Start off the new year with a 9 loss streak, since reaching the 4k gate I've returned to a sea of misfits I didn't want to see for a few more months. I feel crushed.
(30 hour workweek, 110 days of paid leave/year Kappa)
That's really cool. I hope we can see more women in the scene.The more interesting part is that Axx is female.
Hope she does well.
words cannot describe how much i hate you...
After reading legions latest patch notes, we are truely blessed to have the Ice Frog. Fuckery doesnt even come close to describing what blozztard has done to wow
That's for 500 euro a month though. I can survive off that cause i have an house of my own and i get tons of money from welfare else it's not something that you can actually live off with.
Tenks for following me on twitter after gamespot person tweeted me.
honestly fuck blizzard and fuck wow
i was a fool
i repent
this is my curse
Try sorting the replies in the Axx thread on r/dota2 by controversial
xiao8 back from retirement lul
Will she be the carry? Clearly appears to be her preference and strongest suit.
Try sorting the replies in the Axx thread on r/dota2 by controversial
.I bet you Nahaz voted Hillary.
Oh look, a girl actually gets good to get invited into a team for once instead of moaning about feminism and patriarchy. Hope she does well.
question is, is it a real woman, or a fake one?
Xiao8 is an offlaner isn't he? No reason why he can't change, I suppose.i think offlane, since the picture lists her 3rd.
Now this IS a good Phoenix set.
the problem is that whenever i see a really sweet set now i kind of just assume that it will be one of the 1 in 1000 ultra mega rares in a box of sets that's otherwise just rejected and slightly modified warhammer competition cosmetics
the problem is that whenever i see a really sweet set now i kind of just assume that it will be one of the 1 in 1000 ultra mega rares in a box of sets that's otherwise just rejected and slightly modified warhammer competition cosmetics
yeah, gonna bet you that valve is going to put one of the skins for heroes that have no skins yet behind the very rare chance![]()
So they are doing another New Bloom event this year?
Why's that?Kids, don't play Spectre this patch.
Takes ages to come online and has no good way to farm fast. Games will/should be over before you even get those items. She's also nowhere near as tanky earlier, played a babysitting Lion against a solo Spec the other day and got her down to half HP with just a couple of right clicks. The only good thing about having a Spec in your game is you know that if a bad game drags on long enough you know still have a chance.Why's that?
I've never played Spectre before, but was looking at her abilities yesterday and now I really want to do. Eyeing up a late-game build of Boots of Travel, Radiance, Diffusal Blade, Abyssal Blade, Heart and Butterfly.
Agree on this. She is still great. Don't know about her being super top of the line, but she is still a good hero and has been for many patches now.Spectre is fine. If you don't think you can rush radiance safely then you can go drums + diffusal + urn and contribute more to fights much earlier with haunt. Saying she's unplayable right now is absolute hyperbole.
Kids, don't play Spectre this patch.
100% WR with Spectre in 7.01 (2 games, 2 wins, even after two lousy starts!)