why did I stop playing original sin for this game
find a match - leaver at pick screen
find a match - leaver 20 mins in
find a match - leaver at pick screen
find a match - leaver 15 minutes in
That makes a lot of sense. Learning warding seems like the thing that's most out of my wheelhouse right now, but the concept is simple enough that I think I can pick up on it after a few games. Thing I really like looking at Lich is that he has Sacrifice, which seems like a really great intro into denying. When I'm playing a hard or semi-carry, that aspect of the game goes right over my head. Having that ability built in seems like a great way to force me to keep it in mind.
did mason post his blog yet?
Yeah he did it's on EGs page.
He was also on the BTS podcast thingy today.
CD is the best mode.
Two Clock wins, fed and lost as Leshrac by being too aggressive early. Forgot to use my JUDGEDREDD set though.
Yeah he did it's on EGs page.
He was also on the BTS podcast thingy today.
I mean, I don't like drafting, so I usually let someone else do it, but even *I* could have managed to not let the other team get Void, Witch Doc, and Tide in fucking Captain's Draft... I hate when people just start shitting on the Captain in draft modes but the dude's first ban was fucking Medusa, so I think it's appropriate in this case.
Is that the Mortar Forge helmet or one of the other ones?Judge Dredd Head
so did mason post his blog or not
What's with this game matching me with 4-man stacks vs 5-man stacks. I'm solo Valve!
The thing you should notice about lich sacrifice is that it's basically auto win for your lane.... It really shows how much of an impact denying has. try to play him in the off lane or mid at least once to really fuck over the enemy farmers.
Played a bot match with Lich-support just to start to get a feel for him. It's amazing how huge an effect his sacrifice has over time. By the end, everyone not in my lane was rocking mid-20s level and the two bots against me were stuck at 11 and 12. It basically made their moves worthless. They could do nothing but feed my dudes. Clearly it won't be near this effective against real people, but it's definitely way more than I expected.
Warding was super fun too. Seeing where the enemy wanted to be and counter-ing that is so satisfying. I think this guy may top Wraith King as my favorite dude to play now. Supporting your party from the back, but still managing to have a huge impact is super fun.
support for lyfe
I might be on that team now. My idea of support before trying it out was a kind of boring, but necessary background role to make sure your team has all they need to be successful. There's certainly some of that, but I've never felt as in control in a match as I have playing Lich. So good.
Of course not you didn't pick Voidhttp://dotabuff.com/matches/802111081
Can't carry them all At least the loss this time wasn't in ranked! Yay I guess.
Of course not you didn't pick Void
I might be on that team now. My idea of support before trying it out was a kind of boring, but necessary background role to make sure your team has all they need to be successful. There's certainly some of that, but I've never felt as in control in a match as I have playing Lich. So good.
I like lich, but maybe also look at some supports with really big team fight ultimates. Maybe something like a shadow shaman, tide hunter, or lion or something so that way in a pub you can say things like "my ulti is ready, we should fight. Let's push top" which is of course where you've already warded so now you're captaining the team and your team doesn't even know it.
my sister was bored so she decided to draw dota chibis
In the trench there's only one kind of support.
The sort of support that doesn't buy support items and instead rushes for a force staff, sits behind you in your lane soaking your experience without contributing anything, and then just becomes an advanced jungle creep for the enemy carry to farm in the mid game. He may or may not actually get his force staff before the game ends.
Aghs, not Force Staff.
I love how many people immediately build Force Staff and have no real idea how to use it properly.
It's an absolutely guaranteed escape mechanism, which means you don't need map vision or any awareness and therefore once you acquire it you can never be ganked, so obviously there's no need for you to buy wards.
Buying wards is like paying rent, while getting a force staff is like buying a house. In a game about efficiency and resource management it's obvious what the correct choice is.
my sister was bored so she decided to draw dota chibis
In the trench there's only one kind of support.
The sort of support that doesn't buy support items and instead rushes for a force staff, sits behind you in your lane soaking your experience without contributing anything, and then just becomes an advanced jungle creep for the enemy carry to farm in the mid game. He may or may not actually get his force staff before the game ends.
trilane the sven and offlane the pa with dp mid, not too bad if you ask me.
trilane the sven and offlane the pa with dp mid, not too bad if you ask me.
In the trench "trilane" just means "two supports sit behind the carry and deny creeps", and "solo offlane" means "continuous feeding".
And "DP mid" means "bloodstone rush and enemy mid T1 at 50% health at 20 minutes"
clock items
https://twitter.com/GodBlessMali/status/493696234956541952ZSMJ said on his stream that 430 will join @DKdota2. Makes a lot of sense.
In the trench there's only one kind of support.
The sort of support that doesn't buy support items and instead rushes for a force staff, sits behind you in your lane soaking your experience without contributing anything, and then just becomes an advanced jungle creep for the enemy carry to farm in the mid game. He may or may not actually get his force staff before the game ends.
In the trench "trilane" just means "two supports sit behind the carry and deny creeps", and "solo offlane" means "continuous feeding".
And "DP mid" means "bloodstone rush and enemy mid T1 at 50% health at 20 minutes"
Ok so like
should I have gone scepter/ref this game, or bfly, daedalus? I put the scepter on the courier in favor of crystalis for when they did their gg push btw. I was going scepter/ref after midas/mom and got bkb because I kept getting screwed by disrupter ult, then went scepter but the team was egging me on in favor of getting pure right click. P sure my undecidedness in my build was what lost us the game. I ended up with bfly/scepter which is a shit version of both builds.
Keep in mind this was for offlane void, which I enjoyed playing a lot! Just would have liked to have won, obvs.
baby crit - daddy crit