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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana

Chris R

Ooooffff, looks like it.

Try upping the volts a bit, otherwise it's time for an RMA.

Already started the RMA process. Volts shouldn't matter, never overclocked the card (or my system) 100% stock :|

yea, it's a wrap. I had a similar issue and had my GPU reballed. Good to go for me.

Don't want to bother since the thing is under warranty still. Just sucks. Heat shouldn't be an issue, my case is really clean and has great airflow :(



Imgur gallery of singsing's items. Enjoy.
Already started the RMA process. Volts shouldn't matter, never overclocked the card (or my system) 100% stock :|

Don't want to bother since the thing is under warranty still. Just sucks. Heat shouldn't be an issue, my case is really clean and has great airflow :(

Volts can help compensate for some issues where you get artifacting. Also try a different cable.


I was going to ask is Midas is as core as people made it out to be...

I went Radiance first in the two bot matches I just played, but that was because it was on easy and the all left me alone in the offlane while they bashed into each other over and over. What should I generally go for first if I'm actually playing against another hero? Maelstrom?

It all depends on how the game is going. If you are aiming for the ver early game, Mael+ Basher is a fine build. If you are getting normal farm or more, Radiance is always the best item. If you play him offlane you shouldn't get the kind of farm you do get on safe lane, so Mael is a more common first item in that position.

Just remember to upgrade to phase on the bear early on. People skip it for soem reason, but Phase bear early on is a monster. Also, if you do get a mael early on and are getting really fed, it's stil ok to build a radiance as long as you fiish it sub 30 or sub 25 mins.

Just remember to get an armour aura, as bear gets squishy later. AC is the best, but Vlads is also good if you're doing badly.


It all depends on how the game is going. If you are aiming for the ver early game, Mael+ Basher is a fine build. If you are getting normal farm or more, Radiance is always the best item. If you play him offlane you shouldn't get the kind of farm you do get on safe lane, so Mael is a more common first item in that position.

Just remember to upgrade to phase on the bear early on. People skip it for soem reason, but Phase bear early on is a monster. Also, if you do get a mael early on and are getting really fed, it's stil ok to build a radiance as long as you fiish it sub 30 or sub 25 mins.

Just remember to get an armour aura, as bear gets squishy later. AC is the best, but Vlads is also good if you're doing badly.

Would it be worth getting both?



Most of those clearly belong to a 17 year old

But some were funny


laughed hardest at this one


Would it be worth getting both?

Both Vlads and AC? Its actually ok since you do get an expanded inventor, so you don't cap as muc as other heroes. Adds some very nice sustainability late game aswel.

Though if possible a support should be building it, not Sylla.
Confirmed viable build. If you can get BF and Daedalus within 25 minutes the game is pretty much over for the other team. It is a pretty farm heavy build so take advantage of stacking multiple camps at once with torrent. You can also easily clear ancients so that is another source of income. Combo is pretty easy if you leave x on 2 points. X-->torrent-->boat and any support or squishy hero is dead.

I've been playing kunkka quite a bit these past few days. I'd recommend just downloading a replay of that attacker guy and watching what he does.

yeah I plan too. I watched his replay and there's some pretty advanced stuff that I would need to practice. I totally forgot about stacking camps with kunkka. What's the timing to stack with torrent? like 57-58?

don't do this.

It's a high-risk, high-reward build for the highly-skilled and highly-experienced with the hero. Come back to unique builds like this once you've played 60 or 70 Kunkka matches and are looking to branch out beyond the usual items. As a newer Kunkka player, I'd recommend any of the following:

Phase --> Shadowblade --> crystalis --> BKB (if needed) --> Daed --> AC/Heart --> Heart/AC/Moar crit --> whatever else you need.

Situational items include:

Bottle (required if going mid)

Also, don't skill build like him. It's sub-optimal because it leaves all of your skills to random chance. The more reliable skill build is:

1-2-2-1 @ 6
4-4-2-1 @ 11 (or 3-4-3-1)

2 points in X-marks *guarantees* a torrent follow-up if casted immediately on the x-marks spot. There is no guess-work involved. if you put the torrent on the spot where you got the X, the torrent *will* hit the target unless they BKB/repel.

