Release next week seems pretty likely when you think about it. But then again if the summer sale does start, and dota 2 releases at the same time.. just asking for fried servers..
Damn, wanna see that EG game but gotta sleep. Seems against a noname team though, and for a noname tournament, so I guess that's why they drafted like that..
Still want to see the vod though.
oh no
the annoying dota bots have infected steve TOO
I just realized/remembered abaddon is arthas
Someone explain the appeal to me of Dagon rush (and I mean your only item is Dagon plus maybe some branches) Nature's Prophet.
Someone explain the appeal to me of Dagon rush (and I mean your only item is Dagon plus maybe some branches) Nature's Prophet.
I just ignored the bot, but its annoying you can't do anything about it.
Proving you are an idiot or being astraight troll, building np like shit.Someone explain the appeal to me of Dagon rush (and I mean your only item is Dagon plus maybe some branches) Nature's Prophet.
I really need to go find that match a month or two back where one did that, and the first thing he did was TP in to steal my kill (Puck) when the projectile that would have killed them was on it's way. That moment needs a gifcam.Someone explain the appeal to me of Dagon rush (and I mean your only item is Dagon plus maybe some branches) Nature's Prophet.
so are people actually trading keys for those player cards, or is that just people being crazy?
so are people actually trading keys for those player cards, or is that just people being crazy?
Yeah maybe they could give us eggs and we could change their colors or something.Has is been announced/revealed what these do yet? I want to earn a critter egg too.
Random thought: Do you think Valve will release with a special event, to do with critters, which gives us critter egg drops and other goodies? It's either that, or they haven't finished the courier modelling.
That's correct. If you see the sword and x icon above it's head, it's too far away. At level 2 bear though, you get the ability to instantly bring it back to Sylla.So question about Lone Druid.
If he is too far away from his spirit bear, can his bear not attack? Because that's what it is seeming like, but maybe I just did something wrong.
Is the korean dota 2 thing happening again tonight?
starts in 50 min
Are these just amateur teams in this starter league or what?