCKING 2!!!!! Needless to say we lost.

Next game we get 2 morons who didn't group or say a single fucking word.

Really considering quitting. 95% of the games are stomps. Very very very few good well matched games.

I got a 3 man stack on my team yesterday that did nothing but endlessly talk shit to the enemy team and to our team. Funny thing is they were actually solid players. But all they did was complain while the other team got farmed as hell.


I got a 3 man stack on my team yesterday that did nothing but endlessly talk shit to the enemy team and to our team. Funny thing is they were actually solid players. But all they did was complain while the other team got farmed as hell.
This is easily the most infuriating game I have ever played in my life.

I shout and try so hard to stay quiet. It's unbelievable. It's like a relationship with someone who's bipolar. The amazing highs and disgusting lows.
What do we say to a guy that keeps doing similar "Starting lane" builds everytime


This guy keeps doing this (He is a friend of a friend of mine) and despite we saying that he needs to buy Tangos, Salves and Clarities for early harass, he keeps saying "That's a dead end build. It sucks, this is better"

He insists on this crap despite losing every lane since he can't harass and transfers all the heat to the carry he is supposed to babysit. He does this every time he goes Support/Intel whatever

And he insults us.

I have no words.


people i know irl who play this game have similarly dumb ideas. solution:
1) show them a professional match
2) stomp a lane with decent items -- easier to do mid. ask them to do the lane, they'll fail. do it vs bots since the result will be consistent, whereas players in your bracket could be forgiving for that sometimes
3) if they aren't convinced, either play with them only with a smurf or simply don't play with them. if people don't want to learn, don't waste your time. or you can use your main account and accept to be stuck super deep into the trench

edit: that guy has more than 1k dota 2 matches and he still builds those items? jesus christ


I finally got my second set uploaded: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=157702546

Took a bit longer to make than I want but I am still learning a lot. I will try to increase my pace... thanks for looking, and comments/critique very welcome.

I might update it with a piece of art for the main page sometime soon.

I like the ninja lore better than the royalty lore, but cool - weapons are original.

Might need to reformat your workshop page though


Please do. It was ugly, but it was my first game with her so theres only room to get better!

Encoding the video right now, I'll upload soon and send you the link.

Overall, I think what really screwed you guys was the laning situation and your lack of a proper carry. In that team comp, Timbersaw was your carry, and he should have been bot with Bane, Pudge mid, and you offlane. Puck offlanes MUCH better than Bane. You have to change your items up a bit (Arcane Boots instead of Treads and Bottle, etc.), but it works out well. Sometimes you would refuse to use that silence when you needed it, like when there was a Sand King with less than 100 HP in Sandstorm and you stood right next to him waiting for him to come out. You could have just hit W and been done with it.

Also, why did you max Phase Shift before Waning Rift?

Also, I'm streaming: http://www.twitch.tv/hylian7

Edit: Playing SF, for those that love watching that.
The tutorials just tell me one thing, Dota is a really pretty good looking game considering the engine it's using.

I hope they add some single player components or some other maps a la LoL to not spent those reasources only on tutorials.

Card Boy

7 losses, 5 wins, 5 losses.

This game can be infuriating some times.

Pretty much, I now got 84 wins and 101 losses. I would say 50 of those losses where not deserved and due to the shitty matchmaking and lag. I started going downhill ever since i started solo queuing and stopped playing with gaffers, i previously had a 65% win ratio. I literally have no choice unless i want to play with 300-400ms of lag on the US servers.

Lately i have being matched with foreigners on the Australian servers that don't speak a word of English and just type -ping every 5 minutes and feed.

Edit: i saw a Bloodseeker on my team that just had boots and a sacred relic and fed the whole match, this is the type of shit i have to deal with regularly in solo queue.


people i know irl who play this game have similarly dumb ideas. solution:
1) show them a professional match
2) stomp a lane with decent items -- easier to do mid. ask them to do the lane, they'll fail. do it vs bots since the result will be consistent, whereas players in your bracket could be forgiving for that sometimes
3) if they aren't convinced, either play with them only with a smurf or simply don't play with them. if people don't want to learn, don't waste your time. or you can use your main account and accept to be stuck super deep into the trench

edit: that guy has more than 1k dota 2 matches and he still builds those items? jesus christ

He actually thinks HE IS RIGHT and everyone else is wrong

He ignores pro matches because he says "We are not pro's"
We aren't in the trench or LPQ either

That guy doesn't want to learn at all
Anyway, dropped from my friends.

Whenever we play with someone mutual I'll simply refuse
normally, I'd agree, but...

A recipe?

Really. A recipe as a starting item.
You can actually do that on select heroes like Broodmother, get a Soul Ring recipe, some branches and regen items and then finish the Soul Ring by getting the rest of the items from the side shop. Dark Seer can do that too. Of course, not on Zeus and you get regen items with it.
You can actually do that on select heroes like Broodmother, get a Soul Ring recipe, some branches and regen items and then finish the Soul Ring by getting the rest of the items from the side shop. Dark Seer can do that too. Of course, not on Zeus and you get regen items with it.

How could you say this and not include the greatest soul ring hero?

Encoding the video right now, I'll upload soon and send you the link.

Overall, I think what really screwed you guys was the laning situation and your lack of a proper carry. In that team comp, Timbersaw was your carry, and he should have been bot with Bane, Pudge mid, and you offlane. Puck offlanes MUCH better than Bane. You have to change your items up a bit (Arcane Boots instead of Treads and Bottle, etc.), but it works out well. Sometimes you would refuse to use that silence when you needed it, like when there was a Sand King with less than 100 HP in Sandstorm and you stood right next to him waiting for him to come out. You could have just hit W and been done with it.

I actually didnt even think that pucks silence could stop sandstorm until somebody mentioned it to me later. I forgot that sandstorm is channeled. Overall I dont play really well with new heroes at all. Seems like it takes me at least 1 full game just to get the hang of the basics with them and like 10 games to feel comfortable

I think that guy picked Pudge because he wanted to land fountain hooks with the Chen : /

Also, why did you max Phase Shift before Waning Rift?

Cause I had no idea what I was doing lol. I just watched a Purge vid where I skipped around to see what items he bought in what order and just went with that for my first game with Puck. I like to have at least my item build set in stone for the first few times I play a hero then as I play them I figure out what I like and dont like and come up with my own item builds.


I actually didnt even think that pucks silence could stop sandstorm until somebody mentioned it to me later. I forgot that sandstorm is channeled. Overall I dont play really well with new heroes at all. Seems like it takes me at least 1 full game just to get the hang of the basics with them and like 10 games to feel comfortable

I think that guy picked Pudge because he wanted to land fountain hooks with the Chen : /

Cause I had no idea what I was doing lol. I just watched a Purge vid where I skipped around to see what items he bought in what order and just went with that for my first game with Puck. I like to have at least my item build set in stone for the first few times I play a hero then as I play them I figure out what I like and dont like and come up with my own item builds.

The idea with that Sandstorm example was where the silence damage would have just killed him. You still got him by right click after he ran out, but you could have just silenced and been done with it.
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