Calling imp the pimp :3
Tbh we need a concede option. Annoying when people just start feeding and actively trying to lose like buying wards and selling them.everyone should burn out on dota once in a while, makes you appreciate it better as a game imo
i still play, but i got burned bad after playing so much and sometimes you get frustrated a lot, especially in those long losing streaks
I stopped playing and reflected that I like the game, but there was no point in obsessing over win/lose rate.
Honestly, if a game looks like it is gonna be a waste of time i just abandon, no point in waiting 30+ mins to find another match
Never ceases to amaze me when I see counter picking in almost every unranked game at 2k MMR. Guy on my team randoms instantly, gets Dazzle, enemy picks Axe. Whatever, Dazzle's still alright even with grave countered. We will win by picking strong lanes! Next person on team picks LC puts icon on the woods. I say "great, jungle LC, now you can't complain when we lose our lanes." to which the LC replies "if you lose your lanes just because you have a jungler you need to go back to bot matches.
I guess it's back to bot matches for me.
Honestly, if a game looks like it is gonna be a waste of time i just abandon, no point in waiting 30+ mins to find another match
The Winged Guardian Hud (aka one of the best huds) is on sale 65% off
that does look great. But I can't help but feeling that with every new HUD, the chances of a proper in-game UI overhaul becomes more distant. sigh.
I actually forgot about OD. CN teams dont pick the hero for some reason
Necro and sniper buffs are surely coming!
Tinker buffpredictions for 6.87 nerfs
invoker nerfs
ench nerfs
sven nerf
LD nerf ?
drums nerf
ebola nerf?
dp nerf
bh nerf?
Because redditors are dumbI was gonna shitpost in here with that thread, but how has no one there pointed out the speed and frequency the private beta is being updated at.
Nerco and techies buffs. Everything else is secondary.
Because redditors are dumb
hackers in online games make me want to break something
11-4 on T cache.
Enemy team toggles.
fumes about hackers in unrelated game thread
continues to play the game where hacking is more prevalent
RIP rtc strimturn up this guys crazy af
that shows how garbage dota is, other games are better despite the rampant hacks
really though fuck earthspirit fuck invoker fuck od fuck omni fuck inkls
that shows how garbage dota is, other games are better despite the rampant hacks