I know it's over now, but I couldn't watch while it was still going on. I had to hit watch game on a friend in client to actually watch the end of the game...
Probably just some random bug in your client. Was working fine all day for me.
I know it's over now, but I couldn't watch while it was still going on. I had to hit watch game on a friend in client to actually watch the end of the game...
Probably just some random bug in your client. Was working fine all day for me.
Damn, I'll have to watch tomorrow. What time do the games start tomorrow?
I think tomorrow it's 8:30AM EST, 11:30AM EST and 2:30PM EST
In my schedule, the first match starts at 2:30 pm CEST. And then, there is a new match every three hours.
Yeah, you can also find it in the client by checking the calendar. It will show you the hours for your time zone.
You don#t have to watch the whole replays. You just start them up and then quit them. Counts as a viewed game.
Oops, sorry, I thought EST and CEST were closer.
I would really wish that ppl who are reported get muted placed in LPQ and get a negative penalty on the chance of getting items. Make then go to dota hell. Something like a little garena universe in dota 2, where every hero Is played like a carry no supports. Wreck their game is what I'm asking.huge rant .
I like that reports are reduced to 2 a week now. I actually had someone in a game just now that I had good enough reason to use one of my 2 reports on. After we had a Pujdge and Shadow Fiend (and we agreed that I was going mid), this guy picks QoP and says he's going mid, then he finally repicks Timbersaw and sits there and whines and complains about every little thing. He blames me for not being there at level 2 to gank. He sits there and says I'm terrible if I miss one hook. I got tired of listening to his ass and muted and reported him. Oh, and after we lost a teamfight that pretty much determined the game, he left. The Treant Protector on our team told the other team they should delay it 5 more minutes.
It says on the courier how many matches you've watched.Can you see how many games I've watched? There's no indicator how many matches have to be watched to get a customized courier, right?
Any tips on playing Io? I've been playing it for a couple matches now (botmatches only, not really confident to start playing live ones) and while I'm pleased at the chance of focusing on helping out more than dishing out damage, I'd love to know how to make the most out of it even at my low skill level.
Just stay back and let the carry hit the targets with the tether link don't go first, low level tend to focus the biggest threat or the one who is closer. They tend to forget that supports play a big role. Ward the jungle so you see easy target to pick on once you hit 6Any tips on playing Io? I've been playing it for a couple matches now (botmatches only, not really confident to start playing live ones) and while I'm pleased at the chance of focusing on helping out more than dishing out damage, I'd love to know how to make the most out of it even at my low skill level.
Real talk...
I'm fucking TERRIBLE at this game.
Wish there was a way to just make my computer idly watch each new game without having to go back to it.
I work to often to keep reconnecting![]()
If only there was a way.
No one in here asking about Neolution.Int apparently being kicked out of the qualifiers?
No one in here asking about Neolution.Int apparently being kicked out of the qualifiers?
No one in here asking about Neolution.Int apparently being kicked out of the qualifiers?
Wish there was a way to just make my computer idly watch each new game without having to manually hit 'watch' each time.
I work too often to keep reconnecting![]()
Communication, communication, communication. Partner with a friend who is playing and be on skype or something. As long as they play tiny or chaos knight or something, you'll be unstoppable in pubs.
The best thing about Dota is that you can do the weirdest shit and still win. We had a BoT + Necro 3 lycan and me (ogre magi) + tide went necro 3 as well. We dominated the game even though I fed slark 5 kills within the first 5 minutes and Warlock in the enemy team got a 16-20 minute refresher.
Power of teamwork and good positioning.
To be fair, in brackets lower than your he would be correct. Curious what happened in that game though. You were only down 6 kills.
3 million dollars to get legion commander.legion commander lets do this.
I've started down the deep rabbit hole of Dota 2 Item trading. Been doing it all day...
By the by, anyone got any Windrunner items thats weighing them down?
Wish there was a way to just make my computer idly watch each new game without having to manually hit 'watch' each time.
I work too often to keep reconnecting![]()
Didn't Valve say we would get some more info on new compendium goals today?
3 million dollars to get legion commander.
Holy shit, HUD skin AND taunt and Immortal.
Confirmed they're working on Techies, based on that last stretch goal.
Holy shit, HUD skin AND taunt and Immortal.
Confirmed they're working on Techies, based on that last stretch goal.