I'm 170 hours into this game and I still suck.
Do I ever get good or just suck a little less.
Give it another 1000 hours and you'll become fairly competent
Then another 1000 to become experienced
Then another however many to become really good
Ok, so I'm finally super comfortable playing Wraith King and I've gotten some good time in with Drow Ranger. She instantly felt comfortable to me since she's so similar to Ashe, who was my main during my LoL time. Now that I've moved onto playing All-Pick from purely limited heroes, I feel like I should have another good hero in my repertoire. Any suggestions who I should pick up next?
you should just try a bunch of heroes and see which you enjoy
I can recommend (I enjoyed these heroes when I was new at the game)
Axe (all you need is a blink dagger initially and he is very very strong in early game) if you want to play manly, you can also learn a bit about jungling by playing him (he is probably the easiest jungler, but he is better in lane)
Silencer: strong early game, can snowball hard, powerful ult for teamfights, again doesn't need much items (force staff and aghanim)
death prophet: also straight forward, the ult is powerful, you have a long range cone nuke and a strong aoe silence and the high movespeed makes it quite fun
Nyx assassin: fun hero to play, the spike carapace allows for a lot of tricks/timed stuns and the ult has a short cooldown at higher level, even if you fail it's fun to hunt and try
juggernaut, spin is strong (and allows you to tp away to safety if you get ganked) , the ult is powerful even without items, healing ward is useful for your team when pushing even if you don't have items, I think he's a good first melee carry to learn
razor: build him for max movespeed, link someone and go ham , easy to learn and pretty straightforward and a lot of different items are good on him (mek, aghs, carry items, heart, hex it's all good on him)
I'd avoid heroes that require a good understanding of where the enemies are/will be until later and require good map awareness
e.g pudge, nature's prophet , tinker, sniper, Kotl, broodmother
I'd avoid HARD carries that NEED items to be of much use in midgame: like sven, anti mage, medusa, lone druid, spectre ,weaver, morphling, kunka (kunka can still wreck without items with x torrent boat but new players aren't going to be able to pull that off anyhow)
As a new player you're going to suck at last hitting, farming the map efficiently and struggle to stay alive to save for bigger items so a hard carry is not going to work out very well much of the time.
Some heroes are very high skillcap and you'll do bad on them if you don't know how to play them, like: earth spirit, meepo, wisp, chen, invoker
Some others i'd avoid as they're hard to do well with as new player: shadow fiend, treant protector, huskar, legion commander
Apart from these super hard carries and the really high skill demanding heroes listed above most of the heroes are good to start with imo, just try some and stick with the ones you enjoy, then revisit the ones you initially don't when you get better at the game