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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
The Summit was my favorite tournament this year, lots of exciting games, having Kuro/Puppey/Notail/Demon/Bulba casting with LD was great, and it was the best finals matchup (5 games of EG vs DK)

This was a really good event. The Captain's Draft tournament was a great tournament but it didn't have the intimate setting and the pro personalities. Still hope both of these events return in the next year.


I would love a Captains Draft/Summit hybrid. In a perfect world, for me, valve would spread the prize money around to other events throughout the year. Probably impossible but would be nice.


The Summit was my favorite tournament this year, lots of exciting games, having Kuro/Puppey/Notail/Demon/Bulba casting with LD was great, and it was the best finals matchup (5 games of EG vs DK)

So Smart.

But honestly I really did enjoy The Summit. Having the players step in for casts was great when they were not messing around. Those guys provided more insight about the game. I would love if Valve would have some of the players that are eliminated from the International do a cast of the games.


The Summit was my favorite tournament this year, lots of exciting games, having Kuro/Puppey/Notail/Demon/Bulba casting with LD was great, and it was the best finals matchup (5 games of EG vs DK)

The best Dota event of this year was the EU HUB Twitch stream

Sing + Notail Mario Party team, so good


I had a Sniper that wanted solo offlane, and when Lion rotated in to help fend off their trilane, he raged and went to jungle. It was maybe the worst.
It really sucks though when you can handle the suicide lane fine and a support comes to "help" you. Their intentions may be good but all they're actually doing is leech the XP you desperately need instead of doing useful things elsewhere like ganking and pulling. I find that these are often sheltered support only players who think the sole purpose of their role is to idly babysit a core.

If the Sniper was dying to the trilane that's a different story of course.
It's the worst when people think every game the lanes have to be 2-1-2 no matter what. I love playing solo offlane but it sucks when people don't know what a trilane even is.


It's the worst when people think every game the lanes have to be 2-1-2 no matter what. I love playing solo offlane but it sucks when people don't know what a trilane even is.
depends on the lineup imo

also i find roaming support duos more effective than a traditional trilane this meta


Bull on a Donut
I havent watched it yet so he might have covered it, but its not like 2GDs coverage of the event was any good. It was extremely low energy and they said absolutely nothing informative.

He kind of explains this during the segment. Basically, he really wasn't a fan of the producers in his ear, the way they organized the panel, the way they planned everything, and he complained about not having much material to work with (especially for Chinese teams). Also, he said the panelists worked from 9-6 pm, and then again from 8/9-11 for rehearsals and everyone was just overtired with very little prep-time.

He basically shits all over the behind-the-scenes production work, and points out a few good criticisms--Valve had a bunch of cool effects going off in the stadium (i.e. when techies was picked), but the stream viewers barely saw any of this.

Also it seems like Valve wanted to book key arena for 6 days for more main event games, but could only get 4, possibly explains why only 8 teams advanced to the main event. Pretty much everyone criticized the group stage bo1 format, and only having 8 teams at the main event.


It's the worst when people think every game the lanes have to be 2-1-2 no matter what.


depends on the lineup imo

also i find roaming support duos more effective than a traditional trilane this meta

I can barely make it through your posts thanks to that avatar, help.
depends on the lineup imo

also i find roaming support duos more effective than a traditional trilane this meta
Well yeah sure, I just mean I hate picking Timbersaw/Tidehunter/Centaur and having a support sit in lane with me for no reason, leeching my xp and screwing over our carry by not helping him.
It really sucks though when you can handle the suicide lane fine and a support comes to "help" you. Their intentions may be good but all they're actually doing is leech the XP you desperately need instead of doing useful things elsewhere like ganking and pulling. I find that these are often sheltered support only players who think the sole purpose of their role is to idly babysit a core.

If the Sniper was dying to the trilane that's a different story of course.

We had a Tinker on our team and Lion was planing on prepping ancient stacks since we were on Dire and roam. It ended up fine because we refused to let the Sniper feed himself or give up the Rapier he rushed.

Totally get the general game theory and agree but it was just petulant rage.


Ok so like


should I have gone scepter/ref this game, or bfly, daedalus? I put the scepter on the courier in favor of crystalis for when they did their gg push btw. I was going scepter/ref after midas/mom and got bkb because I kept getting screwed by disrupter ult, then went scepter but the team was egging me on in favor of getting pure right click. P sure my undecidedness in my build was what lost us the game. I ended up with bfly/scepter which is a shit version of both builds.

