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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana


Bull on a Donut
Real talk: We got the best thing we could ever ask for in a patch: The custom map tools. Seriously, that was the biggest thing I wanted, more than any hero.

id rather have 6.82 still

after TI you always hit this period where everyone mongoloid picks the same 15-20 heroes they saw at TI (i.e. doom, razor, void, shadow shaman, tide, enigma, etc...) and it gets very tiring. I really hope icefrog never takes as long as he did last year (3+ months post-TI) to get a balance patch to inject some chaos and keep things fresh. It's even better in this "dead-zone" reshuffle period where not many tournaments are happening, so people don't have drafts to copy and just yolo experiment.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Hopefully Sing can get Bone7 off C9 so they can start a team that actually has a chance at winning something.


Low Tier
There is no goddamn reason to pick Drow Ranger right now. She is literally just a worse version of Viper. She fits into dedicated Aura strat I guess, but that's it

drow r4nger
There is no goddamn reason to pick Drow Ranger right now. She is literally just a worse version of Viper. She fits into dedicated Aura strat I guess, but that's it

I actually like her more for her pushing ability than her teamfighting. Trying to dodge and weave in a team fight with her is really tricky since you need to maintain distance to actually do anything but she doesn't have sniper's attack range or a real escape or a real disable.

The only thing she has in common with Viper is an orb slow, I don't think they fill the same niche at all.


Once I played ability draft and drafted Drow's aura and Visage's familiars on the same hero. Post laning I sat in fountain occasionally activating my aura while my birds (infested by Smilax with Infest) flew around and killed things. It was like I was really playing Drow!

i kid, drow can be very effective with a proper draft, especially when she has space to devour towers


relies on auto-aim
There is no goddamn reason to pick TerrorBlade right now. He is literally just a worse version of Drow Ranger. He fits into dedicated push strat I guess, but that's it
Drow is pretty decent at the moment actually. Her new Gust elevated her from uber trash tier and she has an easier time keeping space between herself the and the enemy. Also, she ain't really a worse Viper. Obviously, Viper is one of the strongest heroes in the pool at the moment, but Drow excels at other things quite well like tower pushing. She also scales better late game but yeah, overall Viper is a little too strong at the moment probably. Doesn't make Drow Huskar-tier shit though.
Drow is smashing me atm. That ability that slows you and does bonus damage basically forces you to fight her unless you have a TPS or TP ability, and it's a fight she often wins regardless if she gets the jump on you and you don't have a teammate to help out


Can't believe Sing left C9 man, I had so much hope for that team.

Well, hopefully his new team is just as good (Tinker is just temporary I expect, but Qojqova and Pajkatt might genuinely be on his new team.)

C9 can be my second fave I guess.


Drow is smashing me atm. That ability that slows you and does bonus damage basically forces you to fight her unless you have a TPS or TP ability, and it's a fight she often wins regardless if she gets the jump on you and you don't have a teammate to help out

people underestimate how hard Drow hit, 40 attack speed and 40 damage at level 6 is no joke.

Its like getting almost 2 eaglesong or 6000is gold
people underestimate how hard Drow hit, 40 attack speed and 40 damage at level 6 is no joke.

Its like getting almost 2 eaglesong or 6000is gold

This is definitely true. I also think most people that play her underestimate how effective she is. You can totally push and force fights once you hit 6 as Drow as long as you have Treads and probably a Ring of Aquila. If you play well you can get a Yasha and HoD by the time you hit 11 and you're an absolute menace. I often go Cryst before Manta if I'm snowballing and you can 2-3 shot supports and melt enemy carries.


This is definitely true. I also think most people that play her underestimate how effective she is. You can totally push and force fights once you hit 6 as Drow as long as you have Treads and probably a Ring of Aquila. If you play well you can get a Yasha and HoD by the time you hit 11 and you're an absolute menace. I often go Cryst before Manta if I'm snowballing and you can 2-3 shot supports and melt enemy carries.
Shes a glass tho

If the other team has even the smallest idea on what to do, she wont even get to truck status


that puzzling face
This is definitely true. I also think most people that play her underestimate how effective she is. You can totally push and force fights once you hit 6 as Drow as long as you have Treads and probably a Ring of Aquila. If you play well you can get a Yasha and HoD by the time you hit 11 and you're an absolute menace. I often go Cryst before Manta if I'm snowballing and you can 2-3 shot supports and melt enemy carries.

