yeh ign can suck my dick i stopped visiting that site when i was 12
This thread sucks i can barely play Dota2 at lowest setting and using gloves to not burn my hand and my laptop often freeze because the video card overheat.
i take it back, zarya isn't the worst hero in overwatch is
she is garbage
even her ult is worthless.
When was the last time you opened it up and cleaned out the heatsink? When I had a craptop many years ago it turned into a god damned oven if I left it on more than an hour at a time. Turns out it bad build up a small rodent's worth of hair and dust in the heatsink vent. Cleaned out that block of grime and it ran ice cold until I retired it.
she is garbage
even her ult is worthless.
You do know you can boost and activate her ult and the mech goes flying forward, right?she is garbage
even her ult is worthless.
Mei is god tier, seceretly the most powerful champ in game
i prefer anime to overwatch
Put XV on PC this year SE and I will right all your wrongs from the past few years.
Put XV on PC this year SE and I will right all your wrongs from the past few years.
You do know you can boost and activate her ult and the mech goes flying forward, right?
i take it back, zarya isn't the worst hero in overwatch is
yes, and then you just perch behind a wall and take no damage
pretty sure a large part of the reason i like eva so much is because anno and i have similar thoughts towards depression and effective ways to break through depressogenic thought cycles through cognitive psychologyI blame you for this Shira.
i cant wait to destroy freakinchair in this
yes, and then you just perch behind a wall and take no damage
- six Bo3: two sets simultaneous, followed by two single matches
- 4 hours given for each Bo3, but can start earlier
- miniGSL format
- playoff seeding, no eliminations
is echo sabre pa good
is echo sabre pa good
is echo sabre pa good
both games have elder titan... is he good now?
I'm not sure [A] is winning.both teams with elder titan winning... quite the coincidence wink wink nudge nudge
"This is an armlet abuse strategy!" lul ok