I mean, you could just not host it there if you can't get a good time spot. Alternatively schedule farther ahead or pay up the higher costs associated with it. They would likely get a significantly higher viewership and attendance with a better time spot. But maybe they get the bulk of their money though Sponsors, I don't know their books.
wat djwheat hosting dota 2?
how did this guy even get a job
DJ wheat is fine. as long as he doesn't start pretending to know stuff about dota I think he's good.
as long as he doesnt meltdown again like he did in starcraft
he tried to suck blizzards dick but nothing happened
wtf where is mason
wtf where is mason
This must have happened after I stopped watching sc2. What's the story?
God I hope EG gets stomped.
And I hope it's by the rat.
God I hope EG gets stomped.
And I hope it's by the rat.
why you mad bro?
This must have happened after I stopped watching sc2. What's the story?
E.G. stands for Stupid Cunts.
trigger warning: idra
CM pick :O
But against EG
God I hope EG gets stomped.
And I hope it's by the rat.