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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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I am gaining experience and thus leveling so freaking slow, that I am underleveled when bigger fight arises.

I am on the lane, last hitting and denying creeps...
Sometimes I must jungle to compensate and get more money...
Also I am a feeder... back to bot games.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
People actually care more about comps in draft modes.

Get 4 carry teams in Ap and have to be the support last picker

Yeah, this and the fact that there's always one asshole who either last picks Phantom Lancer on the enemy team with 0:00 on the clock when no-one on our team was thinking about counters or else after a minute and a half of "okay we have Void and Drow, can we get another support, please, can you take another support" waits until the horn sounds and then locks in Anti-Mage

The time limits on Random Draft produce the best team comps in my experience, so its all I play now

Well, and All Random and Least Played sometimes
Whe I don't play with my friends I generally just go on a co-op bot MM. Normal MM is just too infuriating.

I am on the same boat. I also like Co-Op vs bots because the matches are the same length 90% of the time so I can sneak in a match when I have a busy schedule.

I have been trying single draft and I found it way more enjoyable experience than AP. It also indirectly forces people to pick supports so I can enjoy playing a carry role. You should try it sometime, maybe you will enjoy it too :)


Man yesterday a DP denied herself three times with the Bloodstone. Definitely catches you off guard at first and then you laugh it off.
Man yesterday a DP denied herself three times with the Bloodstone. Definitely catches you off guard at first and then you laugh it off.

Was that the game I played with you? I remember it happening once. Don't remember the other times. And it was just sort of random too - not really at a critical fight.

I think the Defense Grid pack deserves more love. I'm a big fan of it.

I haven't even heard that one yet to have an opinion. It's not widespread.
I wish all pick made you take turns when picking, or basically replace all pick with league mode. That way you won't have people picking at 0:00..


Was that the game I played with you? I remember it happening once. Don't remember the other times. And it was just sort of random too - not really at a critical fight.

I haven't even heard that one yet to have an opinion. It's not widespread.
Yea that was me in the game (I was Razor). He always used it when he was about to die, sometimes even too early. Definitely used it more than a couple of times, one time he did it with 1/3rd health remaining!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Back when courier had Invulnerability, people used to put Dagon + Energy booster on it to snipe fools.

Good times.


So I've been using the Anti-Mage with a good amount of success. My item build is typically:

Treads -> Battlefury -> Vlad's -> Yasha -> Heart -> Manta

My question is, I'm thinking that a Skull Basher would fit in well but I'm not sure where. Perhaps after Vlad's, I skip Yasha and get the Basher and then finish the Heart and then the Manta? How effective would that be? I was also thinking that perhaps Skull Basher would be more situational and I would only get it when I have poor team support or very few stunners on my team. Any thoughts?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Skip Vlads. Right after Manta Style.

Vlads is great but he doesn't really have to be the one carrying it and you get more bang for your buck from Manta Style.


Skip Vlads. Right after Manta Style.

Vlads is great but he doesn't really have to be the one carrying it and you get more bang for your buck from Manta Style.

Hmmm, I'm typically solo queueing or playing with people who are unlikely to pick up Vlad's. Assuming no one on my team buys it, do you think I should still skip it? Besides, Vlad's helps with farming as well given that I can clear all neutrals without going below full health which helps with my overall map presence.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If you have Bfury I really don't think you need Vlads. Just walk around a bit for it to regen, or get a Poor Man's Shield. Unless you're actively being suppressed you don't have to be at max health to jungle. Just enough that you don't die.


Hmmm, I'm typically solo queueing or playing with people who are unlikely to pick up Vlad's. Assuming no one on my team buys it, do you think I should still skip it? Besides, Vlad's helps with farming as well given that I can clear all neutrals without going below full health which helps with my overall map presence.

What you could do is completely forego the heart. I have a friend who does treads battlefury vlads manta butterfly and this makes you a serious killing machine.

Edit: forgot to put basher in there after manta.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You know...I wonder how Battlefury on Phantom Lancer would work...do your illusions get the cleave as well?
Nope. And it works against him anyway. He wants people to hit so he can make more illusions. Cleave = less hits = less illusions.
Hmmm, I'm typically solo queueing or playing with people who are unlikely to pick up Vlad's. Assuming no one on my team buys it, do you think I should still skip it? Besides, Vlad's helps with farming as well given that I can clear all neutrals without going below full health which helps with my overall map presence.

