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DOTA 2 |OT6| Plz vote for Keeper of the Light Arcana

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
I just whish I knew who was in a stack, and who isn't. and have an option just to play with people who aren't in stacks, without having to play ranked.


The introduction of MMR is the worst thing to ever happen to this thread. Literally cancer.

MMR itself is good. Nice to be able to rate yourself and growth. Like every community though even this one has people that incessantly post about it and their goals and how the system fucks them over on purpose with a vengeful, intelligent mind.


All this LD talk had made me wonder: Why does no one get Desolator on the bear? With that and an AC you put out a disgusting amount of damage to buildings. I've gotten those and absolutely wrecked bases with it. I remember a game where we had a team fight on their high ground. The other spent time killing my team while I casually right clicked their T3 and rax right in front of them while they called it "rat doto".

I think there are just better items at each point of the game. Radiance or maelstrom are better for pushing lanes and farming early, AC helps you kill towers and also makes the bear harder to kill, and after that you start to reach the point where you need to itemize against whatever the other carries are building. The bear already crushes towers with demolish.


My teammates who pick carries all seems to sucks, time to pick carry myself to stop losing!

57 kills, 41 assists, 24 death in 3 games, 2 losses 1 win.

Team heavy, lost 175 points today :sleeping:

Literally uncarriable :sleeping:


Forever Platinum
So what? Of course, you can see if people are skilled with a single game. We are talking about skills with one hero, but still, it is skills. When a Pudge is going 10-0, ganking all the lanes, it is a skilled Pudge player.

I must be an awesome invoker right guys? Guys?
ive had games, where faceless wont use his chrono because I called him out on being a whiney and butt hurt.

This is going to sound facetious, but this bad attitude is probably really affecting your play and your team. The biggest change I have made to my play in the past month is to make a concerted effort to be positive and helpful. Not just to not be negative, but to purposefully be positive. Ask for things nicely, try to help out, take over in a leadership role if no one is leading, tell your team good job for getting ganks and other things.

I was never a negative player before, but you can turn the tide of a game if your team starts calling early gg and you can redirect. I am not a very good player, but being positive and mediocre at the game is better than joining in on the rage fest. I've raised my MMR 300+ points in just a month with this perspective.

Also, play support.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
No, unless you mean allowing her to conserve cooldown time?

Still no, although it'll make her more annoying and one note than she already is.

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
This is going to sound facetious, but this bad attitude is probably really affecting your play and your team. The biggest change I have made to my play in the past month is to make a concerted effort to be positive and helpful. Not just to not be negative, but to purposefully be positive. Ask for things nicely, try to help out, take over in a leadership role if no one is leading, tell your team good job for getting ganks and other things.

I was never a negative player before, but you can turn the tide of a game if your team starts calling early gg and you can redirect. I am not a very good player, but being positive and mediocre at the game is better than joining in on the rage fest. I've raised my MMR 300+ points in just a month with this perspective.

Also, play support.

I wasn't even being negative. its just that he kept harping on this one dude, and all I said was "common man your 0/5/ leave him alone" and he just said "oh yea, well I am not gonna use my chrono anymore". that's when I called him whiney and butthurt. and he stopped talking.


it would already give back 50-75% because the healing is based on the dmg she deals with ult so if she she ends it early she barely gets healed.

I don't think I've ever seen a DP not get fully healed after her ult ended. It would definitely make her stronger, especially with something like a Eul's.


I must be an awesome invoker right guys? Guys?

Very High skill bracket confirmed trench-tier. What are we supposed to look at? Your KDA? Your items?
  • I see you carry a tp scroll, you must be 7k+ MMR: you know they can push the barracks, they got two T1 towers afterall, these rat pushers.
  • Gem is a pro-choice against a Nyx whose only item is Dagon and who got a single kill during the whole game.
Wow, based on this single summary of the game, I must admit your Invoker itemization is so damn good. You carried the game so damn hard, it is amazing. Such a pubstom, it must mean so much. Amazing.

