Is that the band that did Let It All Out or something that Envy always tweets before a match?all hail queen felt
Why'd they have to make Frost DKs terrible.
All hail the BANSHEE QUEEN.
Obligatory post stating my opinion that I tried WoW and didn't enjoy it.
What should i name my dwarven wizard in DnD? Artisan background Chaotic neutral.
What do I roll boys?
No: Druids, Paladins, Rogues, Monks, Priests, Warlocks (trash), Shamans
Which leaves Warriors, Death Knights, Hunters, Mages annnd... Demon Hunters (I probably don't want to be one of 5000 other demon hunters)
fire mage is bad ass, warriors are cool
i haven't played wow since cataclysm, do i have to buy every other expansion to play the new stuff? I'll just watch it on youtube, i'm not young enough to swindle and con my way in to raid spots and drops anymore.
i haven't played wow since cataclysm, do i have to buy every other expansion to play the new stuff? I'll just watch it on youtube, i'm not young enough to swindle and con my way in to raid spots and drops anymore.
Is that the band that did Let It All Out or something that Envy always tweets before a match?
fire mage is kinda mehI have one at 100, but I don't like ice or arcane so fire it is
warrior is kinda fun jumping around and charging at shit tho, it's almost like I'm playing AM with a blink dagger
Reddit detective likely found out the new OG lineup
Ana (from current IG roster apparently? Chinese player moving to EU), S4, Nobrain, Jerax, Fly
Apart from when he's paired with Huskar, when would you ever pick Dazzle over Oracle?
Reddit detective likely found out the new OG lineup
Ana (from current IG roster apparently? Chinese player moving to EU), S4, Nobrain, Jerax, Fly
somehow the weirdest part of that whole thing is Jerax getting kicked from Liquid. It makes some sense if Cr1t and Miracle are going to Liquid but otherwise... why?
110 fire mage is looking completely insane
Going by the team I mentioned yesterday (assuming I'm not well off base with this and if Fear retires):seems its zai/crit/rtz for whatever reason
Going by the team I mentioned yesterday (assuming I'm not well off base with this and if Fear retires):
1. RTZ
2. Sumail
3. Zai
4. Crit
5. Kuro
That works better although I figured RTZ and PPD would have taken out restraining orders on each other by now.Fear has been playing with the same tag as Zai--the old SadBoys tag. On top of that, PPD's dad is listed as the register of the domain So that puts Zai/Fear/PPD all linked to a new SadBoys lineup. Rumor has it;
1. RTZ
2. SumaiL
3. Zai
4. Cr1t
5. Fear
Coach / Owner. PPD
That works better although I figured RTZ and PPD would have taken out restraining orders on each other by now.
The idea is PPD takes a step back and Fear takes over calling the shots in-game. PPD would become more of a Coach/Manager than an actual player. Worst case scenario they could list him as a sub and play him when they needed--if Fear wasn't feeling up to it. PPD has never mechanically been a Tier 1 player, so I see the above lineup as an effective T1 Superteam, depending on how Fear handles the Position 5.
Going by the team I mentioned yesterday (assuming I'm not well off base with this and if Fear retires):
1. RTZ
2. Sumail
3. Zai
4. Crit
5. Kuro
I interpreted that post as everyone bar Kuro leaving TL and RTZ and friends joining.You think Kuro will leave TL?
I interpreted that post as everyone bar Kuro leaving TL and RTZ and friends joining.