hahaAuto spectate is so cool. Tomorrow, I will be getting some dropped items thanks to this.
slark first ban
fuck me
Auto spectate is so cool. Tomorrow, I will be getting some dropped items thanks to this.
There is a command that should have the client automatically turn into any games to the Qualifiers.
dota_spectator_auto_spectate_games 65005
65005 is the LeaugeID, you can change it to other numbers to work with different tournaments. Once a game starts up, it should just tune in, and then it should change to the next game after the first one finishes.
To turn it off without having to restart the client, set it to 0. For the East Qualifer next week, use 65004. If you want it to just pick random games, set it to 1.
So this means I can just leave the client on and have it autospectate while I'm at work correct?
Is there a game going on right now? I'm not seeing any games on the tournament page in client...
Regarding drops;
if the current and previously held tournaments have been any indication, the way the game calculates who wins drops has to be bugged or deserving of a second look. The same people have been winning multiple drops throughout the course of a series/tournament etc. There are the usual varied range of people getting drops, but out of say 8-12 events in a game (including 2 for FB and game ending), at least one or two familiar people end up getting the item drop. I've been taking screenshots of the winners for the last 2 months and recording it in a google doc and it hasn't changed.
Though the fact that there are 50 000 people watching the qualifiers will hopefully lessen this effect..
I've been taking screenshots of the winners for the last 2 months and recording it in a google doc and it hasn't changed. .
Valve needs to do this:
I wish they'd give out more items, even if they were just normal and not tournament drops.
Farming the Anti-Mage for nothing...
Farmed for 25 minutes, gets hexed.
Yeah I'll see what I can do, it's not the most complete set of data around and ideally I'd like to collect some more.If you have some good data to back up your claims, you should totally post it on the dev forums.
I pity the fool who put Empire as one of the two teams to win.
(Pro, I'm looking at you)
Whelp! I've been shamed. Time to join HONGaf
too much micro this aint starcraftif you don't want the Jug to use Healing Wardm pick Lycan, send dogs to kill it and problem solved.
Some pro team hire me for professionel advice.
Valve needs to do this:
I wish they'd give out more items, even if they were just normal and not tournament drops.
Perfect gif response.
The banner idea is cool.
edit: yes
Slots on couriers...That's essentially Valve selling hats for hats...
I'm gonna go with yes.So, Combination Early Rosh/Global on AL's side. Wonder if Rox can respond.
this naix farm is pretty huge for 11 mins.
I really need to update my iPod so I can use the twitch app.ROX-KIS is just eating aL alive.
Why is it still showing no tournament game going on?
Because it ended - Don't forget the stream is behind.
Yep, short day.Is that the last qualifier game for the day?