I'm not much of an AM player so take what I say with a grain of salt but this is how I think he should be played:

Starting Items:
Stout Shield
Slippers of Agility + Healing Pot (OR) Quelling Blade

Reasoning: He's kind of squishy, and they're going to try to harass you. His starting damage isn't so great, so Slippers or QB will help a lot. If you go QB, you can always ask for the salve from your lane partner if you run out of regen.

Ring of Health
PMS (if you went Slippers of Agility)
Brown Boots

Reasoning: He doesn't really need Treads early. What is he going to use it for? He's not good for early aggression because he's so squishy, and in a gank your Mana Burn will be doing most of the damage. That 950g you spent upgrading Boots to Treads could've been used for Ring of Health or Broadsword. Hell, if you're not being pressured you can skip boots entirely until you get Ring of Health.

If you have Stout Shield + Slippers of Agility you might as well spend the extra 150g to turn it into PMS anyway. It'll give you a lot of lane staying power in combination with Ring of Health, and make it so that you can get all of your last hits (kind of like a ghetto QB).

Battlefury is so important to get as early as possible. Everything you buy before it is delaying how soon you can bugger off to the jungle and just farm until Level MAX. Once you get Battlefury, you can just jungle indefinitely thanks to Stout Shield/Poor Man's Shield.

Yasha -> Manta Style
BKB (situational)
Heart (or) Butterfly
Vlad's (situational)

For me, Vlad's is an item you get on/for a melee carry when you need that extra edge from Lifesteal to beat the opposing carry. It's just that, an extra late-game edge. It doesn't provide much else. His damage with Manta Style is through the roof and Vlad's is only a pittance on that (illusions don't benefit from the aura). Basher will allow him to 1v1 most other heroes short of Void. Heart and Butterfly both compound with his illusions. BKB prevents typical lockdowns. Vlad's is basically 2000g for a little armor (he will naturally have a shit load of armor anyway) and 16% life steal and some damage. Since it's a flat percentage, it means the earlier you get it the less benefit you get from the damage portion of the aura. You have to ask yourself: "Is 15% of my current damage better than +40 damage from Basher?"


If you have Bfury I really don't think you need Vlads. Just walk around a bit for it to regen, or get a Poor Man's Shield. Unless you're actively being suppressed you don't have to be at max health to jungle. Just enough that you don't die.

Well I want to be at full health while jungling because it's great when I can pop out of the jungle to help my team at times. But yes, I will try going without Vlads in a game and see how that works out.

What you could do is completely forego the heart. I have a friend who does treads battlefury vlads manta butterfly and this makes you a serious killing machine.

Edit: forgot to put basher in there after manta.

I can see how that would work when going for hero kills but Heart helps a lot when pushing and keeping the pressure up. You can literally take some hits and kill a hero or two and run out for a bit and come back with full health to keep up the lane or base pressure. I think it's a very underrated item on carries.


Nope. And it works against him anyway. He wants people to hit so he can make more illusions. Cleave = less hits = less illusions.

I'm not much of an AM player so take what I say with a grain of salt but this is how I think he should be played:

Starting Items:
Stout Shield
Slippers of Agility + Healing Pot (OR) Quelling Blade

Reasoning: He's kind of squishy, and they're going to try to harass you. His starting damage isn't so great, so Slippers or QB will help a lot. If you go QB, you can always ask for the salve from your lane partner if you run out of regen.

Ring of Health
PMS (if you went Slippers of Agility)
Brown Boots

Reasoning: He doesn't really need Treads early. What is he going to use it for? He's not good for early aggression because he's so squishy, and in a gank your Mana Burn will be doing most of the damage. That 950g you spent upgrading Boots to Treads could've been used for Ring of Health or Broadsword. Hell, if you're not being pressured you can skip boots entirely until you get Ring of Health.

If you have Stout Shield + Slippers of Agility you might as well spend the extra 150g to turn it into PMS anyway. It'll give you a lot of lane staying power in combination with Ring of Health, and make it so that you can get all of your last hits (kind of like a ghetto QB).