Keep in mind this was for offlane void, which I enjoyed playing a lot! Just would have liked to have won, obvs.


Ok so like


should I have gone scepter/ref this game, or bfly, daedalus? I put the scepter on the courier in favor of crystalis for when they did their gg push btw. I was going scepter/ref after midas/mom and got bkb because I kept getting screwed by disrupter ult, then went scepter but the team was egging me on in favor of getting pure right click. P sure my undecidedness in my build was what lost us the game. I ended up with bfly/scepter which is a shit version of both builds.

Keep in mind this was for offlane void, which I enjoyed playing a lot! Just would have liked to have won, obvs.
Well. You were the only one that was capable of dealing copious amounts of right click damage so I think you should have gone Butterfly, Daedalus. I like the scepter purchase in general, but prioritizing Void as that game's right click carry seemed to be best course of action. I would have gotten Daedalus before Butterfly as well. This is assuming that you landed a Chrono on Sniper/Kunkka, so you don't need the added benefits of Butterfly when no one is right clicking you in there. Mjolnir would have been great as well, and upgrading your Brown Boots into Treads would have helped in the long run.
It really sucks though when you can handle the suicide lane fine and a support comes to "help" you. Their intentions may be good but all they're actually doing is leech the XP you desperately need instead of doing useful things elsewhere like ganking and pulling. I find that these are often sheltered support only players who think the sole purpose of their role is to idly babysit a core.

If the Sniper was dying to the trilane that's a different story of course.

Yeah...trying to gank in a suicide lane 2 v 3 is a terrible decision. By laning like that you as a team have basically conceded that lane during the early early phase. On the flip side nothing annoys me more than a solo laner repeatedly for ganks because he got shutdown or he's not getting free farm, especially when the other two lanes are being won as is. If you're getting shutdown in lane...abandon it to gank/knock down towers and force the other team to rotate.

I'm 170 hours into this game and I still suck.

Do I ever get good or just suck a little less.

Probably the latter...2K+ hours here and I'm still not very good...Still feels good when you string together a few wins/carry your team to victory/play support and captain the SS dumbfuck to victory.


Ok so like


should I have gone scepter/ref this game, or bfly, daedalus? I put the scepter on the courier in favor of crystalis for when they did their gg push btw. I was going scepter/ref after midas/mom and got bkb because I kept getting screwed by disrupter ult, then went scepter but the team was egging me on in favor of getting pure right click. P sure my undecidedness in my build was what lost us the game. I ended up with bfly/scepter which is a shit version of both builds.

Keep in mind this was for offlane void, which I enjoyed playing a lot! Just would have liked to have won, obvs.

Should've bought a Mjollnir, brah.


tbh tho its not really your fault in general quesa although your build could use a bit of tweaking

your cm has two fucking bracers, no mekans on your team, no detection, no pipe against veno/disruptor.

a complete disaster


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
It's the worst when people think every game the lanes have to be 2-1-2 no matter what. I love playing solo offlane but it sucks when people don't know what a trilane even is.

Trilanes put WAY too much onus on trench pubs to actually know how to play proper support beyond just buying a chicken and wards when begged. Sucks when you have to take a tag-a-long with you offlane when you're playing Clock, Bounty or Timber when you really want them fast levels.


mael over what, midas or MoM? I went midas cuz lord 1.09 said so and MoM cuz that seemed pretty good on him. Should I have just followed that up with mael then?


Okay so last night I was playing a game where the enemy team was doing everything better than my team was. We picked a very pushy lineup and we had 2 rax up but they had managed to hold us off for the third perfectly. Pretty much a team wipe everytime we tried to fight.

As I was typing GG thinking we had lost, I hear "Dire wins". What? Huh? How the hell did we win?

Watched the replay and for some reason they decided to chase our Death Prophet across the entire map with a huge creep wave pushing their base.

Felt pretty bad for them though. They had done such a great job and outplayed us pretty much all game.

Big Dog

I'm 170 hours into this game and I still suck.

Do I ever get good or just suck a little less.

I have about 930 hours and I would say you will just continue to suck a little less.

