So glad shop hotkeys as back and improved for the most part (numbers are labeled in grid view now).
My only beef is that it still didn't work with side shop. I often used it for quick purchases from there.
The hotkeys used to be set up like this.
QWER - Basic items
ASDFGH - Upgrade items
ZX - Side shop (not currently working)
C - secret shop
New UI makes the shop nicer too. Having the numbers (and other characters) labeled on the left really takes out the guesswork trying to quickly buy or shift queue an item.
I noticed this last night, and I am pretty sure it has been there in 7.00, but if you click on a teammate, you can see what item they have shift queued, showing the pieces.
Also Centaur is amazing with his talents. Every single one of them is extremely good for the hero.
I would like hotkeys to level talents to. How about Ctrl+U (U was old level stats hotkey), then J/K to pick left or right talent?