Spirit of Jazz
Coupe de GRASS is correct - fuckin' twitch chat.
My jaw dropped when Tobi got it right a few times after 5 years of guyrocopter.
Coupe de GRASS is correct - fuckin' twitch chat.
I've never understood why people get so hung up on how casters pronounce things, particularly in a community where people come from so many different language backgrounds.
Coupe de GRASS is correct - fuckin' twitch chat.
OKAY no really i want to go back to this
destiny fucking called this like 2 years ago
and idra and incontrol are fucking losers
incontrol: "yeah its going to be really awkward when sc2 doesnt die" okay sure
you don't pronounce the p
possible another 40+ minute game?
im sick of these two teams right now
it's pronounced crit
what's the point saying the fancy name
destiny's video on Mordor is so good though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AV9W2ZdmjU
well i hear that its like batman arkham
and i really didn't like the combat in batman arkham since it was too easy and when i played on hard they were punch sponges
its not as good as batman combat imo, and it becomes too easy too quickly
Also the prize pool data seems to be working now. ESL chests seem to have done some work.
Loda deserves all of this praise, but let's not forget that Akke Silencer and Misery Rubick.
I was impressed with akke and misery too, great work from both of them
I think bulldog needs to improve
and hanni needs to gtfo, he's so fucking bad unless he's playing invoker
what happened with chessie? did that not work out?
I was impressed with akke and misery too, great work from both of them
I think bulldog needs to improve
and hanni needs to gtfo, he's so fucking bad unless he's playing invoker
what happened with chessie? did that not work out?
He's got a back problem. H4nni is here just for this event unless something happens.
destiny was the less talented, never quite pro, singsing of sc2
humor stream
ok. I watched that 5 minute video. I still don't get it. Destiny flames them for not being able to beat Koreans at starcraft then immediately apologizes and leaves the call.
Dj Wheat's response is pretty unprofessional, but nobody there is saying blizzard is doing anything but dropping the ball.
Doesn't do anything to change my opinion that DJ Wheat is alright I guess.
Ok, good, I didn't miss anything. Was that last Alliance vs EG game any good?
what is that game singsing plays while he is queuing for a dota match?