I'm starting to get really pissed lately. Half of the last 20 games I have played involve foreign team mates invading my USE servers. I don't know what to do anymore without gouging out my own eyeballs. No matter if its a carry or support I have lost the large majority of my last 20 games.


PPD says players need to play more pubs. And random heroes. If he's right, SingSing is set to dominate.

Its weird, I assume the pros know enough mechanics and have played enough games to pick some hero if they need to, hearing that they were forced to pick TA into Razor and had to give Timber to Universe because of Arteezys hero pool was very suprising
I'm 170 hours into this game and I still suck.

Do I ever get good or just suck a little less.

Every 100 hours, you start to suck just a tad less. IF you keep at it, read guides and strategies and develop game-sense, you'll start gitting gud. That's when you can play as a meepo and get farm and kills and not feed.

I believe that is the benchmark set by our lord GabeN and his son IceFrog.


Ok, so I'm finally super comfortable playing Wraith King and I've gotten some good time in with Drow Ranger. She instantly felt comfortable to me since she's so similar to Ashe, who was my main during my LoL time. Now that I've moved onto playing All-Pick from purely limited heroes, I feel like I should have another good hero in my repertoire. Any suggestions who I should pick up next?
Ok, so I'm finally super comfortable playing Wraith King and I've gotten some good time in with Drow Ranger. She instantly felt comfortable to me since she's so similar to Ashe, who was my main during my LoL time. Now that I've moved onto playing All-Pick from purely limited heroes, I feel like I should have another good hero in my repertoire. Any suggestions who I should pick up next?

Pick Lich, you need to learn how to support if you want to survive in this crazy world.
I'm 170 hours into this game and I still suck.

Do I ever get good or just suck a little less.

Give it another 1000 hours and you'll become fairly competent
Then another 1000 to become experienced

Then another however many to become really good

Ok, so I'm finally super comfortable playing Wraith King and I've gotten some good time in with Drow Ranger. She instantly felt comfortable to me since she's so similar to Ashe, who was my main during my LoL time. Now that I've moved onto playing All-Pick from purely limited heroes, I feel like I should have another good hero in my repertoire. Any suggestions who I should pick up next?
you should just try a bunch of heroes and see which you enjoy

I can recommend (I enjoyed these heroes when I was new at the game)

Axe (all you need is a blink dagger initially and he is very very strong in early game) if you want to play manly, you can also learn a bit about jungling by playing him (he is probably the easiest jungler, but he is better in lane)

Silencer: strong early game, can snowball hard, powerful ult for teamfights, again doesn't need much items (force staff and aghanim)
death prophet: also straight forward, the ult is powerful, you have a long range cone nuke and a strong aoe silence and the high movespeed makes it quite fun

Nyx assassin: fun hero to play, the spike carapace allows for a lot of tricks/timed stuns and the ult has a short cooldown at higher level, even if you fail it's fun to hunt and try

juggernaut, spin is strong (and allows you to tp away to safety if you get ganked) , the ult is powerful even without items, healing ward is useful for your team when pushing even if you don't have items, I think he's a good first melee carry to learn

razor: build him for max movespeed, link someone and go ham , easy to learn and pretty straightforward and a lot of different items are good on him (mek, aghs, carry items, heart, hex it's all good on him)

I'd avoid heroes that require a good understanding of where the enemies are/will be until later and require good map awareness
e.g pudge, nature's prophet , tinker, sniper, Kotl, broodmother

I'd avoid HARD carries that NEED items to be of much use in midgame: like sven, anti mage, medusa, lone druid, spectre ,weaver, morphling, kunka (kunka can still wreck without items with x torrent boat but new players aren't going to be able to pull that off anyhow)
As a new player you're going to suck at last hitting, farming the map efficiently and struggle to stay alive to save for bigger items so a hard carry is not going to work out very well much of the time.

Some heroes are very high skillcap and you'll do bad on them if you don't know how to play them, like: earth spirit, meepo, wisp, chen, invoker
Some others i'd avoid as they're hard to do well with as new player: shadow fiend, treant protector, huskar, legion commander

Apart from these super hard carries and the really high skill demanding heroes listed above most of the heroes are good to start with imo, just try some and stick with the ones you enjoy, then revisit the ones you initially don't when you get better at the game
I suck at Lycan push builds :( And of course it's my fault when we lose.

