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DOTA2 |OT15| anime only please

i think it's the fact that the assists has been replaced by an ellipses for no good reason not the score

It's probably just the size of the text box not being long enough, and as a result it shows up as "..." as opposed to just having the letters be truncated.

Between malice and negligence on Valve's part it's probably the latter to be blamed for this.

So I finally got back home to my normal desktop PC and loaded out the new map to check changes. Holy crap this is going to take forever to get used to :( Did anyone do an equivalent thing to PPD's old guide to support where he shows how what times to pull which camp and in which direction, and where common ward spots are, or is that all still being figured out?


Meepo Clones are now allowed to pickup runes


I'm surprised no one has talked about necrophos.

aghs is god-tier.

25 cd at level 18?

Sadist combined with his death pulse is so good and the new skill is pretty good aswell. Like I played a game today with him and had dagon, both ult and dagon came off cd in less than 30 sec.

I don't talk about Necrophos since that stupid hero ruined my rampage: I as Spectre and him as the opponent were both at the ultra-kill stage after a teamfight, but Necro regens and kills low hp Spectre with his aura. F*** this.


What's your general guide to playing techies this patch?

I don't think you play him much differently from last patch. The big differences now are the talents -60 respawn timer, -25% cd and +200 cast range which make him stronger lategame. With a Lens, all your items have like + 400 cast range allowing you to eul/silence/hex from a safe distance and much more often. Lategame you're much better than before thanks to all those talents (the lvl 25 talent giving +400 damage to suicide is such a joke).

Your have a bit less mana issues too now since the proximity mines can't be placed on top of each other and don't need to. Even super lategame, they're really useful to clear creepwaves /push fast and placing them in walking spots for heroes is amazing to catch them escaping as often 750 damage does the job at finishing them.

The itembuild seems still awkward to me. Lategame, i have no doubt on the optimal configuration (Octarine, eul, sheep, bloodthorne, eth blade, lens, tp in backpack). The issue is what to get before that. Eul seems decent early on (but nowhere as good as it is lategame when you have mana to eul->stasis consistently), and aghs has always been a standard pickup on the hero, even if lens is probably better lategame when you care more about cast range on your items than 150 damage on your mines. With octarine and your -25% cd skill your bloodthorn has like 90% uptime, and hex/eul/ethblade are on such low cd that you can control 2-3 person at a time easily. It gets a bit crazy that late lol.


Got to 7.01 real quick.

- They still don't know what to do with Omni. This is great.
- They removed the rarely seen (as in rarely do they reach 25, not that it was rarely picked, it was always picked...) lvl 25 20% bash talent from Rooftrellen...k. I thought it was weird anyway. If anything I would have thought the chance dropped to 10% or something but I much prefer the -50s respawn time.
- Geminate Attack Cooldown nerf is weird. I guess competitive play is in mind because I don't see this changing much in the base game. I don't see too many plays thrown off or losing an appreciable amount of cs by the earlygame extra second.

i think it's the fact that the assists has been replaced by an ellipses for no good reason not the score

This has happened to me in random places in the UI in general.


i'm gonna miss the permabash treant build, was fucking hilarious

after reading G.ZZZ's dotabuff and techies guide I really really really wanna try out techies now

also thank FUCK for that MK nerf

I'm surprised no one has talked about necrophos.

aghs is god-tier.

25 cd at level 18?

Sadist combined with his death pulse is so good and the new skill is pretty good aswell. Like I played a game today with him and had dagon, both ult and dagon came off cd in less than 30 sec.

badman has a whopping 80%+ winrate on necrophos and is climbing like crazy, hero is pretty great now.
Weaver's talent tree is super good. I played WR yesterday and her tree has got to be the worst in the game. She was better off before at 25 when you could/had to put points into stats.


-drama started with the interview Ehome's coach, 71, gave after the Perfect World year end award ceremony
-he talks about not winning coach of the year, Wings and newcomer of the year winner, faith_bian
-he said that wings are devoted and dedicated to the game by keeping away from distractions (mmorpg, streaming and most importantly he mentioned about the werewolf game which Sylar is known to play with his friends)
-Sylar got triggered by 71's apparent dig at him and posted a weibo reply
-he said that as a coach, 71 lacks understanding of the game and keeps finding fault with the team
-71 wants Ehome to duplicate VP's style of play
-Sylar also said that 71 asked them not to bet on EG winning during the VP vs EG game? (no other information was given about this)
-their manager is currently subbing for Sylar in Ehome's recent matches
sauce: http://dota2.sgamer.com/news/201612/166268.html


I just played my first games since pre-winter wyvern and couple days ago, where my mid gave me (a support CM) two tomes. I'm very much a noob in the 1.8k MMR range, and I really wasn't sure want to do with them ( I just used them after a few minutes of no communication). As a support should I go ahead and buy tomes myself? In most of my games, I'll be the only one buying wards and stuff, so I'm not sure how I should balance buying tomes. Plus the set back of buying healing items for mid/if my laner is having problems.
I just played my first games since pre-winter wyvern and couple days ago, where my mid gave me (a support CM) two tomes. I'm very much a noob in the 1.8k MMR range, and I really wasn't sure want to do with them ( I just used them after a few minutes of no communication). As a support should I go ahead and buy tomes myself? In most of my games, I'll be the only one buying wards and stuff, so I'm not sure how I should balance buying tomes. Plus the set back of buying healing items for mid/if my laner is having problems.

I'm around that same bracket and I'll buy a tome for myself as a support if it'll be useful to level to get lower CD on an ulti that helps in team fights or something. It's good to leave them for a carry that's behind in exp if it'll help them catch up. Some games no one buys them for awhile and it feels great to get two levels for 300 gold.


I often forget Tomes and Scan exist. At least my team often reminds me that Shrines are a thing.
I always check tomes even if I am not playing support. If I am not playing support, I tell my team there are tomes in stock and the supports to get on those.

I believe that the tomes should always be bought ASAP, and are even more important than buying all the wards. If you can't get outside the base, wards are hard to be useful. Tomes will always be useful, no matter the situation.
Shrines are the new blow your load and suicide to neutrals

It would be good if scan could detect runes

Wait don't you not want to suicide to neutrals now?

Or are you saying that shrines make it easy to do those "omg" spend all your mana engagements cause you can just use the shrine after?


Wait don't you not want to suicide to neutrals now?

Or are you saying that shrines make it easy to do those "omg" spend all your mana engagements cause you can just use the shrine after?

The latter. If you have no other choice in an engagement, yeah, suicide to neutrals.


Clinton outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%)

Damn this is bigger fraud than IO and Bloodborne getting robbed

Yeah it finally refreshed. As for the coordinator, it's been up and down for the past 20 mins.

I think this might be the last week. Not sure if you will get another 1000.


Anyone got a link to a good video for a 2.5KMMR scrub to understand all of the new changes? Shit mystifies me. The runes, the new fountain thingies, just all of it, I'm so fucking clueless.


Report from playing MK post-patch:

early killing potential is still p strong with a support

late game is unaffected and he's a boss

I am the worst mid player in the world
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