yall still salty about 2014 TB? Get over it.
Its more about the irony than anything
yall still salty about 2014 TB? Get over it.
Two Peruvian teams in the American Qualifiers.
It would be cool to see one of them make it to the major and have more regions of the world represented.
Although improbable, I would find it hilarious if both made it knocking out the NA teams.
so wait, is alliance in or do they have to play the loser of monkey vs nip?
Two Peruvian teams in the American Qualifiers.
It would be cool to see one of them make it to the major and have more regions of the world represented.
Although improbable, I would find it hilarious if both made it knocking out the NA teams.
Alliance wins a match and HelenaLive starts streaming. Coincidence? I think not.
They have the same issues that every non-regular team does
- adjusting to sub 100 ping LAN conditions
- visa/travel issues
- social/language barriers
It's great to dream, but they basically have to climb 3 mountains and then run a marathon. Unless their support structure improves or their sponsor gives them a huge pick-me-up like a German bootcamp or something, they are just going to get overwhelmed.
See MLG 2014, Summit 2
Americas and SEA qualifiers are a joke. I know Valve wants to incentivize teams from these regions to compete but they need to just get rid of both of those qualifiers and double the amount of EU and Chinese teams make it to the major.
Warcry now applies phase during its duration.
Sven good now?
Americas and SEA qualifiers are a joke. I know Valve wants to incentivize teams from these regions to compete but they need to just get rid of both of those qualifiers and double the amount of EU and Chinese teams make it to the major.
What if you gave him like 2 extra item slots?![]()
Americas and SEA qualifiers are a joke. I know Valve wants to incentivize teams from these regions to compete but they need to just get rid of both of those qualifiers and double the amount of EU and Chinese teams make it to the major.
There's a video that has this with a Wisp but I can't find it
What if you gave him like 2 extra item slots?![]()
There's a video that has this with a Wisp but I can't find it
monkey, secret, vega and vp are all definitely better than any NA team other than EGi don't really think the EU/CIS teams outside the top 2 or 3 are any better than NA/SA
maybe china
Feeding streaks still gives 1k+ gold, its absurd. I remember seeing a 1.6k fed streak yesterday for I think just an unstoppable streak on a semicarry.Really hate playing against alch in solo queue, game has gotten to the point where if you live him alone for 5 minutes he's already got a core item built. Still better than techies I guess. Just frustrating that with every patch the laning phase becomes less and less important. Not muh dota.
I think the most cancerous team in this patch would be Brood off, Alch mid, Spectre safe, Dazzle safe and one more roam/support.
I would quit on the spot against that lineup.
Different kind of canceryou forgot the necro who didn't read the patch notes and is ancient farming
warcry should apply purge
warcry should apply purge
wait so what is that bo1 marked as finals on the bracket page on gosugamingThey have to play the loser and if they win, they're in.
warcry should apply purge
How bout thisi think god's strength should give sven all of zeus's abilities
aghs upgrade summons zeus on sven's back, automatically zapping everyone within a 1000 range while high fiving sven for each successful zap
each high five increases sven's damage by a 50
Yeah Swedish players definitely need more helpIP check the player and if they're playing Sven from a Scandinavian country provide them with bonus stats.