If you use that on the tutorial, it destroys yours as well
So GAF, I kind of like Lone Druid, got any tips?
The good items go on the bear. Lone Druid proper gets whatever he needs to stay alive so he can keep the bear alive by proxy.
Max bear and your passive first, then your active
Last hitting early game should be a breeze thanks to both you and the bear fighting together. Don't go for ganks unless there's someone else with a good opening stun because you want to hit him as many times as possible in the hopes that root procs.
Bear likes Atk Speed items, so Mjollnr and Assault Cuirass are the 'standard' big items to shoots for.
If the rest of your team is distracting the enemy team, push to the nearest enemy tower and tear it down - you do it really quickly compared to most sieging heroes.
I saw something a little crazy the other day. Played with a fairly good Void, who engaged their whole team in chronos, got a kill or two then ran away and started tp'ing back to fountain. Apparently enemy Spirit Breaker ult's him just as tp'ing is done, resulting in both of them ending up at our fountain and SB dying.
How is this? :
Ugh.. tips with Bounty Hunter? I really want to like him.. but I suck as him :/
Go phase boots ->drums->deso and don't go battlefury. Look for ganks at 6 and track as much as you can. Also learn to check wind walk's cool down which you can abuse to harass in lane provided your laning opponent doesn't buy detection., which at lower levels they don't.
Looks good. Add Ghost Scepter to your situational Sylla items too!How is this? :
Ugh.. tips with Bounty Hunter? I really want to like him.. but I suck as him :/
do you focus last hitting with him much or should you just wait for level 6 ganks (same question can apply to the other gankers aswell)?
How is this? :
do you focus last hitting with him much or should you just wait for level 6 ganks (same question can apply to the other gankers aswell)?
DK picking my favourite draft currently. Naga + Gyro + DS + any other two.
Awesome, it reminds me of the WC2 art. I don't see why you said it's NSF-oh
Hey, guys! We finished a new set.
Video and promo art soon!
Übermatik;68297751 said:There are a few ways to build him. Phase > Bottle > Drums > Deso is a new build I've found, and is the ultimate roaming setup for early to mid game.
I know I shouldn't, but I often build Carry Bounty, which consists of Phase > Vlads > Deso > BKB > MKB > Rapier.
Yes, really.
*Edit* Don't get BFury on Bounty... please.
Last hitting gets you your early items. You should be treated as a carry in lane, or ideally, solo laning. As soon as you hit 6, get roaming and ganking, tracking everyone in other lanes to set up some nice kills. Your Shuri toss is a great nuke like ability at higher levels, so don't neglect it like I do. I favour 2 levels in Shuri, 2 levels in Shadow Walk and a max Jinada + Track by level 9.
What do you do for mana on him? Or regen in general really. After every gank I need to go back to the fountain to heal/refill my mana which puts me behind in levels fast, especially if not every gank works out.
You tell the other poster to constantly track people but it only lasts 30seconds where do you get the mana to spam it.
Track got buffed in 6.78 so it's only 50 mana from lvl 1. You should have enough mana with bottle/arcane boots from support to sustain a few ganks
What do you do for mana on him? Or regen in general really. After every gank I need to go back to the fountain to heal/refill my mana which puts me behind in levels fast, especially if not every gank works out.
You tell the other poster to constantly track people but it only lasts 30seconds where do you get the mana to spam it.
Get a medallion on him for some extra mana and more gank potential.What do you do for mana on him? Or regen in general really. After every gank I need to go back to the fountain to heal/refill my mana which puts me behind in levels fast, especially if not every gank works out.
You tell the other poster to constantly track people but it only lasts 30seconds where do you get the mana to spam it.
So you have to get bottle on him? I don't think the mid hero will be happy that you constantly take the runes?
Is there a good replay of a good bounty player somewhere (who actually has to fight for the win and not has everything go best case scenario)
Naga is horrible, they nerfed her base damage to much
So you have to get bottle on him? I don't think the mid hero will be happy that you constantly take the runes?
Is there a good replay of a good bounty player somewhere (who actually has to fight for the win and not has everything go best case scenario)
Get a medallion on him for some extra mana and more gank potential.
Naga is horrible, they nerfed her base damage to much
Lol at Bruno flaming qpad, so funny.
Orchid is pretty damn good on BH too.
Honestly I have started playing support Axe lately and I go Mek, Arcane Boots, Urn then Blink which has worked wonders for me. Axe gets Mek up and running faster than most supports and he is usually in a position where he can get a lot of his allies healed as well.B-b-but gaf kept saying how vanguard is bad on anything but axe
Orchid is pretty damn good on BH too.
Going the utility build is awesome on bh. Orchid and sheep stick. Medallion is the cost effective way to easier ganks early so you get those 2 items ASAP.
Nothing better than a blinking tide ready to ravage and ends up being silenced and dying all sonde by a rabbit.
B-b-but gaf kept saying how vanguard is bad on anything but axe
Merlini too.Both Puppey and Synderen said on talkdota once that it's the worst item in the game.
Never never never never go medallion on BH unless you're absolutely dirt poor and all you want to contribute in fights is track + putting up medallion. You deal most of your damage on the first hit out of invis + jinada, so medallion is really wasted.
A magic wand with drums is usually more than enough for your mana pool, if you still want more go basi because picking up a vlads on BH eventually (especially if you have a melee carry) is usually a good idea.
Tell that to all the western teams who have been picking her nearly every game (sometimes in the first round); she's also commonly banned out in the second round now. Naga is a very strong carry with great utility and farming potential, so when the cream of the crop get nerfed, she's going to rise up considerably. Reverting her riptide nerf also gives her more lane presence and allows her to mid.
Steve's gunna steve.
Medallion is never a waste.
Naga is one of the few people who has a stun that goes though magic immunity level 1.Naga is horrible, they nerfed her base damage to much
Synderen just keeps doing whatever everyone else has done in the past weeks, not surprised he gets on the bandwagon on this too. Plus different metas and all.Both Puppey and Synderen said on talkdota once that it's the worst item in the game.
Merlini too.
Both Puppey and Synderen said on talkdota once that it's the worst item in the game.
Merlini too.
Naga is horrible, they nerfed her base damage to much