I was talking about, you know, the way the hero is played. For instance, a Pudge who knows where to hide and when to gank. I have no idea whether you know how to invoke the right spells and the right combos based on a dotabuff page. Watching the replay would maybe not change a damn thing here, because the match was a total stomp with a fed Huskar. At best, it shows matchmaking is broken. Anyway, your example is a good way to make fun of my argument by exaggerating it and making it look ridiculous. What was "based on my observations of some players during some matches, I can safely say these players are skilled with these heroes, have a good map awareness and take good decisions during the game, while those others players are not as good" became"lol look at my dotabuff ez game ez mmr ez life commend me plz i am pro".

How can someone trust MMR more than watching replays, I have no idea. My guess is MMR it reassuring: we finally have a total order on the set of players, the MMR system has to be right, otherwise I won't be able to sleep at night.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So, Hylian, I was talking about your most recent Storm game with someone who lurks the thread. They watched the replay for laughs and gave me the play-by-play on your Storm. I was giving some you advice earlier, but wasn't entirely confident in my words because I'm not actually a Storm player. My associate, however, is. Here it is, pared down slightly so it's less caustic, but still retaining a hint of #reeltawk for piquancy. I agree with all his points, and I think a lot of people in this thread could benefit from the same advice.

Anonymous Benefactor (A.B.)
Did you tell him to stop maxing pull

No, forgot

ok i see the first problem
he goes the 3 branch tangos opener
which is pretty weak

null tangoes?


preferably from your potato supports
who probably don't need it anyway

if you're against another hero with harass, null + your own tangos
if not, then null + 2 shared

4 shared tangos

fucking, they have huge cds
ok decent block
he misses his first cs because he suddenly decides that that's the best time to put bottle on his quickbuy
he's not nearly aggressive enough trying to cs
he's losing his lane on fear alone
opponent doesn't even have to work for it
yeah he's just got really poor last hit mechanics
not nearly good enough to work with a 3 branch start

who is he laning against

he's getting denied by skywrath
who has mantle + 3 branches
and skywrath has really bad auto damage
ok he gets a kill because this skywrath is worse than he is
oh my god he takes a terrible fight
he doesn't know how or when to bottle at all
jesus he buys recipe for magic wand before he has boots money
he's one of those players that doesn't understand when it's good to buy stick and why you upgrade it to wand
he just does it because other people do
lol he has to do like 10 unit ults to get his passive up on right clicks because he does no damage with 3 in pull
he cant make the decisions
when am i safe
when am i in danger
he can't gauge clashes

which fights are winnable
which kills can be taken
when it's a wash and he should just go farm
got no game sense
and storm really needs it
can't just bumble around on storm
have to know what you're doing

he tps to another lane
and ball lightning to where a hero was standing
and he clearly saw him walking backwards
but he targeted his ult to exactly where he was standing when he started the tp so he had to ball again
if you see a hero walking back you compensate and ball in front of him so you'll hit him with it
but he doesn't do that
and he saw the guy turn around and decides to walk back
i don't think he checks the heroes/levels of a lane before he goes to gank or fight
his ball lightnings are soooo bad
he's not compensating for movement at all
so he pretty much has to ult at least twice
to actually be on top of everyone

and wastes mana
leaving less mana for escape balls
or more chasing

or anything really
i dont think he knows how to do damage or kill when his pull is down
when your pull is down, you want to ball on top of someone and drop a remnant on them and then auto
which will still slow them and do good damage

we were talking about
how one of the tinkers he was facing was farming ancients
and he's just too scared to go on him
because he doesn't feel like he did enough damage and he wanted help with the gank
I didn't understand what he meant at the time
then you told me about him maxing pull
and now it makes sense

he doesn't tread switch to cast
which is really sketchy on storm (to see what A.B. is talking about, watch: http://www.twitch.tv/arteezy/b/449398144?t=13m25s)
ok he did the classic
im gonna walk up to the bottom of a ramp
without knowing whats on top

oh, another time he said something like
"i can't see what's happening on the ancient cliff so i'm scared to go in"
and I replied, "dude, REMNANT SCOUT"

use your remnant flying vision
its weird
he really plans his moves in advance, but really poorly
i think he shift queues his ult while he tp's
i dunno why
what if you see them turn another direction while you're tping

