It's amazing how alt-tab friendly this game is.
Do I have to type -console in the launch options before I can access the console in game?
You won't get the little watched icon next to the replay in the watch tab.You don't even have to watch the highlights, all you have to do is load up the replay and it should count.
Do I have to type -console in the launch options before I can access the console in game?
Do I have to type -console in the launch options before I can access the console in game?
I sure hope the real QPad shows up for game 2.
I sure hope the real QPad shows up for game 2.
Wow so far this has been the worst tournament i've ever seen. Stomp after stomp.
That was the real qpad, Select farming poorly and missing RP's supports half level of their opponent supports at 6-7 min in.
I have DOTA 2 in a borderless window. But when I'm spectating I can't hear any sound. Is there some way to circumvent it?
.Audio tab > sound while alt-tab
Another question: Is there a way to run DOTA 2 at full speed when I'm doing something on my other monitor? As soon as DOTA 2 is not my active window the framerate is bad.
Also so he doesn't spend his time in LoL trying to get girls rather than practicing.EG's main priority is tying Demon to a chair somewhere so he can't throw the game for them.
how do i see how many views my courier has?
how do i see how many views my courier has?
Mouse over it in your backpack.
Whos the girl on Tobis stream? I keep seeing her, but have yet to catch a name.
Mouse over it in your backpack.
Whos the girl on Tobis stream? I keep seeing her, but have yet to catch a name.
just hover over it in your inventory, its near the bottom
Also so he doesn't spend his time in LoL trying to get girls rather than practicing.
Half an hour to the first Giant Bomb Daily Dota show. Can not wait!
Like I said in the GB thread like the TNT id make a thread but traveling at the mo.
yo im jimmy cho
a motherfucking dudebro
i go to gym all day to get bigger
and i see u mirin' my 120 pound figure
get on my level son
cuz me and ur gf almost done
she loves my guns
and i love her buns
LoL got all dem chicks
Dota got all dem dicks
i take em both
cuz im fucken sick
yo im jimmy cho
a motherfucking dudebro
#420 #demondota #yolo #asiandudebro #imsoghetto
Half an hour to the first Giant Bomb Daily Dota show. Can not wait!
Like I said in the GB thread like the TNT id make a thread but traveling at the mo.
/bowyo im jimmy cho
a motherfucking dudebro
i go to gym all day to get bigger
and i see u mirin' my 120 pound figure
get on my level son
cuz me and ur gf almost done
she loves my guns
and i love her buns
LoL got all dem chicks
Dota got all dem dicks
i take em both
cuz im fucken sick
yo im jimmy cho
a motherfucking dudebro
#420 #demondota #yolo #asiandudebro #imsoghetto
fuck i need to get in the music business i can make demon the next justin bieber rapper style
yo im jimmy cho
a motherfucking dudebro
i go to gym all day to get bigger
and i see u mirin' my 120 pound figure
get on my level son
cuz me and ur gf almost done
she loves my guns
and i love her buns
LoL got all dem chicks
Dota got all dem dicks
i take em both
cuz im fucken sick
yo im jimmy cho
a motherfucking dudebro
#420 #demondota #yolo #asiandudebro #imsoghetto
fuck i need to get in the music business i can make demon the next justin bieber rapper style
God Maelk is awful on the tobi stream.
Dick jokes, f-bombs, monotone voice.