He's one of the most picked heroes in pro games and has a 55+% winrate, I think you kind of have to nerf him a little
Earthshaker slams in: "Aw shit"Eww, dont make spiderlings magic immune. Bad broodmothers should be punished if they're letting their spiderlings lie around in lane to be easily farmed.
I'm just curious, where are you getting the 55% win rate from? Thanks.
Shrapnel is under-rated.
- Blink Dagger now has a 10% chance to miscast and stun your hero for 5 seconds instead of moving him.
http://i.imgur.com/XSKgkjE.png Hero Tier List for August
http://www.datdota.com/heroes.php If filtered for 6.81 shows 55% as well
- added cool landing animation after using blink dagger to every hero
I played offensive live all four years in HS.
I was three-point landing alldayerrday.
I didn't look as sexy as ScarJo doing it though.
I don't know, maybe I did.
I was in spandex too.
Man butt.
Team Tinker would be a lot better if EGM just played support
Everything a newbie could need is in the very first few links in the thread. If you click on the very first two links in the thread, you will know what Dota 2 is. Those links that you said would be helpful? They're there. There are so many resources out there to help with any new player and they're all better than I could do. They have been linked in the OT for at least the past five.
I'm not going to make graphics for recommended heroes anymore because it's something that is quickly outdated and changed with each balance patch. And in my experience, OTs that are stacked with information are completely worthless. What ends up happening is that new players ask all the questions that were answered in the OT anyway because no one wants to parse through a gigantic post for something they want answered right at that moment.
So unless Evilore comes into the thread and threatens to ban me if I don't do x and y, the OTs will continue to be important newbie links followed by some entertaining fluff.
Just let people BKB be effective against chrono.
Can treat those with BKB like when song goes off.
whether he ends up being right or not...
The stuff in this update seems like pretty easy stuff to implement to me. Now I have no coding knowledge at all
I think people are fooling themselves if they expect a second hero or anything big with Techies, but the wording "Find out more next week" is a little odd to me.
whether he ends up being right or not...
he needs psychiatric help
The only major bug I can see on the dev forums is enemies can see your mine counter.
But that can just be fixed without the need to update the test client again.
And of course, any changes to the sign ability
I think people are fooling themselves if they expect a second hero or anything big with Techies, but the wording "Learn more next week" is a little odd to me.
I think people are fooling themselves if they expect a second hero or anything big with Techies, but the wording "Learn more next week" is a little odd to me.
It doesn't seem at all crazy to me to speculate that they weren't done with this patch and pushed the main portion of it that they promised (Techies, some goals) last week to avert crisis.
- Minefield Sign is now an ability on techies (Arcana will receive a new cosmetic item for this ability)
- Items will now drop to the floor when returning items into a full stash
- Fixed Nether Ward damage timing when Suicide is cast
- Fixed Rubick being unable to steal Suicide
- Fixed Techies not getting XP when he kills heroes with his Mines
- Added AOE indicator for casting Stasis
- Fixed Techies wards not having XP bounty
- Fixed Land Mine not affecting Tombstone
- Improved Land Mine's behavior with fast moving units
- Fixed Curse of Avernus affecting Mines
- Updated Techies recommended items
- Fixed Vendetta, Shadow Blade and Shadow Walk affecting wards
- Fixed Remote Mines not playing sounds when destroyed via an attack
- Land Mine buff counter is now visible to allies only
- Fixed some issues with Portrait casting
- Fixed Rubick's Detonate only destroying one mine
- Fixed Legacy Keys
- Fixed All Hero Challenge counting wins in games that didn't get counted
- Fixed All Hero Challenge covering up the Accept button
- Fixed various tooltips
Minefield Sign is now an ability on techies