+200 range talent at lvl 10 OSfrog SeemsGoodalright, which one of you came up with the Lone Druid sniper built?
This is cancerous. This Lone Druid sniper built is a better Sniper than Sniper..
alright, which one of you came up with the Lone Druid sniper built?
This is cancerous. This Lone Druid sniper built is a better Sniper than Sniper..
Was matched up with a 4 stack and got flamed all game 👍
This was a common meme build in GAF in houses three years ago
those are some wack-ass skins.CNY Overwaifus looking good
those are some wack-ass skins.
I'm happy to join Team NP as their coach. I bring to the table a deep understanding of how my former teammates operate and think about the game. We shared many memories in the past and I look forward to building something great together. Maybe it takes being a coach to convince my team to buy TPs.
I just think he sucks becuase of how much he gets carried by his teams. How he's a position 1 is beyond me.
Oh look, another event for Overwatch ;_;
not to mention "I bring to the table a deep understanding of how my former teammates operate and think about the game" is demonstrably false
>The geographic distance factor in matchmaking now has a different value for each server.
Pinoy AND Peruvian teammates on USE.
bitches be sleeping on notail for agesNotail wins 3 Major's, winning millions of dollars in the process.
Neogaf: He should stick to support.
those are some wack-ass skins.
bitches be sleeping on notail for ages
It would completely break the way juking and vision works. Hiding behind a tree from your perspective would be hiding in front of it for the enemy team.https://twitter.com/Cyborgmatt/status/824005941993623552
CyborgMatt posted this on Twitter yesterday.
This was actually something I had always wondered about, and before I was into Dota/had some semblance of an idea of what I was doing, I had played League of Legends before, and had a false perception that the map actually worked that way, because I noticed every time I played I was always in the lower left of the map. I was incorrect on this obviously, but I wondered how something like this would work.
I doubt pro players would use it, but it might be an interesting option to make available, especially for people prone to minimap clicking when trying to move south. While there is the issue of many models in the map designed to only be viewed from one angle, that's fairly easy to fix for something like this.
I honestly doubt I would use this full time either if it were to become an option, but I would definitely give it a shot once or twice.
Cloud9 had the whole damn map for them, leave for 5 minutes, they are trapped in their base.
It would completely break the way juking and vision works. Hiding behind a tree from your perspective would be hiding in front of it for the enemy team.
Not sure I get what you mean. The vision system still works the same as it always has.
If I am standing on the north side of a tree right now, and my opponent stands on the south side, I can't see them (unless there's a ward or something on the other side). The same thing goes on no matter what sides of the tree my opponent and I are standing on.
My professor has called CNN fake news twice today. End my suffering please.
Let me guess what they consider real news.
Let me guess what they consider real news.