Cast combo:

E --> Q --> R. If you hit the Q on the X-spot properly, the full combo *will* hit.

3 points in X-marks guarantees a boat follow-up if casted immediately on the x-marks location. Again, there is no guesswork involved.

Cast combo:

E --> R --> Q. Just X them and drop the boat in the general vicinity, then immediately put the torrent on the X-spot.

Of the two options, I'd say 3 points in X is has a little more leeway. The boat is a larger aoe so you don't have to be exact in its placement, and the extra time you have allows you to better see and place the torrent. With 2 points, the torrent requires you to be within a .25 second window on the torrent cast or you might miss it. All that said, I always go with 2 points in X. It's what I've been doing for a year and it works well for me. 3 points is very popular even among pros because...guaranteed boat is more valuable and the entire combo is more reliable at the expense of some torrent damage.

X-marking yourself is really good for sieging as you can walk up and proc your passive on the enemy with little risk. It's also good for TPing yourself back to base, filling up your bottle charges and coming right back to the action.

In fights, you want to get in there and right-click as much as you can and kite when appropriate. You'll get a feel for this the more you play him. You definitely want to be aware of when your passive is off cooldown and your positioning so that you can maximize the splash damage by hitting as many enemies as possible. That's the core of kunkka. He synergies well with big disablers like Tide, Void, Naga and Enigma. Really, anyone with reliable cc. Shadowblade will ensure you can get into X-marks range without being seen.

Yeah I plan on going with the shadowblade build first... even in bot matches, attacker's build was really hit or miss for me. But once you hit that battlefury, his farm really does accelerate. Also thanks for the X/boat/torrent tip....that's way easier setup.

Why AC? Kunkka doesn't benefit much from attack speed and while + armor is nice...-armor is good for the team but the -armor doesn't apply to splash. Wouldn't heart be a better option in this case? And if you have heart, wouldn't a 2nd daedalus be better than AC?


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Build Battlefury and hit creeps when Tidebringer is up so the splash hits the enemies.

Next ESL is in NYC October 9th-10th, video went up early and was removed.


I cant watch hitbox

For some reason i get HORRIBLE tearing in the video window. I tried to watch Hylian the other day but the tearing was to much

Dont know why they dont let you get the quality lower than 720p

well that sucks. I guess I'll stream on twitch tomorrow?


Man. I guess since I got two Kunkka plushies and the immortal I got last year was the leviathan whale blade (I remember being blown away that items can change spell animations) I should learn that hero. I don't know why he is so unappealing to me.
I mean the more I think about it... even in my lone normal mm match, maxing tide bringer wasn't exactly super helpful in lane as my opposing mid player was smart enough to avoid it. That and it pushed the creep wave hard. I'll give 2-1-2 a shot.
Yeah I plan on going with the shadowblade build first... even in bot matches, attacker's build was really hit or miss for me. But once you hit that battlefury, his farm really does accelerate. Also thanks for the X/boat/torrent tip....that's way easier setup.

Why AC? Kunkka doesn't benefit much from attack speed and while + armor is nice...-armor is good for the team but the -armor doesn't apply to splash. Wouldn't heart be a better option in this case? And if you have heart, wouldn't a 2nd daedalus be better than AC?

One of my friends runs the Attacker Kunkka build a lot, from what I've seen blink dagger really is amazing on the hero, cast X on yourself, blink in, do a splash and pull yourself back
One of my friends runs the Attacker Kunkka build a lot, from what I've seen blink dagger really is amazing on the hero, cast X on yourself, blink in, do a splash and pull yourself back

Yeah the bungie jump...what's even more amazing is that I see him place a solid boat/torrent/X himself to blink in. Pick off one guy and then snap back to safety before the other team can respond.
Yeah I plan on going with the shadowblade build first... even in bot matches, attacker's build was really hit or miss for me. But once you hit that battlefury, his farm really does accelerate. Also thanks for the X/boat/torrent tip....that's way easier setup.

