Hey, guys. Any tips for Viper and Crystal Maiden? I want to get better with them since it has been helping Satch and I come closer. ;-)
Tranquils -> Force Staff -> Whatever (I like Euls, Ghost)
- Be at the edge of auto attack range, she's squishy as fuck but her range is enormous.
- Try to stand behind your ally whenever possible.
- Don't Crystal Nova creeps when trying to harass.
- But if your partner is melee and its too dangerous for him to go up to last hit, feel free to take a few creeps with Nova while harassing (and you should be stacking if possible).
- If they make aggressive motions towards your ally, Crystal Nova them to scare them off.
- Reserve Frostbite for when they go on you or for ganks or for farming jungle creeps.
- Camp runes for mid if it's safe, she can contest safely better than a lot of other supports because of her range.
Team Fighting:
- Against single or double targets clumped together, catch them on the edge of Crystal Nova. 700 range + 400 radius = 1300 effective range. That's longer than Blink Dagger.
- It's tempting to run in and Nova their entire team but don't risk your safety to do this.
- Frostbite defensively. Save it for auto attackers (Ursa, PA, AM), and don't run up to Frostbite someone and put yourself at risk.
- Exceptions to the above are if your team has superior numbers and they're on the run.
- Count the number of stuns/interrupts they have, once it's low enough you can ult safely
- Ult's range is massive, there's no need to stand in the middle of the enemy team to ult, like Nova, you can catch them on the edge if you clap your hands together and pray to RNGesus
- If you're fighting in the jungle, before Ulting, stand behind a tree so they can't stun you as easily
- Use Force Staff and Euls to kite. If they're scared, Force Staff in and Nova/Frostbite and let your team catch up. If they're going in on you, Force Staff/Euls to dodge them and Nova/Frostbite to slow them down.
- I talk about playing defensively a lot but if you can trade your life for one of theirs (especially on a carry), it's worth it. Just make sure the trade is worthwhile (as in, if you didn't give up your life your team woiuld miss the kill, this takes experience to judge)