Is this Bo3 or Bo5?
Is this Bo3 or Bo5?
The horde of idiots falling over themselves to write one-handed essays defending the depiction of Quiet, to be precise.
This is like people defending the fact that basically all the humanoid female heroes in Dota 2 are basically attractive.
"QoP has to be virtually naked! She's a succubus!"
Right, right, because she was born that way, and not simply a designer's creation. Uh huh.
Like, I mean, OK, it's not that there's anything wrong necessarily with the character, but c'mon, she's designed that way to have sex appeal. Surely it's not too difficult to acknowledge as much.
Ban Brood AND Meepo AND pick Ember.
Fucking PPD mad as shit.
This is like people defending the fact that basically all the humanoid female heroes in Dota 2 are basically attractive.
"QoP has to be virtually naked! She's a succubus!"
Right, right, because she was born that way, and not simply a designer's creation. Uh huh.
Like, I mean, OK, it's not that there's anything wrong necessarily with the character, but c'mon, she's designed that way to have sex appeal. Surely it's not too difficult to acknowledge as much.
I agree on QoP, but there's a wide gulf between Quiet and virtually any other example. Said two examples are basically in their underwear, and for very similar reasons.This is like people defending the fact that basically all the humanoid female heroes in Dota 2 are basically attractive.
"QoP has to be virtually naked! She's a succubus!"
Right, right, because she was born that way, and not simply a designer's creation. Uh huh.
Like, I mean, OK, it's not that there's anything wrong necessarily with the character, but c'mon, she's designed that way to have sex appeal. Surely it's not too difficult to acknowledge as much.
You're dealing with people who think Kojima's writing is good... in 2015. That's like an event horizon of bad taste you can't possibly argue against.
I agree on QoP, but there's a wide gulf between Quiet and virtually any other example. Said two examples are basically in their underwear, and for very similar reasons.
MGSV is a super fun game in my opinion, but I found the characters super flat and the ending unsatisfying. I got really into it for dozens of hours and I'm glad I played it, but I don't see myself ever returning to it.
If, like me, you were feeling bummed out by MGSV's story and characters, the best medicine is to play METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE (sic). God damn that game has style and character and fun with the metal gear universe and the first bossfight is a fucking metal gear ray and one of the collectIBLES ARE THE LEFT ARMS OF ENEMY COMMANDERS
It's a fucking rad game and maybe, maybe one day I'll be able to admit to myself it's the best metal gear game.
MGR is the only metal gear I like. I don't like how the others control
I haven't bought MGS5 yet (waiting on a PC upgrade), but in general the writing in Metal Gear is interesting but I would never call it good. At its core it's basically a Japanese otaku's interpretation of 70s-80s American action movies, eventually pushed to absurd degrees of complexity because a publisher wouldn't stop making them. It's an interesting series because it makes a ton of decisions no other game would make, both story-wise and mechanically, because of what kind of game it is and who is making it. But after MGS4 I don't see why people would think Kojima's writing is legitimately good, or atleast good enough to warrant putting it on such a high pedestal.Why is it considered bad? I'm not too familiar with it. I've heard people say it was confusing, but I haven't heard about bad.
I just started mgs5 assuming it was the video game equivalent of a bond movie
Revengeance is absolutely the best MG game. It's a brilliant deconstruction of the entire franchise.MGSV is a super fun game in my opinion, but I found the characters super flat and the ending unsatisfying. I got really into it for dozens of hours and I'm glad I played it, but I don't see myself ever returning to it.
If, like me, you were feeling bummed out by MGSV's story and characters, the best medicine is to play METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE (sic). God damn that game has style and character and fun with the metal gear universe and the first bossfight is a fucking metal gear ray and one of the collectIBLES ARE THE LEFT ARMS OF ENEMY COMMANDERS
It's a fucking rad game and maybe, maybe one day I'll be able to admit to myself it's the best metal gear game.
if you think about it, defense of the ancients should actually be called offense of the ancients, because you don't win by defending your ancient you win by blowing up the enemy's ancient
It's kinda funny, I really enjoyed MGS 1 through 3 for the characters in spite of the gameplay and controls, MGSV is the exact opposite.
I haven't bought MGS5 yet (waiting on a PC upgrade), but in general the writing in Metal Gear is interesting but I would never call it good. At its core it's basically a Japanese otaku's interpretation of 70s-80s American action movies, eventually pushed to absurd degrees of complexity because a publisher wouldn't stop making them. It's an interesting series because it makes a ton of decisions no other game would make, both story-wise and mechanically, because of what kind of game it is and who is making it. But after MGS4 I don't see why people would think Kojima's writing is legitimately good, or atleast good enough to warrant putting it on such a high pedestal.
The justifications for Quiet and for the Ground Zeroes Paz storyline feel like the "she's actually an 8000 year old dragon" arguments for sexualized anime lolis. Just because there's a reason for it in the lore doesn't make it okay.
Revengeance is absolutely the best MG game. It's a brilliant deconstruction of the entire franchise.
its the ancients defending themselves from each other by sending heroes to kill the other.
hmm wow unreasonable force much??? if they just sat at the other ends of the map and didn't send endless creep waves they'd both be fine forever!
hmm wow unreasonable force much??? if they just sat at the other ends of the map and didn't send endless creep waves they'd both be fine forever!
because they're space rocks that hate each other ever since they crashed on the planet where dota happens
So is gyro ever gonna get a proper nerf?
because they're space rocks that hate each other ever since they crashed on the planet where dota happens
They should just squash the beef and fuse for a bit.
it's not about the creeps or the heroes
dota is the 6 shopkeepers working together to create a context for conflict, so that they can maintain/propagate their arms trafficking economy
it's not about the creeps or the heroes
dota is the 6 shopkeepers working together to create a context for conflict, so that they can maintain/propagate their arms trafficking economy
Traxex is the biggest offender of this in the dota verse, her outfit serves only one purpose and that is to accentuate her physical assets.
She used to look a lot more androgynous, which I found was really cool :TVenge.