Shes a glass tho

If the other team has even the smallest idea on what to do, she wont even get to truck status

Which is why she's one of the suggested new people carries.
I always get Mask of Madness on Drow. On Sniper too. Positioning is key so might as well go full glass cannon. You shouldn't pick her against heroes who have an easy time closing the gap obviously. Spirit Breaker and PA ruin her pretty bad.


The thing is, Drow doesn't suddenly exist in a vacuum. If your team knows what they are doing (inb4 Trench, they don't bla bla bla) then they should be trying to prevent the enemy getting to you. At the very least, they can go apply pressure as 4 somewhere whilst you demolish towers elsewhere, kinda like TB or Lycan. And if one comes back to defend, then a lot of the time you are actually the stronger 1v1 hero. If more come back, you just bail and your 4 win their part of the map.


I always get Mask of Madness on Drow. On Sniper too. Positioning is key so might as well go full glass cannon. You shouldn't pick her against heroes who have an easy time closing the gap obviously. Spirit Breaker and PA ruin her pretty bad.

you can gust SB mid charge and should have enough time to kill him while he's silenced

it also works on Huskar's life break, TA meld, SK sandstorm and Riki invisibility

Drow works in pubs because people don't know how to play agaisnt her. I've seen my friends trying to run away from her instead of towards her to disable her ult. Once the ult is gone, she's pretty weak. I know this because she's my most successful hero.

usually in pubs I see people trying to walk towards her at -60% move speed and then panicking when they suddenly below 40% health in 3-4 hits and try to run away and then just died :)


Drow works in pubs because people don't know how to play agaisnt her. I've seen my friends trying to run away from her instead of towards her to disable her ult. Once the ult is gone, she's pretty weak. I know this because she's my most successful hero.

I like to pick weaver to counter her, if you don't die during the gust (and usually you won't, unless there is a huge farm difference), she's dead.
From what I've played, Drow can;t handle being attacked by 2 at once, or even the threat of such an attack. Like Riki in the low MMR pubs, if you get stuck isolated against her, it's tough to escape, especially if you panic like I do and don't TP
you can gust SB mid charge and should have enough time to kill him while he's silenced

it also works on Huskar's life break, TA meld, SK sandstorm and Riki invisibility

Yeah right. She's the best, dude.

However, she ain't as good as Terrorblade contrary to what Hazaro says. She pushes nowhere near as fast and has limited team fight contribution. Also doesn't scale as well late game as TB.


Yeah right. She's the best, dude.

However, she ain't as good as Terrorblade contrary to what Hazaro says. She pushes nowhere near as fast and has limited team fight contribution. Also doesn't scale as well late game as TB.

that's a given since TB is a harder carry :)

I would say that TB have a slightly better early game pre level 6, Drow is better at 6-16 and after that TB take over again
Drow is smashing me atm. That ability that slows you and does bonus damage basically forces you to fight her unless you have a TPS or TP ability, and it's a fight she often wins regardless if she gets the jump on you and you don't have a teammate to help out

If Drow gets freefarm she is incredibly strong in the early mid game, similar to Sniper as it's really hard to close the gap to her. If you can get a blink on someone with a stun though generally she can become a non-factor pretty quickly
If Drow gets freefarm she is incredibly strong in the early mid game, similar to Sniper as it's really hard to close the gap to her. If you can get a blink on someone with a stun though generally she can become a non-factor pretty quickly

Unless she sees you before you get to blink to her :p


The Amiga Brotherhood
If Drow gets freefarm she is incredibly strong in the early mid game, similar to Sniper as it's really hard to close the gap to her. If you can get a blink on someone with a stun though generally she can become a non-factor pretty quickly

Sometimes if someone picks Drow I like to pick Sniper just so we can fight. I find the matchup quite fun, trying to get the drop on each other and trying to keep space.

