So if I just watch the replay later it will indeed count towards my courier counter?
3,000 people connect each time I fail to load in.
It's really weird that their clock is their live time, and not what the time actually is when the stream gets spit out.
get in line buddy
Man you think Valve would have been prepared for this many viewers. I hope I can get in before it starts.
Pretty sure they had like 60-70k watching in-game at the last International.
whats this courier people are talking about
does it mean i start games with a courier?
Who are the 95 people willingly watching Sheever's stream?
Cool cosmetics that get cooler the more games you watch! (No pay to win riot runes in my doto)
Still can't get in, ugh.
do i have to buy it
ps why you gotta be like that so aggressive always attacking some other game i dont even know what kind of game riot runes is
do i have to buy it
Cool cosmetics that get cooler the more games you watch! (No pay to win riot runes in my doto)
I know I have to watch live for the chance at drops, but does it have to be live to level up my courier?
Yes. Replays don't count.
Yes. Replays don't count.
Yes. Replays don't count.
Guys does it matter that I joined the game 2 minutes in? Do I still have a chance for items and does it affect my courier?
You only get items for watching live.I'd like to know this as well. I joined 22 mins into the game. Should I watch replay to get the first 22 minutes for potential items? This shit needs a FAQ.