Why AC? Kunkka doesn't benefit much from attack speed and while + armor is nice...-armor is good for the team but the -armor doesn't apply to splash. Wouldn't heart be a better option in this case? And if you have heart, wouldn't a 2nd daedalus be better than AC?

Battlefury is always good for farm acceleration. Cleave, regen sustain, and enough mana regen to spam torrent in the jungles. Getting one should be a function of how well the match is going, rather than an automatic purchase. If you can't get it in under like...15 minutes or so, it starts to become "late". That is, it begins to delay your fighting item pickups like crit.

AC is good on Kunkka because while it doesn't proc his passive...he's still a carry. You still want to be in position to do as many autos in a fight as you can. If you're only looking to right-click when your passive is up, you're only autoing once every 4 seconds. That's not good enough. Also remember: armor reduction is going to apply to everyone in the aura radius (enemy and ally). For offensive purposes, it means that the Tidebringer splash damage you're doing is going to get the benefit of reduced armor for all targets in range to be splashed. That means more damage on splash in addition to you being able to tank better so you don't have to run around like a bitch in team fights instead of auto-attacking like the man your team needs you to be. Being able to tank better is why Vanguard is a situational item and Heart is a common purchase late-game. You need to be able to tank as much as possible while auto'ing.

Heart is good as well, but they do not fill the same purpose in the same way. AC is best when against a team of auto-attackers where armor is critical and when you have another right-clicker on your team; heart better against a lot of disable and magic damage. Ideally, I'll have both because the Heart's health regen is too good, and the AC's offensive and defensive aura is too useful.

Double crit is not a replacement for AC. It simply depends on how your game is unfolding. Double crit won't mean much if you're getting fuckin murdered, right? If you're far enough ahead to rush double crit, the game is probably already won. If the game is in doubt and you don't have any tank items on Kunkka, you might unwittingly be making the game even harder.

My preferred 6-slotted Kunkka is something like Phase (Travels) + Daedalus + Daedalus + AC + Heart + BKB. Where I would have bought and later sold Battlefury and Shadowblade along the way. Games don't usually last that long, though. Most of my Kunkka matches have been under 45 minutes. The semi-recent exceptions are:


and last outting



Battlefury is always good for farm acceleration. Cleave, regen sustain, and enough mana regen to spam torrent in the jungles. Getting one should be a function of how well the match is going, rather than an automatic purchase. If you can't get it in under like...15 minutes or so, it starts to become "late". That is, it begins to delay your fighting item pickups like crit.

AC is good on Kunkka because while it doesn't proc his passive...he's still a carry. You still want to be in position to do as many autos in a fight as you can. If you're only looking to right-click when your passive is up, you're only autoing once every 4 seconds. That's not good enough. Also remember: armor reduction is going to apply to everyone in the aura radius (enemy and ally). For offensive purposes, it means that the Tidebringer splash damage you're doing is going to get the benefit of reduced armor for all targets in range to be splashed. That means more damage on splash in addition to you being able to tank better so you don't have to run around like a bitch in team fights instead of auto-attacking like the man your team needs you to be. Being able to tank better is why Vanguard is a situational item and Heart is a common purchase late-game. You need to be able to tank as much as possible while auto'ing.

Heart is good as well, but they do not fill the same purpose in the same way. AC is best when against a team of auto-attackers where armor is critical and when you have another right-clicker on your team; heart better against a lot of disable and magic damage. Ideally, I'll have both because the Heart's health regen is too good, and the AC's offensive and defensive aura is too useful.

Double crit is not a replacement for AC. It simply depends on how your game is unfolding. Double crit won't mean much if you're getting fuckin murdered, right? If you're far enough ahead to rush double crit, the game is probably already won. If the game is in doubt and you don't have any tank items on Kunkka, you might unwittingly be making the game even harder.

My preferred 6-slotted Kunkka is something like Phase (Travels) + Daedalus + Daedalus + AC + Heart + BKB. Where I would have bought and later sold Battlefury and Shadowblade along the way. Games don't usually last that long, though. Most of my Kunkka matches have been under 45 minutes. The semi-recent exceptions are:


and last outting


No, cleave damage is not physical damage. It's something more like Unreduceable physical damage, cause WC3 sucked. As such, it's not altered by anything, it's just your base attack damage dealt as pure physical damage to all the targets in the cleave except the one you actually hit.