If i had to guess
it's a relic of how he plays pudge and tinker
which is very flow-charty
press buttons in a row and win
ditto for pre nerf earth spirit actually
he figured out the combo and realized it was unstoppable
so he just spams it

he did one good thing
which was pop the invis rune outside of the general ward vision
he grabs a dd rune and then tries to kill a void with it
there was no way that was going to happen
this is what i mean by really bad risk analysis
if that void wanted he could've just ulted after the pull and probably killed him
his camera work goes to shit in panic situations
i dont think he thinks about what skills the enemy team has
if some skill shits on you you should be thinking
"ok i need to go in after it gets used"
or "if i see that hero on another side the map ill probably be ok"
like come on!
disruptor was just mid tower
he rezzes
and tps straight to it
and then balls right into the lingering party
and gets sent home
he's really bad with camera work and focusing on the proper thing
there was a fight where most of the heroes on both teams were low and walked away from each other
he had walked away from the fight earlier and instead of looking at the heroes from the fight to see if he could kill any stragglers or to see where they were going
he had the camera on him

oh yes he made a big deal about it at some point
how he was always afraid of eating mirana arrows
and once pro looked at his replay it turned out it was because his camera is always centered on him, instead of possible arrow sources

he needs to be aware of whats around his hero and his hero's status without having his hero actually be in frame so he can look at other important shit
he balls to a lane to catch the farm at a tower
that's just really bad
you need to manage your mana really well with storm
just spams remnant on lane creeps for no reason
bad reaction time
he never drops remnant in sketchy situations for flying vision
well i think i've seen enough


Bull on a Donut

for reference: http://www.giantbomb.com/dota-2/3030-32887/forums/dota-2-community-tournament-2nd-edition-sign-ups-1491827/#3

Assuming there will be about a week left for signups, maybe less or more who knows. Anyhow, skill levels in this tourney are all over the place and first round is all bo1's so don't be too afraid to join, should be fun. Closest thing we are going to get to a gaf tourney for awhile.


ok he gets a kill because this skywrath is worse than he is

This is so true for most players, honestly. I'm 3.2K and the vast majority of my kills come from my opponents mistakes rather than me making some spectacular play. It's just a matter of feeding the least.


So, Hylian, I was talking about your most recent Storm game with someone who lurks the thread. They watched the replay for laughs and gave me the play-by-play on your Storm. I was giving some you advice earlier, but wasn't entirely confident in my words because I'm not actually a Storm player. My associate, however, is. Here it is, pared down slightly so it's less caustic, but still retaining a hint of #reeltawk for piquancy. I agree with all his points, and I think a lot of people in this thread could benefit from the same advice.
Good advice, but one question: the maxing pull thing. I go 3 pull because that was what everyone said the standard build is, why is that wrong now?


This is so true for most players, honestly. I'm 3.2K and the vast majority of my kills come from my opponents mistakes rather than me making some spectacular play. It's just a matter of feeding the least.

I don't think there's much of a difference between those two things to be honest. Being the better player usually just means you are more cognizant of when your opponent is making a mistake and knowing how to punish that mistake.
Good advice, but one question: the maxing pull thing. I go 3 pull because that was what everyone said the standard build is, why is that wrong now?

That's not really a good reason to do something.


Forever Platinum
procarbine can you teach me how to come out of the trench? I am tired of being a bad doter 2 player

Map awareness and understanding of game flow man. Map awareness pretty self explanatory, keep one eye on that map and know where the other team is, where they're moving, and what items they have.

On game flow: one of the things I've talked about in mumble recently is that I feel many less experienced dota players just float around randomly in games. The game starts, you wait about 6 minutes, then you start spinning this wheel.
I'm godlike at MSPaint.
The wheel is then spun again every 5-6 minutes for the rest of the game, unless you're getting stomped and just sitting in base. They lack a sense of direction or purpose in the game and operate in an apparently random fashion. Listen closely to your teammates suggestions during a game or watch how they behave, or even pay attention to what you want to do during the game, and you may notice this. And note when I say you I mean anyone.

Instead of playing this way, focus on having a plan during the game or employ better decision making based on what's happening right now, the current game state. Some examples to give a better idea of what I mean:

In a trilane, instead of just smoking out of nowhere, or maybe your mid asked for a gank and you try to force it, set it up. Have the carry push the lane a little, make it look like you're just going for another pull, and then smoke and go. This way if the offlane goes to look at the pull you'll be close to your target before they even realize you're missing, or may not even call it because they assumed it was a pull.

