Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit that some diretide
As for now, the contracts are no longer valid and players are free to choose what they think is the best for them, even the name ‘Speed Gaming’ isn’t exactly the best name and I was against it from the very beginning but we got really far. This project got destroyed by a greedy person, who thinks he can do what he wants, because of the money he owns.
Rattlesnake and Speed Gaming International to fold shortly.Things seemed to be ok until we went to Korea and the team lost to Dignitas. When we got back to the hotel, weir was sending me messages by qq pretty much complaining about the results and when I shared this with the players they took it the wrong way and even had small incident with Canada Aui_2000 and EternalEnvy.
Speed gaming contracts fucked in China, working to restructure
No one gives a shit cause double rapiers.
It's like you've never seen gyro rapier before
Rattlesnake and Speed Gaming International to fold shortly.
Speed gaming contracts fucked in China, players and management working to restructure
I think the players knew about this already, EE was hinting about things happening behind the scenes in his interview with team liquid
This article is full of lies. I've been in close contact with the team members and they can confirm many 'shady' decisions being made by this Marco guy. They've personally been in touch with Weir and are working things out without this clown of a "manager".
At one point, he physically threatened a player (who I will not name).
MrMLGAdam [score hidden] 26 minutes ago
Why in the world would you post this before the finals? Just spoke to the players back stage to make sure they're in good spirits for the finals. What an awful thing to attempt to do.
On the bright side, the players laughed at this article and are anxious to tell their side. Good luck to the players in the finals.
The reddit on the speed gaming drama basically is calling the guy a total liar
"Well I am shocked and upset I dont know if I should tell this to players or not yet but I am afraid this might ruin their performance so I might just wait and make it public once they finish the event."
Saw this in twitch chat, might be my favorite
They wanted unblockable ads, free on dotaTV tooWhy again are their no English streams for this. . .
Why Navi, why LD mid with dendi, What an odd option.
Final = DK vs nosponsor. LOL