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DOTA 2 |OT8| DOTA Asian Championship (1/27-2/9)

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but you never actually become good at this game

but all the streamers have like 7K mmr bro. they kick ass while not even trying and make it look ez. therefore, the game is easy and we simply have to unlock the ez mode...and if we can't unlock it it is because of some personal failure (never!)...or at least awful teammates (always!)


I'd classify him as a "game delayer". He's an expert at slowing people's farm as they tremble in fear where the next cluster of bombs might be while his own team operates in relative safety.

Rarely will a Techies be the reason you win a team fight (unless they're pushing heavily mined T3's or something), and a gem bought at any phase of the game shuts down his whole plan and arsenal.

This Techies


had 7 kills in 12 minutes. I was tired of seeing my teammates feeding him, so I bought a super-fast gem (at maybe 13 or 14 minutes). As you can imagine...he got 2 kills over the next 42 minutes. That's not the mark of someone who can carry you. If he does, it's because the enemy just decided to not play responsible doto and buy sents/gems when needed (before things spiral out of control and your team is behind 10k because nobody can farm safely).

Honestly it wasn't meant as a serious thing since I don't think he can carry as hard as those others, but I do think Techies does more than delay games. I've had more impact on the games I play as techies than maybe for the rest of my dota career and single-handedly dragged some teams to victory. I'm getting better at playing around "responsible dota" as well. Also people who spec suicide disgust me :mad:
Wow turns out that match I was in was in Very High Skill bracket, it was the first time I feel like I legitimately got out-farmed when both carries had free farm.

I got super confident because my lane support actually helped me get last hits and zoned their offlaners, instead of sitting behind me and watching me get right clicked for 10 minutes. Turns out AM got 200+ GPM on me by the end of the game :(
it's not surprising that some people want to establish that they "really are good" by way of some "proof" that is reflected by their MMR number. People have egos that must be stroked, and those egos are very sensitive.
I want to push mine up so I don't get teamed with Witch Doctors who buys a linken and his idea of gawking is throwing himself in the middle of 5 enemies.

The strangest thing is that he does ward. So at least he did something right.


it's not surprising that some people want to establish that they "really are good" by way of some "proof" that is reflected by their MMR number. People have egos that must be stroked, and those egos are very sensitive.

You can care about MMR and not have it be about ego. It can be really difficult to tell if you've improved in games like these which constantly match you against people of your skill level, so you never really feel like you are rising above the people you play against. I mostly play unranked but will play some ranked games two or three months to see if I've gotten any better.


Does anyone else wait all day to play dota and then just be disappointed

For whatever reason I get a weird nervous feeling when finding a match and at the select screen like "well now you're locked into doing this for the next 40 minutes" but that goes away as soon as the game starts.


Low Tier
MMR was a way for me to see how i compared to everyone else in NA. Personally, I found it a valuable tool for climbing and comparing my own progress as a player. Like once i hit my goal (top 100 NA) i kinda stopped, and im sure I've gone down, but one can use MMR as a number, but not obsess over it.


MMR was a way for me to see how i compared to everyone else in NA. Personally, I found it a valuable tool for climbing and comparing my own progress as a player. Like once i hit my goal (top 100 NA) i kinda stopped, and im sure I've gone down, but one can use MMR as a number, but not obsess over it.

This is how I look at it, I like to measure my skill and see it increase. This is the first MOBA I've ever played, so I'm not that good, but I'm getting better.

Chris R

It's so much fun to guess at who is stacked with who during the game.

When two players constantly bitch at you for your play you better bet your fucking ass they are grouped with the fucking anchor of a bloodseeker who doesn't know how to fucking play.


But I don't get to talk much shit since I was terrible on TB (lane was hard as fuck with the shitseeker, but muh hero choice left me with no other option :( ) and the game wasn't ranked.


It's so much fun to guess at who is stacked with who during the game.

When two players constantly bitch at you for your play you better bet your fucking ass they are grouped with the fucking anchor of a bloodseeker who doesn't know how to fucking play.


But I don't get to talk much shit since I was terrible on TB (lane was hard as fuck with the shitseeker, but muh hero choice left me with no other option :( ) and the game wasn't ranked.

idk how other feel about TB but I think BOTs on him is pretty good, lets you be anywhere at anytime and safely farm.
idk how other feel about TB but I think BOTs on him is pretty good, lets you be anywhere at anytime and safely farm.