Not the best matchup but damn fun imo.


Just played a ranked AP match with a friend. The guy on our team last picks riki when we needed another support. He then goes to the offlane with void, complains that we have a two carry lane and feeds.

People in AR are way better in handling these weird comps.
Drow is better at 6-16 and after that TB take over again

Not sure if I agree with that honestly. TB is pretty squishy pre 6 but his Q-E combo can be hard to lane against if you are out of position even once. Post 7 he just wrecks and never falls off. 100% illusion uptime is pretty useful. Farming with him is also a breeze with an illusion tanking and him having a huge Agi gain and thus high armor.
Just played a ranked AP match with a friend. The guy on our team last picks riki when we needed another support. He then goes to the offlane with void, complains that we have a two carry lane and feeds.

People in AR are way better in handling these weird comps.

It's the reason I don't ever play All-Pick, because people actively choose to lose at the pick stage. It's like C9 levels of drafting throws, but in every game instead of just the deciding games of BO3s.

EDIT: The amount of hate for Pinoys in twitch chat of this Rave vs MVP game is pretty amazing. I'm guessing they're the Peruvians of SEA? I've only played with Pinoys once and they were a pretty standard feeder/flamer stack, I didn't know they were so hated.


Haha fuck me, I paid $10 I think for the I-league ticket. At least I got a terrible void hammer which once again looks significantly worse than the workshop entry.


EDIT: The amount of hate for Pinoys in twitch chat of this Rave vs MVP game is pretty amazing. I'm guessing they're the Peruvians of SEA? I've only played with Pinoys once and they were a pretty standard feeder/flamer stack, I didn't know they were so hated.

Us Pinoys are the BMs of the entire dotaverse. From SEA to Russia


id rather have 6.82 still

after TI you always hit this period where everyone mongoloid picks the same 15-20 heroes they saw at TI (i.e. doom, razor, void, shadow shaman, tide, enigma, etc...) and it gets very tiring. I really hope icefrog never takes as long as he did last year (3+ months post-TI) to get a balance patch to inject some chaos and keep things fresh. It's even better in this "dead-zone" reshuffle period where not many tournaments are happening, so people don't have drafts to copy and just yolo experiment.

That would be nice, but honestly it is hard to complain as this still remains one of the best patches in my opinion. Besides, if you get fed up with regular Doto, custom games are always there now. Plus I just really enjoy experimenting with the workshop tools.
Lots of people understand how to play Drow but don't execute it properly. AFK right-clicking and tunnel-visioning is doing it wrong. You can't be lazy with Drow. Orb walking, proper positioning, and multi hero silences are skills that have to be developed to win games.

If you have level 3 or better frost arrows, nobody should be able to walk close to you to cancel your aura in the first place because you should be orb walking them. Even if they can, gust is your get out of trouble free card. Gust away the Riki's, bounty hunters, spirit breakers, huskar's and PA's, then murder them.

I often engage as many as 3 different targets with the slow in team fights to keep them all slow rather than just focusing one target. I never have frost arrows on auto cast. I press Q when I want it, and regular autos when I don't (for the lifesteal or whatever orb I may have bought).

Right now Drow is my favorite Tinker countermeasure. That's a hero that never buys BKB. Six seconds of silence is his death. Repeatedly.

As with any carry, she needs proper support for laning phase unless she has a reasonable 1v1. Unlike most carries, she can still recover from a bad start and be relevant later. Might need to rush a Shadowblade. Might need to rush a blink dagger. Might need to rush a BKB.

But really, the biggest problems I see with Drow players come mid game are poor orb walking skills, poor positioning, and extremely poor Gust casts. Oh, and poor skill builds. Maxing silence last is doing it fucking wrong.


Just pick doom against shadowblade drow, thats what I did. Actually, just pick doom against anything that annoys you. Its great therapy.

Also, for the love of god. Doom is extremely squishy at lvl 1, please dont try to go man-mode with him and 1v1 heroes early on. 0.54 base armor is NOT tanky.
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