From now on, since 2 of the 3 teams have ass-hats in their line-ups, it's quite easy to know who I'm rooting for. GO OG!!!
notail, moon, rtz, ee and wee are all ass-hats so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
The kill numbers in Overwatch seem completely random. Are they based on the amount of damage done? If so, that's cool.
The kill numbers in Overwatch seem completely random. Are they based on the amount of damage done? If so, that's cool.
lol Fenrir/burning
Damn this is a Euro hotel breakfast, why is NA so shit
By french standards this breakfast looks like poop
How the fuck do you butcher a waffle like that
Second worst waffle I've seen.
all 3 have asshats, so the best strat as usual is to cheer for individual players
I never experienced any of OG's guys ass-hatedness. Can't say the same about Envy, RTZ and Sumail. So for now, go OG!
I never experienced any of OG's guys ass-hatedness. Can't say the same about Envy, RTZ and Sumail. So for now, go OG!
yea well thats what people said about Daredevil and it sucked
Welcome back Dreams
CSGO sucks
the one thing im disliking about csgo is that there is a smurf in all of my matches
None of the "smurfs" in my matches are smurfs, which is somehow worse.
I can't believe people paid money for HoN.
I can't believe people paid money for HoN.
Was it really? I started playing League out of spite due to a bunch of friends telling me (very often) to buy HoN and last I checked they had all quit due to S2 doing a lot of stupid shit.hon was a great game
lol Fenrir/burning
Damn this is a Euro hotel breakfast, why is NA so shit
I can't believe people paid money for HoN.
Was it really? I started playing League out of spite due to a bunch of friends telling me (very often) to buy HoN and last I checked they had all quit due to S2 doing a lot of stupid shit.
I passed the tutorial in Overwatch!
Hotels that serve a proper breakfast shit on that meal from great heights.
Was it really? I started playing League out of spite due to a bunch of friends telling me (very often) to buy HoN and last I checked they had all quit due to S2 doing a lot of stupid shit.
It was great for a long time, even the early S2 heroes were good. Then game direction went to shit, a ton of mismatching skins were added, and awful heroes were continually added and overbuffed.
This sounds familiar.
Divine Steed: Summons your Holy Charger to ride for 4 sec, increasing movement speed by 100%. Useable while indoors or in combat.
catching paladins in wow pvp is actuly going to b eimpossible