has anyone here tried soylentthere was a brief moment of soylent talk in this thread, nice![]()
how is soylent 1 vs soylent 2
also lets discuss the cadmium scare
has anyone here tried soylentthere was a brief moment of soylent talk in this thread, nice![]()
No one would think to try "Oh, you TP'd from fountain, let me give you my bottle and it will fill up!" without them seeing someone else do it first.
Here's the explanation: The fountain area is a trigger zone that puts a buff on you which gives mana, regen, and refills your bottles. The "aura", like most auras in the game, are "sticky", and last for a few seconds upon leaving the trigger zone.
When you TP, you're still affected by the aura which is why you're allowed to TP to a tower at 90% HP and still reach 100% HP after a second or so. While the buff is active on you, bottles can be refilled because it's being constantly applied by the aura. The reason you can refill other people's bottles is the same reason the courier can refill your bottle. The courier isn't doing anything special with bottles. It gets the fountain buff like everyone else and ALL of its bottles will be refilled by the buff.
It is no more or less arbitrary than tread switching and changing it is a balance issue, not a bug fixing one.
No Wok, no, abort!
That's just fucking wasteful.He describes buying new clothes from China rather than washing the old ones,
This was already answered before your claim.
oh god I remember the gaf thread on his articleI will not miss salve working on towers.
That's just fucking wasteful.
he is pretty much the face of what people stereotypically considers whats wron with sillicon valley & hipstersHaly, he donates the clothes but he is somehow beyond human garbage.
Haly, he donates the clothes but he is somehow beyond human garbage.http://robrhinehart.com/?p=1331
its pretty BS, the title even got a mod change to something like "rich idiot gives up alternate current"
Haly, he donates the clothes but he is somehow beyond human garbage.
The struggle is real.I mean, all my friends play LoL so when I tell them about my mmr they dont really understand bc its just an arbitrary number to them.
#just2kthingsGuys, I found out something very important today.
I think LC just needs an overhaul.
Keep Duel, rework the rest of her shit to enable Duel.
People are starting to build Radiance on Lifestealer due to his ancient shenanigans.Right now that list is this:
He already has accelerated farm and that doesn't seem as useful as a lot of other items on himAbyssal viable on every single carry hero though
Doom radi is baller
is abyssal really a 'viable' item on many heros?
what about crimson guard?
niche items are niche but they're still a thing u ape
So wait. EG are out of ESL already?
Isn't this live what I'm watching on twitch right now?
Slark and Night Stalker also like basher but I can never figure out when to buy itI feel Abyssal is a natural progression for any hero who gets Basher.
I guess then the question is Basher really a core item on anyone. I think you could argue it really is with the new PA, but thats about it. Jugg, AM, and Alchemist area usually the only other heroes I want it on due to the low BATs.
I really don't see anyone get crimson guard anymore. I'm not sure what niche its good for outside of mitigating trolls ult.
He already has accelerated farm and that doesn't seem as useful as a lot of other items on him
aren't u ever worried about being to squishy without treads?![]()
yep, she's fine. just don't put her on the 1 position slot unless you want to really build your comp around her. she shines with mid farm and levels into silver edge ganking and murdering shenanigans. or, in my mmr anyway. ymmv. and yes, i like deso sometimes. but mostly because I don't autocast frost arrows ever. i manually press every time. easy for me to just not press once to get the deso debuff, then go back to frost arrows. pretty painful and also makes fighting more interesting as it gives you something to do other than simply turn on Q and go to sleep. try it sometime if your team won't report you if you fail.
aren't u ever worried about being to squishy without treads?
fair enoughi usually build treads, incidentally...though oddly I've build phase boots more in this patch than not which is unusual for me. Generally speaking, it just depends on how i feel about my mobility and how much i feel like i want/need. it's never about the damage for me because drow already has plenty of that by default; it's just about how I want to pursue/escape. Drow is kinda slow, so phasers sort of help me bridge the gap between early game and whatever mobility item I want (sb or blink). if i'm playing 1 position drow I get treads 85% of the time and probably no mobility item at all. mid drow is more like 60/40. if a team has heavy nuke, it doesn't matter what boots I have; I'm going to die if they catch me.
Yeah but you usually build shivas on him for armour and to keep fast heroes closer during aghs Doom17% evasion for the whole team, on a hero who lacks physical damage reduction
add scorched earth on top of that and you don't wanna stay near that mofo
It's a bet 100 vs 0= 0I'm having a problem understanding compendium functions.
I was in a match where me and someone else on my team both wagered 100 coins (other side wagered zero)
We won, and no coins were rewarded. Why?
Is anywhere rebroadcasting yesterday's ESL in English? I was out at a club last night and now I want to see Eg get their asses handed to them.