I honestly can't wait for the dessert map.
Likewise, I really hope it drops right after the major.
I have been looking forward to it for so long.
I honestly can't wait for the dessert map.
That's not how it plays out. A good Shackle and you already won the team fight, the rest of her team just does it for her, and she gets that Aghs one way or another.Bara had almost 65% WR in pubs in 6.78 iirc. I don't recall him being picked competitively however.
Actually Windrunner skill ceiling isn't that high but the amount of farm that she requires to be a massive threat is insane. Add the fact she isn't the best flash farmer and you get that it takes a long time to get to an unstoppable state and by that time other earlier peaking heroes might have taken over the game.
alliance is garbage. S4 and akke deserve better.
That's not how it plays out. A good Shackle and you already won the team fight, the rest of her team just does it for her, and she gets that Aghs one way or another.
Her skill set already makes her a threat. Even an itemless Focus Fire level 1 is still pretty significant. She doesn't need to be the best flash farmer, but she does have decent flash farm capability, especially if you know how to powershot through multiple camps to stack and farm then. She is always a threat even with just one item, whether that is Blink, Aghs, or something else entirely.
Kelly is leaving Alliance so there is a small chance that Loda AND her might take higher level positions in GGA/Twitch.
- higher pay/less hours
- more time to take care of the kids
- NiP players are available (Era)
I dislike kelly. Isn't that her illegitimate child out of wedlock rofl. Loda's been shit for awhile since the tb nerfs other carries adapted, he didn't. Bulldogs been shit since offlane changed from farming heroes to team fight control stunners.
Kelly just seems so AWFUL to me, i'm sure i'd hate her less if i thought she was hot though
She's an awful person too. What she did while she was on the starcraft scene or casting dota (see tobi's story)
Is there something wrong with that pic? her neck?Mmmh.
She's an awful person too. What she did while she was on the starcraft scene or casting dota (see tobi's story)
Shackleshot is a longer disable than most in the game short of stuff like RP. A 1.5 second stun on 2 heroes with only a value point in the skill? On level 4 that's a 3.75 second stun. This is all on a short cool down.Good shackles turn the tide of battle just like a good impale or storm bolt or any other AoE disables, that's a weak argument imho.
This might just be a semantics discussion by in the early stages of the game I don't consider her a threat only annoying. Huskar, Ursa, Undying, Drow, etc are threats, she? not so much. However as the game moves forward and she gets some farm she becomes a real danger.
Focus Fire level 1 does ~50 damage per attack with Nulls and Phase. It's decent and might kill someone but it's not a big threat since in most cases you can just walk away or fog her, hence it's just annoying.
Powershot is also hardly a good farming skill. You can't clear 4-stacks with it, well you can but it takes forever, and her auto-attacks are super slow.
Windrunner has a sub 50 winrate in pubs and pro games, it is not comparable
SS was only 51% WR in pro games too
the issue with wr is that there's no hero you can put mid that just shits on her, but rather she shits on a lot of popular mids. She's like this super safe midlaner that doesnt really naturally lose her lane while scaling well
so does sf, qop and ta, i dont know why people are picking on her like she's some op hero. yeah it's annoying getting shackled for almost 4s just watching you die, but a lot of things in dota are annoying, you just have to deal with it.
Bloodseeker - 43% pro WR in 6.83. Definitely not worth nerfing, right?
so does sf, qop and ta, i dont know why people are picking on her like she's some op hero. yeah it's annoying getting shackled for almost 4s just watching you die, but a lot of things in dota are annoying, you just have to deal with it.
Bs was also basically unpicked in comp. He was nerfed because it was an annoying piece of shit to play against in higher level pubs since he went around with +40 damage in laning phase and infinite regen BrokeBack
WR isn't an annoying piece of shit to play against?![]()
of course she is. But body pillows will go ignored if she gets nerfed.
qop doesn't scale like wr, ta, and sf do. SF get's shit on in lane by almost everything except like alchemist. TA i also agree with but TA is more gankable.
Hmm true, it seems like her only vociferous defenders here have WR avatars. Sad that a game can have this effect on people imho.
Red hair makes people wild, my friend.Hmm true, it seems like her only vociferous defenders here have WR avatars. Sad that a game can have this effect on people imho.
She's an awful person too. What she did while she was on the starcraft scene or casting dota (see tobi's story)
WR isn't an annoying piece of shit to play against?![]()
Tobi is a pillar of the community please no disrespect.wait, we just accept Tobi's story like it's correct?
They would also be horribly flamed, so I empathize.I can bet you 100% if there were a single women on this panel it would much better than the exchanges they're having now. The negging and potshots are cringe-worthy
wait, we just accept Tobi's story like it's correct?
Balance talk in this thread is like reading random 2k redditors complaining about heroes they got recently stomped against and are still salty about.
Also just listing the strengths of a hero can make virtually anything sound OP. WR clearly has weaknesses. I expect her to get nerfed but I hope it's super slight. Bloodseeker was overnerfed.
There's video evidence of his story
Being a ginger is not a weakness, Shadow friend does not get a soul when he kills Windrunner.
SF actually has a line about gingers having souls when he kills WR.Being a ginger is not a weakness, Shadow friend does not get a soul when he kills Windrunner.
of what exactly?
This Axe comic is lame and the immortal is just as bad, good thing they had 5 months worth of polishing....
She was a co-caster/co-commentator, spent all game texting and doing nothing else.
edit : weird, I can access the video.
Title is "SMM [R16] Mineski vs Deity [1 of 3]" if you want to search it yourself