Fuck Valve.
They added a countdown timer
Interesting w33 is a Syrian national. I wonder if he risks leaving the country.
Didn't think Trump would affect Dota. Crazy time we are living in.
Getting my passport so I can go to TI7 @ Rogers Arena smh
What item actives do and don't break linkens? hate knowing an enemy has linkens but don't want to waste a nuke/stun on it.
What item actives do and don't break linkens? hate knowing an enemy has linkens but don't want to waste a nuke/stun on it.
when does ihl registration closes
holy fuck how do you kill those alchemists in dark moon.
I saw the light and tried Techies in Dark Moon: That hero should be a shoe-in in every single Dark Moon team. So easy and so useful.
Mob and I made it to the Alchemist round though. That one was tough. We were pretty close to making it too.
I heard the next two rounds were Techies and a giant Invoker.
You guys ready for my boy Sami to win the Rumble 2 nite?
what's the secret to brewmaster not sucking, or is it just to not pick brewmaster
how much do you micro the brewlings?
I have only got to the Invoker stage once, we got him down to quarter health and then my team threw.![]()
how much do you micro the brewlings?
i mean i try but they are basically one bad hero's worth of abilties and damage split over three separate heroes rn
sure you can remove one carry from the fight but you're usually against two+ carries in your typical pub game
Alliance is now dumpster tier.
lmao why is Alliance even a thing in 2017.
Do you wanna buy this account for $1 per? No games played it's clean.![]()
I'm not sure I understand the Dark Moon scoring. If you manage to win, which takes quite a long time and is potentially really fucking difficult, you get 2,500 points... yet for a single spin you need 35,000 points?! It's like they don't even care how much effort you put into playing it, just as long as you log in to play it each day. There should be at least some reward for completing it... maybe even as much as like 70k for the first time you complete it to the end? 5-10k for each round after that? IDK.
$22 waifus
Is there LPQ in lol? I'm having a hard enough time with Dota LPQ
Is this a good time to get back into Dota or did the changes ruin the game?