Battlefury is so important to get as early as possible. Everything you buy before it is delaying how soon you can bugger off to the jungle and just farm until Level MAX. Once you get Battlefury, you can just jungle indefinitely thanks to Stout Shield/Poor Man's Shield.

Yasha -> Manta Style
BKB (situational)
Heart (or) Butterfly
Vlad's (situational)

For me, Vlad's is an item you get on/for a melee carry when you need that extra edge from Lifesteal to beat the opposing carry. It's just that, an extra late-game edge. It doesn't provide much else. His damage with Manta Style is through the roof and Vlad's is only a pittance on that (illusions don't benefit from the aura). Basher will allow him to 1v1 most other heroes short of Void. Heart and Butterfly both compound with his illusions. BKB prevents typical lockdowns.

Haha, actually, that's exactly how I play AM. I go Tango + Stout Shield + Quelling Blade and farm till I get RoH then I go Treads and then I finish the Bfury. I am definitely very defensive early-game and I max Blink first and only go for confirmed kills.

But thanks for the feedback. I wll try going the build order you suggested and report back.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Alright, I thought so but I couldn't be sure because you put Treads in front of Bfury :)


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
"This game is LITERALLY unplayable for 6 days because I don't want to play with faggots"



If this person does this for his job, literally sits there and plays his role incorrectly and doesn't help the team just to see how many people will rage at him just so he can abuse his powers again. That's sad. I don't care whether I deserved it or not. I care about how much he does this. Why Valve will be called tonight on this and asked several questions about this.

LOL. you got it wrong guys, this guy is just exposing abuse within the Dota community.

You could be next!

he's the definition of "clueless"




Low Tier
if its a hard lane or ur not gonna get a 13-15 minute bfury, get tranqs for lane sustainability, then you can turn that into vlads. Vlads is not by any means a bad item on AM, it gives him alot of split pushing presence, and allows him to farm stacked camps as soon as he picks up a battlefury. (If you've played enough AM you'll know he's kinda squishy with nothing but naked battlefury)

Typically I go pms->tranqs->roh->bfury->vlads->treads->manta->basher->bfly->abyssal. Heart is only necessary I feel if you're gonna be the main tanker, or if the enemy team has alot of nukes.


I feel like a need a new graphics card. For some reason both Dota 2 and TF2 crash my drivers on my GTX260. This has happened since forever with several different drivers in TF2 and I'm a big sad to see it happening when playing matches(doesn't happen in DotaTV) in Dota 2. :(


Any news on when Dota 2 is going to add achievements? A handful of them are on the game page, but you can't earn them. That would be a big update in and of itself when they finally get it together. Valve is pretty good at making creative achievements so I'm interested to see what they come up with. I recommend "win a game as Anti-Mage without blinking."


Corporate Apologist
I feel like a need a new graphics card. For some reason both Dota 2 and TF2 crash my drivers on my GTX260. This has happened since forever with several different drivers in TF2 and I'm a big sad to see it happening when playing matches(doesn't happen in DotaTV) in Dota 2. :(

Somewhat related, but my GTX 460 has some annoying bug where it will randomly go down to 10 FPS if you alt tab while loading. I mean, I just could not alt tab when loading, but thats like 15 seconds.

I think a decent achievements would be "Win a game without a death" and maybe even "Win a game without a kill". Though people would likely play super passive to get them.


I think Rubick may be my new favourite hero. I love how dynamic his play is thanks to his ultimate. Just won a game, second highest level, helping in pretty much every team fight in some way or another, love it! :D

EDIT: Ended up 6 - 5 - 27

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I think Rubick may be my new favourite hero. I love how dynamic his play is thanks to his ultimate. Just won a game, second highest level, helping in pretty much every team fight in some way or another, love it! :D

EDIT: Ended up 6 - 5 - 27

Rubick is awesome. Every time I play him I discover a new skill that's awesome to have

Rubick with Charge of Darkness is still one of the most hilarious things in the game


Shaper Divine
Any news on when Dota 2 is going to add achievements? A handful of them are on the game page, but you can't earn them. That would be a big update in and of itself when they finally get it together. Valve is pretty good at making creative achievements so I'm interested to see what they come up with. I recommend "win a game as Anti-Mage without blinking."
II think they won't add them because it might encourage people to play to get achievements and not play for fun?
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