Or smoke ganking in general: rather than smoking and running into the jungle with five heroes missing, take the time to set up some wards and make sure you don't walk into a situation where the entire enemy team can respond immediately and blow it up.

In the middle of an even game:

a) Think: "Rosh hasn't died for a while, let's go over and kill rosh. We have wards up and if we smoke they won't be able to see it!" This is often incredibly dangerous, the other team will see you aren't farming any lanes and aren't showing up on any wards. They will think either gank or rosh, and either fall back or head to the pit themselves, setting you up for a risky situation. Instead, try for rosh after you get a favorable engagement, succeed at a gank, or even get a key AoE ultimate wasted. In a situation where you have a baseline, obvious advantage they often won't even bother to contest, but use with caution. High mobility rosh steals or good aoe ultimates that are still up can turn the fight. Same idea applies to pushing, or taking any objective. Disclaimer, if the other team is dumb, just running in is probably fine.

b) "Let's push something!" Instead of just pushing randomly, same sort of thing as roshan. Maybe get a pick with a smoke gank under some aggressive wards, win some sort of small clash convincingly, etc. Another common push trigger it waiting for a big item to complete on a core hero that will help them greatly. Early on this will often mean core items like blink or bkb, later on it will mean hitting the next luxury item like AC, Crit, Bfly, etc. Pushing as soon as you complete a luxury item often helps it's value when you're ahead, as the competing cores will still be on components. There are times where you will be pushing without a trigger like this and that's fine too. It usually happens when you're confident in your team's ability to win the fight 5v5 or when you need to be ending the game. In general, be aware of how the game is going, and know when to exercise that advantage.

With regard to farm, there are times for farm and there are times for action. Sometimes cores need to TP in to help in fights or pushes, sometimes one needs to farm while others apply pressure, and other times you just need to ward up and get farm as a team. Giving examples or triggers for these situations is harder, and it often comes back to overall game state. In general, know your role for these situations and play your part when it matters. Don't be the support that respawns and runs to the jungle to farm late game when your team is trying to set up a game winning push.

Note that this is a very hard concept to master, I know that I'm very far from it myself and have learned a lot about it in the last couple years of playing. But understanding the game's flow and current state and letting that dictate your actions, in my opinion, lets you cross over from running around doing things to actually playing the game. Better done in a stack with friends, of course.



So, Hylian, I was talking about your most recent Storm game with someone who lurks the thread. They watched the replay for laughs and gave me the play-by-play on your Storm. I was giving some you advice earlier, but wasn't entirely confident in my words because I'm not actually a Storm player. My associate, however, is. Here it is, pared down slightly so it's less caustic, but still retaining a hint of #reeltawk for piquancy. I agree with all his points, and I think a lot of people in this thread could benefit from the same advice.

If you or the benefactor could look at any of my games I would be super grateful!

Guidos need a mid player for us to make a return cus Rael has no internet. We have me, G.ZZZ, Demoli and a mate of his atm.

If you guys don't mind my puny 3.6k mmr I can join and mid, I even promise ill train going mid more!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's not wrong, per se, but you need to be flexible with Storm and understand the relative merits of each of his possible builds. Maxing pull turns you into a team fighter/initiator rather than a solo pubstomp ganker. Is this what you want to do on Storm? Is this the best option for the current matchup? You need to recognize these things.

But this goes back to A.B.'s comment about how you mimic builds, but don't understand the justification for them. When we were talking about Tinker, and you told me you were afraid to kill him solo, I couldn't comprehend, because Tinker is food for Storm at 6. Now I know its because of your build.

This is what you were thinking when the game started: "I'm going to max pull because some people told me to max pull, it's the only build I'm familiar with and it's the most popular build on DOTABUFF."

This is what you needed to think: "Well, Tinker is going to be a problem. And I'm the best positioned to kill him solo before he goes online, so I should probably max my killing power. I don't need to stun him for very long because he has no counter stuns. Just long enough to get a few hits on him. He's not very mobile either, so I can punish that with Overloads and orb walking."

