what are these coins you use to buy the new chest with? they drop for compendium owners?
what are these coins you use to buy the new chest with? they drop for compendium owners?
how would u know then
how would u know then
cuz i asked your mom!!!
amd video cards are never a good deal
inkls' mom is pretty sweet if you see what I mean
If you don't wager every game then you're a LOSER
whys tralf having a meltdown
I must say that now that i'm freefalling and i don't give a shit randoming every game, i'm having fun when 90% of my games someone else flame me at minute 0 and feed all game because i random. 4ks confirmed 0 mental attitude to win at this game.
this is outdated sentiment. like, six months outdated. AMD cards have been doing great and are benchmarking better in DX12. Only reason I can see to choose Nvidia over AMD at this point is if you have a gsync capable monitor.
Shin Megami Tensei (maybe V or some new Strange Journey-ish one) hype!
oh, we pushing this tower? i guess i will eat this siege creep for mana![]()
Wait, what is this? That would be incredible. Strange Journey is one of my favourite SMTs.
The tweetdown ended, It's Shin Megami Tensei IV Final. They didn't say much about it, but looking at that artwork it looks like an SMTIV prequel. The protagonist looks like Akira, that's definitely Nozomi on the right (the photograph sidequest girl), probably Akira's sister on the left of him, I'm not sure about the other two guys on the left of her, but if I had to guess I would say Fujiwara and Skins. You can also see Medusa and Merkabah in the background, and then that ghost/fairy Navarre thing.
What the hell, this is incredible news. We Euros will get Devil Survivor 2 this month too which i'm super psyched about given that I consider DeS:O the best 3DS game.Thanks for the news.
No problem. I'm fucking hyped for this, as they had me worried about mainline SMT after what SMTxFE turned into. I wonder if they might address some of the gameplay complaints people had about SMTIV, such as the world map.
How can any team bring themselves to care about non Valve-sanctioned tournaments when they don't have these real-ass prize pools. Even ESL New York's quarter milli was nothing next to this.
How can any team bring themselves to care about non Valve-sanctioned tournaments when they don't have these real-ass prize pools. Even ESL New York's quarter milli was nothing next to this.
"Are compendiums losing their magic ?" the nerd yells into the void, hoping the response comforts him.
Yeah, I liked SMT IV but it's honestly not among the best SMTs I have played. What they need to improve on:
- better difficulty curve. Being tough in the first 5 hours and walk in the park for the rest of the game is not optimal
- get rid of quicksave as it takes out a lot of tension. Design the game and the dungeons around save spots.
- make dungeons longer and harder like Digital Devil Saga 1 and Nocturne
- make the game longer. Took me about 35h to finish it on the hard route. Tad too short for my taste
Rest was good. The amount of demons was unprecedentedly high so I hope they keep that. Story and characters were dope too.
This is really going to affect Navi's chances of getting an invite to the major
This is really going to affect Navi's chances of getting an invite to the major
For the greater good....MINE.
"Are compendiums losing their magic ?" the nerd yells into the void, hoping the response comforts him.
I don't know if they are "losing their magic" but the whole coin chest business made me raise an eyebrow: multiples required to move up a tier, duplicates allowed, "rerolling" the highest tier. Not a huge fan of the more gambling style, even more so than fishing for a "super rare" in a chest (which I don't do anyways).
Reminds me of fusing in something like Puzzle and Dragons and not really in a good way.
Challenges are pretty fun though so whatever.
Yeah, I agree with most of that. I also hope they don't make neutral feel as artificially padded in length as it was in SMTIV (Guess what? You have to do ALL the sidequests! Oh you didn't find them all? GOOD LUCK!)
I only ever finished it once and went the evil (which I mistakenly labeled "hard route") route. Didn't realize getting the neutral ending was so tedious.
for a second I thought you were talking about undertaleI only ever finished it once and went the evil (which I mistakenly labeled "hard route") route. Didn't realize getting the neutral ending was so tedious.