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DOTA2 |OT14| i give up like your pubs do


Does anyone have any good Puck tips? Streamers that play Puck alot?

I like the hero, but I feel like I struggle in lane to last hit amongst other issues.

I know Draskyl likes to play him (it? her?) but he can o full joke mode with his builds.


Just fought a team of six Genjis and they had to turn it into four Genjis and 2 Lucios then 4 Lucios. They still lost to my Turret Dwarf


Just fought a team of six Genjis and they had to turn it into four Genjis and 2 Lucios then 4 Lucios. They still lost to my Turret Dwarf
I did see a 6 Genji team win once. I forget which map it was on.

My group wanted to do 6 Soldier 76, but I was telling them it wouldn't work and they didn't believe me.
Soldier 76 is so boring to play


I played against 3 meis 3 randoms on anubis earlier today

most infuriating thing ever

literally impossible to capture the point because of the constant mei ult spam plus that fucking ice spray piss shit attack agsdubigiou

fuck mei

Soldier 76 is so boring to play

he is so good though, he has EVERYTHING

played a 5 soldier 1 lucio on that tower capture map and we stomped every attempt

if you can hit your shots he's godlike


Overwatch is like TF2 if TF2 was even slower and designed to make people 'main' a class

Nah, I'd argue it's about the same speed as TF2. Different ideas implemented (heroes rather than classes), but they do have a lot of similarities.

Bastion actually does need a nerf.




Selling my X-34 landspeeder as I need the money to FEEL THE BERN. She is tastefully modded, including Nitros Oxide tank+hoses, rear wing, rollcase, carbon fiber hood, carbon fiber hood scoop, and tow cable. Probably has other goodies I'm forgetting right now. It does have a small dent in the front and some rust. I use her daily so miles will go up. PM ME BEFORE 9 TWIN SUN TIME. No low ballers, I know what I got.
I always thought the guy got too much hate from the internet.

He seems really nice and his commentary isn't usually worthless.

I'd let him caress my thigh tbh.


I remember shying away from Draskyl's stream a while ago because he was just went in on this one teammate of his a long time ago. I think D was playing Ogre and someone said why are you being so aggressive and D just started acting really toxic. Really bummed me out.

His commentary's top-notch, though.


Does anyone have any good Puck tips? Streamers that play Puck alot?

I like the hero, but I feel like I struggle in lane to last hit amongst other issues.

My biggest advice for a puck player is don't picnic.

For last hitting, the hero has good base damage so you should be able to. He has kind of a bad turn rate and there's a bit of a special attack animation so maybe you got to get used to that, don't click too much to move around when you are just about to last hit. Orb is a pretty easy tool to last hit and harass, not just to escape, and with the change to its mana cost per level, you can use it much more. At level 3 orb, with one auto attack on the archer + orb you are generally guaranteed the last hit, thus the surge of the 3 in orb and 4 in silence build recently. At both skills maxed, hitting the melee creeps once each (you don't have to hit the one being attacked) and using both nukes will net you all the creeps.

Puck is 95% about his skills for most of the game, your mana pool and cooldowns are the most important thing. You want to make the most use of both, treads, wand and bottle are great, and arcane rune is amazing. Most popular pub builds revolve around bursting down targets with magic damage and they work pretty well. A good puck player will go in to burst down a target and get out to wait for his cooldowns to be up again, you don't stay in to auto-attack unless you know you are safe, it can be very tempting but if you are learning the hero, you got to start by being disciplined. Blink>silence(ALWAYS silence first)>orb to a safe spot>phase shift>orb. Choose your targets well in teamfights and learn when to initiate and when not to.

Farm your blink before wasting time running around the map, it is what enables what the hero can do, with games you'll learn when you can afford to go for smaller items before and when you have to rush it. Control the runes. Even after your blink is done, you keep farming if there are no kill opportunities on the map, the hero is great with items. Puck is also a good lane pusher, putting pressure on side lanes is what will open up opportunities for you and your team while keeping your farm up.

There all kind of item builds on the hero, depending on the game, I've seen more and more people skip blink recently which I wouldn't recommend. There are three builds I like in pubs: Blink>Veil, Blink>Necro3, Blink>Dagon. These are builds that have very high impact and rely on you doing things over the map, not just sitting behind and playing passively. Depending on how the game is going, euls, linkens, orchid, force staff, sheep, aghs, shivas, lotus orb(which changes a bit how you play), bkb and refresher are items to consider. The teardrop new thingie is probably pretty good on him.

The hero really shines at level 4 phase shift, that is when he should be unkillable, that is why sometimes if you feel like the game is going okay but that you need some more late game, going midas after blink can be game winning. You hit this huge power spike after blink that often leads to you getting two or three kills which fund the midas very quickly.

You can take immense amount of risks on the map, especially in pubs, without ever dying, use it to your advantage. Make the enemies move, create space and get their towers.

Don't die. Make them run around the map, and kill weak targets. When they're finally tired and try to teamfight your team, let them commit as much as possible and then counter intiate with silence/coil.


This thread sucks i can barely play Dota2 at lowest setting and using gloves to not burn my hand and my laptop often freeze because the video card overheat.
@madouu what about atos or solar crest or pike on Suck?

once I got atos and would blink/orb to chase the hero down then BAM atos and it would allow the team to catch up, and it has bigger range than euls which can function the same way... it was useful when ult wasn't available at least

pike puck seems immensely cunty


The teardrop new thingie is probably pretty good on him.

Teardrop is one of the most broken item on any hero. Very interesting guide by the way.

Also, Beast master is great: I followed the jungle > necro3 recommendation, and the hero is amazingly op'.

And Morphling's 4.25 sec stun with 900 cast range on a 10 sec cooldown is hilarious in pubs. I am considering octarine core and aether lens to be even more annoying. Legit:



Bull on a Donut
IGN 6.3
Stellaris’ great ideas for space strategy are mostly undone by a static, dull mid-game.
+Developing colonies
+Exploration quests
+Clever tech tree
-Mid-game slog
-Weak diplomacy


yeh ign can suck my dick i stopped visiting that site when i was 12


One thing I forgot to mention is that playing puck helps a lot with acquiring the skill to think about your next steps ahead of time. The fact that you are almost assured to get out freely after your first combo frees you from thinking about what to do "now", it's just muscle memory. While you are phase shifting in the middle of the enemy team, you should already be thinking about what to do once your spells are up again. If you're chasing and caught a hero, you should always be looking at the map to see if you can catch more, exploit that mobility.

oh and try to hit as many people with your orb as possible.

@madouu what about atos or solar crest or pike on Suck?

once I got atos and would blink/orb to chase the hero down then BAM atos and it would allow the team to catch up, and it has bigger range than euls which can function the same way... it was useful when ult wasn't available at least

pike puck seems immensely cunty

I haven't tried pike on Puck yet so I can't really give you my opinion on that. For atos, I think the item is decent in general but its impact/cost ratio is always what worries me. The INT is good, especially with the change to spell damage, but the health you don't always need. It's probably fun to play but it doesn't offer as many options as euls (chase, interrupt, double phase shift, purge).

The Solar Crest effect is always good, but once again, you are not going to be auto-attacking much in general, it's probably good on someone else on the team while puck focuses on his strengths.

I'm open to trying them out though... I mean I watched a vanguard blademail atos jungle antimage wreck face the other day after all...
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