As an aside, these are the Storm builds pro players tend to use, in competitive and in pubs.

Singsing: 1/1/3 or 2/1/2 or 2/0/3 or 1/0/3/stats or whatever
RTZ: 1/1/3
EE: 3/1/1 or 3/0/2
s4: 1/2/2

Singsing's Storm is flexible, he skills depending on the matchup and what he thinks his team needs. He's also a bit clowny and experimental, but he's good enough to make up for it.

RTZ plays Storm like he plays all his mid gankers: aggressive and snowbally. He leverages early game performance to turn into a late game carry, despite how quickly Storm falls off past ~16.

EE is just pure clown. He plays storm like a passive farming carry, going soul ring and max remnants to farm waves and jungle camps. It never really works out, but there it is.

s4 is the one who go heavy into pull first, and he gets 2 in overload for the damage. I believe it has more to do with Alliance than himself. It's not really a pub build, it's one finely tuned for their strategies.

The lesson here isn't that you should stop going 1/1/3, then max pull. It's that if you're going to level Storm this way, you need to have a good reason for it.

A.B. had one more thing to add after seeing your response.

also one thing i failed to mention
is that i dont think he views his ult as a damage spell
its important to ball ON TOP of the hero because his ult does damage
more so the longer he zips
so when he zips for a long distance and doesn't hit the hero, he's missing out on damage
i can tell from the way he plays that he only views the ult as some mobility skill
If you or the benefactor could look at any of my games I would be super grateful!
I won't volunteer his services because he watched Hylian's replay for shits and giggles, but I can probably help. Pick a few games where you felt really confused as to why you lost, preferably one without obvious throwers on your team, and I'll try to look it over in a timely manner.


It's not wrong, per se, but you need to be flexible with Storm and understand the relative merits of each of his possible builds. Maxing pull turns you into a team fighter/initiator rather than a solo pubstomp ganker. Is this what you want to do on Storm? Is this the best option for the current matchup? You need to recognize these things.

But this goes back to A.B.'s comment about how you mimic builds, but don't understand the justification for them. When we were talking about Tinker, and you told me you were afraid to kill him solo, I couldn't comprehend, because Tinker is food for Storm at 6. Now I know its because of your build.

This is what you were thinking when the game started: "I'm going to max pull because some people told me to max pull, it's the only build I'm familiar with and it's the most popular build on DOTABUFF."

This is what you needed to think: "Well, Tinker is going to be a problem. And I'm the best positioned to kill him solo before he goes online, so I should probably max my killing power. I don't need to stun him for very long because he has no counter stuns. Just long enough to get a few hits on him. He's not very mobile either, so I can punish that with Overloads and orb walking."

As an aside, these are the Storm builds pro players tend to use, in competitive and in pubs.

Singsing: 1/1/3 or 2/1/2 or 2/0/3 or 1/0/3/stats or whatever
RTZ: 1/1/3
EE: 3/1/1 or 3/0/2
s4: 1/2/2

Singsing's Storm is flexible, he skills depending on the matchup and what he thinks his team needs. He's also a bit clowny and experimental, but he's good enough to make up for it.

RTZ plays Storm like he plays all his mid gankers: aggressive and snowbally. He leverages early game performance to turn into a late game carry, despite how quickly Storm falls off past ~16.

EE is just pure clown. He plays storm like a passive farming carry, going soul ring and max remnants to farm waves and jungle camps. It never really works out, but there it is.

s4 is the one who go heavy into pull first, and he gets 2 in overload for the damage. I believe it has more to do with Alliance than himself. It's not really a pub build, it's one finely tuned for their strategies.

The lesson here isn't that you should stop going 1/1/3 and then max pull. It's that if you're going to level Storm this way, you need to have a good reason for it.

A.B. had one more thing to add after seeing your response.

I won't volunteer his services because he watched Hylian's replay for shits and giggles, but I can probably help. Pick a few games where you felt really confused as to why you lost, preferably one without obvious throwers on your team, and I'll try to look it over in a timely manner.
Makes sense. I used to go 1/1/3 a while back and everyone told me it was wrong and 1/3/1 was the standard though, including this thread.

Also I'm going to guess AB is the same person that commentated in the Shadow Shaman game a long time ago?
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