The one thing I learned from watching Merlini is that getting Midas and BOTs to farm the map while the rest of your team plays NADota™ is a legit plan
You can care about MMR and not have it be about ego.
No, it's about ego. "Let me see how good I am (or better than)" is the definition of ego. The innate feeling that you have to prove something; that you have something to prove. That's not inherently a problem; it just is what it is. Everyone has an ego. As 109 said, it's a question of whether you're obsessing over it or not where it can become a problem. Not to say that anyone here is obsessing over it so much as to make the point.

Chris R

idk how other feel about TB but I think BOTs on him is pretty good, lets you be anywhere at anytime and safely farm.

Eh I could barely farm manta with treads. Game was over at twenty minutes :( Couldn't lane with how squishy TB is against Sven/Luna stun combo.


If you're doing well in lane as SF, is it better to try and maximize your cs by doing the thing where you push out the wave and go to the jungle, or stay in lane and deny everything?


Blink dagon drow new meta



If you're doing well in lane as SF, is it better to try and maximize your cs by doing the thing where you push out the wave and go to the jungle, or stay in lane and deny everything?

If we're talking about mid I would only do that if the other guy is missing and I didn't need to go get a rune. I find it generally a bad idea to try and test another guy's ability to last hit under tower, especially when you've got a healthy lead.

If you're safelane and as long as the opposing offlane is still around I still think it's more important to deny all your creeps and let your supports either stack or take the neutrals themselves at least until laning phase is ending or you've sufficiently gimped the opposing offlane.
Anxiety is a bitch. There are days where I plan to play for long hours but instead end up just browsing and watching streams, all because dota is emotionally draining
Ehome crushing these qualifiers.

EHome channeling the spirit of...EHome!

Anxiety is a bitch. There are days where I plan to play for long hours but instead end up just browsing and watching streams, all because dota is emotionally draining

it very much can be.

Holy fuck retarded void players r literally the worst.

at least as bad as Nagas who don't know when to use the ult, messing up the entire team's ability casts. I've seen Nagas sing through torrent + boat, ravage, rp, black hole, etc.


Tonight was a good night for dota. We clowned, we rallied, we had an epic 75 minute long game with both teams evenly matched, all three wins.

Nights like these are rare.
EHome have just picked up a bloodseeker against G Guard, interested in seeing how they build it

Edit: Do multiple low meepos count individually for bloodseeker thirst?


I actually just had the BS vs Lycan match up a few hours ago, with me as the BS. We rallied hard that game.

Lycan's team was running a train HARD on us for 20 minutes, eventually I got fed up with TPs away from me so I bought a Euls. My team started flaming me. But being able to cyclone the lycan, then rupture him really turned it around. We came out of a 8k gold deficit and won it. Rupture while Lycan is in wolf form is a pretty good counter and the new aoe nuke fucks up his wolves.
MMR is not worth obsessing over, I mean I used to care a lot more but honestly it just gets in the way of enjoying the game at times. I mean losing a ranked game is frustrating whereas losing unranked or with friends I think can still be fun


I'd classify him as a "game delayer". He's an expert at slowing people's farm as they tremble in fear where the next cluster of bombs might be while his own team operates in relative safety.

Rarely will a Techies be the reason you win a team fight (unless they're pushing heavily mined T3's or something), and a gem bought at any phase of the game shuts down his whole plan and arsenal.

This Techies


had 7 kills in 12 minutes. I was tired of seeing my teammates feeding him, so I bought a super-fast gem (at maybe 13 or 14 minutes). As you can imagine...he got 2 kills over the next 42 minutes. That's not the mark of someone who can carry you. If he does, it's because the enemy just decided to not play responsible doto and buy sents/gems when needed (before things spiral out of control and your team is behind 10k because nobody can farm safely).

edit: oh and add Slark to that list. Fuck that stupid ult.

I've been playing a lot of Techies recently


Even when they buy detection, you can place mines strategically so that they won't see them coming (walking up hills etc.) and you can do more than enough economic damage to their supports that they just become food for your carries (hopefully). I'd say Techies is a space creator, as it makes the enemy team really scared to go ... anywhere, if you have a decent spread of mines. The only trouble is hoping that your team takes advantage of that space.

I agree that he delays games, but only if you're losing, and it can often give you the time to get a hard carry online and stage a comeback. He is also pretty bad in team fights, unless you take teamfights in mine-littered areas, but once you get Agh's and lots of mana regen, he can do some significant damage with remote mines. He can also build items like sheep and force staff to transition into more of a supporty role.
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