Splash work more like you think it does, but cleave for WC3 reasons don't.
What do I get on Lone Druid after I finish my radiance? Should I continue buffing up the bear or shift my focus to the druid? It seems the latter has solid carry potential (agi hero, good agi gain, boatload of buffs from skillset), is it a good idea to get something like a butterfly on him next?

If I get an assault cuirass, do I put it on the druid or the bear? Also, how about getting a bunch of relatively cheap midgame items instead of one big one - because ld has so much inventory space - like a drum of endurance, vladmir's offering and/or maelstrom?


What do I get on Lone Druid after I finish my radiance? Should I continue buffing up the bear or shift my focus to the druid? It seems the latter has solid carry potential (agi hero, good agi gain, boatload of buffs from skillset), is it a good idea to get something like a butterfly on him next?

If I get an assault cuirass, do I put it on the druid or the bear? Also, how about getting a bunch of relatively cheap midgame items instead of one big one - because ld has so much inventory space - like a drum of endurance, vladmir's offering and/or maelstrom?

i like just focusing the bear, bear is faster, druid already has a lot of hp with his ultimate.

you can get basher after radiance or indeed an AC

if you get AC give the hyper stone to the bear and the rest to druid and when the whole thing is complete just give it to the bear

don't go too greedy on the radiance, you can always go maelstorm which is good


I didn't like Kunkka until I learned how to land a boat. Now if I could just get better at X's...

I played a Kunkka game last week where I went Phase Boots, 2x BF, 2X Daed, and Blink dagger.

Ultra kill in 1 swing and chased down a VS for the Rampage.


Get a bottle on Kunkka so you can X yourself, TP back to base, spam bottle and fountain regen super fast, and then go back with (maybe) full health and mana.
No, cleave damage is not physical damage. It's something more like Unreduceable physical damage, cause WC3 sucked. As such, it's not altered by anything, it's just your base attack damage dealt as pure physical damage to all the targets in the cleave except the one you actually hit.

Splash work more like you think it does, but cleave for WC3 reasons don't.

No, cleave damage is not physical damage. It's something more like Unreduceable physical damage, cause WC3 sucked. As such, it's not altered by anything, it's just your base attack damage dealt as pure physical damage to all the targets in the cleave except the one you actually hit.

Splash work more like you think it does, but cleave for WC3 reasons don't.

Wait I thought the -armor doesn't apply to splash damage (only the hero you directly hit)?


I mean the more I think about it... even in my lone normal mm match, maxing tide bringer wasn't exactly super helpful in lane as my opposing mid player was smart enough to avoid it. That and it pushed the creep wave hard. I'll give 2-1-2 a shot.

It's about zoning out. And if they're avoiding it in EXP range, you're not being smart with positioning yourself to hit them with it.
It's about zoning out. And if they're avoiding it in EXP range, you're not being smart with positioning yourself to hit them with it.

Well in the game I played...Zeus backed up to behind his tower mid to avoid the splash...and when he wasn't, I splashed him.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Prior to the last month I have never ever seen a Kunkka in my game do the thing where he buys a dagger, X's himself and then blinks into the shit and starts cleaving people only to warp himself back to safety. In the last month however literally every single Kunkka I've seen (5 total and counting) has used this trick. I know this probably isn't exactly new but it seems like everybody and their grandma is pulling this crap in games now and it came out of nowhere, just like Axe creep skipping did about half a year or so ago. Never used to see it, now 90% of all Axes I see attempt some sort of early game aggressive skipping.


relies on auto-aim
I like Bottle Phase BF Daed Blink Daed and BoTs in there somewhere.
BF let's you farm so fast.

Blink is so good with X you can derp around all day with BF regen.


The snowball is real. Mid fell round 10 mins and the game was over after that. If you coordinate well, you can topple the other team real easy.
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