Lycan push builds realistically only work if

1. The enemy team doesn't have decent counter push or a hero like Treant who will negate chip damage.

2. You have a lineup that can snowball and take towers early on.

3. The enemy team are flat-out retarded or are composed of 5 hard carries.
Probably the latter...2K+ hours here and I'm still not very good...Still feels good when you string together a few wins/carry your team to victory/play support and captain the SS dumbfuck to victory.

I have about 930 hours and I would say you will just continue to suck a little less.

At 170 hours you're supposed to suck, and you're going to suck for a long time unless you're some kind of natural.

Every 100 hours, you start to suck just a tad less. IF you keep at it, read guides and strategies and develop game-sense, you'll start gitting gud. That's when you can play as a meepo and get farm and kills and not feed.

I believe that is the benchmark set by our lord GabeN and his son IceFrog.

Give it another 1000 hours and you'll become fairly competent

Then another 1000 to become experienced

Then another 1000 to become good

welp. Guess I'll continue on sucking then. I've never sucked so bad a game and loved it so much.


Pick Lich, you need to learn how to support if you want to survive in this crazy world.

Reading some guides on him, he sounds like the type of hero that capitalizes on everything I have no clue how to do right now (basically, playing any sort of support role). Yep, sounds like a good way to round out my game some.
Ok, so I'm finally super comfortable playing Wraith King and I've gotten some good time in with Drow Ranger. She instantly felt comfortable to me since she's so similar to Ashe, who was my main during my LoL time. Now that I've moved onto playing All-Pick from purely limited heroes, I feel like I should have another good hero in my repertoire. Any suggestions who I should pick up next?

Lich to learn hard support.. Tide hunter to learn initiating...
Reading some guides on him, he sounds like the type of hero that capitalizes on everything I have no clue how to do right now (basically, playing any sort of support role). Yep, sounds like a good way to round out my game some.

It'd be best if you play with someone who knows to how to play a proper carry and knows the fundamentals of supporting to guide you through the process. Basically, early on, sacrifice a creep as soon as it's off cooldown (even do it to a creep when the game starts), lvl 2, get frost blast, spam it on the enemy , use sacrifice to get mana back, repeat.

Once you're out of the laning phase, buy wards to place around key areas where movement happens, around the runes and in the jungle. Valve made big white eye figures on key cliffs that are great ward spots, for now just try to utilize them.

In teamfights, you just stay back use your frost blast and ulti and cast armor on your teammates. Stay outside of fights cause you generally don't do much else.

Right now, that's about all I can say, but it'd be best if you play with someone who knows what to do and can guide you (I'd offer but I'm not available to play nowadays)

EDIT: What Lich basically teaches you is how to play a hard support. He's one of the least item dependent heroes in the game because of his high movement speed, ability to be somewhat tanky to right clicks because of his frost armor and his ability to get mana back quickly.


It'd be best if you play with someone who knows to how to play a proper carry and knows the fundamentals of supporting to guide you through the process. Basically, early on, sacrifice a creep as soon as it's off cooldown (even do it to a creep when the game starts), lvl 2, get frost blast, spam it on the enemy , use sacrifice to get mana back, repeat.

Once you're out of the laning phase, buy wards to place around key areas where movement happens, around the runes and in the jungle. Valve made big white eye figures on key cliffs that are great ward spots, for now just try to utilize them.

In teamfights, you just stay back use your frost blast and ulti and cast armor on your teammates. Stay outside of fights cause you generally don't do much else.

Right now, that's about all I can say, but it'd be best if you play with someone who knows what to do and can guide you (I'd offer but I'm not available to play nowadays)

EDIT: What Lich basically teaches you is how to play a hard support. He's one of the least item dependent heroes in the game because of his high movement speed, ability to be somewhat tanky to right clicks because of his frost armor and his ability to get mana back quickly.

That makes a lot of sense. Learning warding seems like the thing that's most out of my wheelhouse right now, but the concept is simple enough that I think I can pick up on it after a few games. Thing I really like looking at Lich is that he has Sacrifice, which seems like a really great intro into denying. When I'm playing a hard or semi-carry, that aspect of the game goes right over my head. Having that ability built in seems like a great way to force me to keep it in mind.
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