misses bull
Blame mid.
Blame your support.
Blame offlane.
Call the other side nerds.
I already did that. Cm wasn't zoning the undying out

You can sort of jungle with her. Max Desolate, kill the small creeps first and you get Desolate on the big one. Get Urn, and maybe Ring of Health if you have to. It's okay to go other small things, even Diffusal, before your Radiance. In the worst of situations, I can still come out with a 25-27 minute Radiance.
Jungle is the "You don't have anywhere else to go" plan though. What you want to do is keep finding lanes that are close to farm. If the other team is 5-manned (or if the only people missing are people that can't do anything to you), then just start pushing/farming a lane, when they leave, dagger into trees and TP out.
I should have done this instead of looking at the offlaner for way too long