The hell? That advice sounds terrible. Low MMR carries aren't farming with effeciency already, so how is dumping 2k on an item that isn't anything that the hero needs going to help? It makes no sense.BSJ recommends it often to low mmr carries.
The hell? That advice sounds terrible. Low MMR carries aren't farming with effeciency already, so how is dumping 2k on an item that isn't anything that the hero needs going to help? It makes no sense.BSJ recommends it often to low mmr carries.
Learning to efficiently play the map is important, and low MMR enemy teams tend to react poorly to it. Doesn't seem terrible to me.The hell? That advice sounds terrible. Low MMR carries aren't farming with effeciency already, so how is dumping 2k on an item that isn't anything that the hero needs going to help? It makes no sense.
How do TP scrolls not accomplish that? Say they are playing Anti-Mage. Even if you don't go Battle Fury, that 2k could be put towards so many other useful items such as Vanguard, Vlad's, or even straight up rushing Yasha into Manta. This applies to almost every other carry too, and on top of that they should get in the habit of buying TP scrolls. It's Dota 101.Learning to efficiently play the map is important, and low MMR enemy teams tend to react poorly to it. Doesn't seem terrible to me.
Or would you prefer they learn how to tread switch first
How do TP scrolls not accomplish that? Say they are playing Anti-Mage. Even if you don't go Battle Fury, that 2k could be put towards so many other useful items such as Vanguard, Vlad's, or even straight up rushing Yasha into Manta. This applies to almost every other carry too, and on top of that they should get in the habit of buying TP scrolls. It's Dota 101.
There's a lot of bad advice given out to lower mmr players from 6K+ that equate to ignoring team, muting everybody and trying to win 1v9 while ignoring Dota concepts at large. If the question was how can I smurf at a lower bracket with a 85% winrate then their advice might make sense but us lower players should be improving by finding gaps in our gameplay and working on those, one area at a time. A 52% to 55% winrate while climbing would be very respectable but a lot of players don't want to put in the time to grind out the neccessary dozens if not hundreds of matches it could take to get to a higher level.The hell? That advice sounds terrible. Low MMR carries aren't farming with effeciency already, so how is dumping 2k on an item that isn't anything that the hero needs going to help? It makes no sense.
Kill stealing baiting piece of shitThere's a lot of bad advice given out to lower mmr players from 6K+ that equate to ignoring team, muting everybody and trying to win 1v9 while ignoring Dota concepts at large. If the question was how can I smurf at a lower bracket with a 85% winrate then their advice might make sense but us lower players should be improving by finding gaps in our gameplay and working on those, one area at a time. A 52% to 55% winrate while climbing would be very respectable but a lot of players don't want to put in the time to grind out the neccessary dozens if not hundreds of matches it could take to get to a higher level.
The fighting game equivalent would be teaching someone one to spam fireball or throws. It'll net you some easy wins for a bit but pretty soon you'll hit a very hard wall.
You should try it Wok. Its legit godly if the enemy doesn't have a good mid to bully you out of lane.
That's called a Force Staff.See it as a blink dagger for people who cannot use blink dagger.
That's called a Force Staff.
How do you lane and build items order?You should try it Wok. Its legit godly if the enemy doesn't have a good mid to bully you out of lane.
How do you lane and build items order?
How do TP scrolls not accomplish that? Say they are playing Anti-Mage. Even if you don't go Battle Fury, that 2k could be put towards so many other useful items such as Vanguard, Vlad's, or even straight up rushing Yasha into Manta. This applies to almost every other carry too, and on top of that they should get in the habit of buying TP scrolls. It's Dota 101.
Nice. Will try this and hopefully will not fail.From my analysis on OpenDota. I would say:
At min 9 max, the first tower should be down.
At min 10, you should have between 65 and 75 last hits somehow.
Keep sieging till both T1 and T2 are down.
Max return first. 1 point in each skill for utility. Then max double edge.
Stout + Tango + Quelling Blade + 2x GG branches
> 2 min 30 sec Ring of Health
> 10 min Vanguard + up to 2 salves if needed
> 15 - 19 min Radiance
> Heart of Tarrasque
> bots, 2nd heart of tarrasque, whatever
AM is the worst example you could find since he can move around freely and farm the whole map even without brown boots.
BoTs serve that purpose and it's especially efficient if you have some sort of escape, like Ember or Morph, since you aren't sacrificing your survivability or if you are very nuke-centric early on, like Tiny or Arc Warden, since you aren't sacrificing your kill potential. In neither case you sacrifice your farming potential by rushing BoTs, your team can stay as 4, pushing, smoking or farming while you are on the other side of the map pushing lanes or farming the jungle.
There's also the fact that minions were, and still are to some extent, very popular, so a mobile tower to reach fights will never not be a plus.
How do TP scrolls not accomplish that? Say they are playing Anti-Mage. Even if you don't go Battle Fury, that 2k could be put towards so many other useful items such as Vanguard, Vlad's, or even straight up rushing Yasha into Manta. This applies to almost every other carry too, and on top of that they should get in the habit of buying TP scrolls. It's Dota 101.
*Shira speculation Fall Major is in Moscow Dec 7-17
I think BoTs have been pretty strong ever since the 45s cd change, it's very good for map mobility compared to relying on scrolls.
Also the bonus MS is worth more since items like Drums are out of favour, and item slots on carries are at more of a premium now there are lots of good cheap items like Dragon Lance, Echo Sabre and Blink of course.
I really like this point. I feel like dragonlance has replaced treads in terms of added survivability for a lot of ranged cores. If you're a terrorblade and you have dragonlance, PMS, quelling, aquila, brown boots. It feels like you can get bots after manta or the item after. Makes it so much easier to farm and splitpush.
Also good because it can be like specter's ult in the sense that you can farm when your team is aggressive and then tp to creeps when a fight is about to happen.
I wouldn't get it on all carries. Feel like sven, lifestealer, amongst others would benefit more from the stats by going treads/phase.
Also seen pl do it as well. If he knows what he's doing he can have a really good early impact.
This makes it sound more reasonable.
As far as the lower skill levels go though, I think the issue of farm effeciency still persists though. You can TP all around the map, but are you capable of having any impact in fights when all you have is BoTs?
Some cores BoTs is the standard, whether first item or a few items in. Examples include Ember, Naga, etc.
I agree playing the map effectively is important, but when that's ALL you do and try to just ignore everything else, then that's where you run into problems. Your team could need you and you probably need more than just BoTs to be effective in the teamfight. This depends on the hero of course, but still in higher skill levels where people get BoTs on heroes like Ember, they know what they are doing and can farm fairly effectively where it actually capitalizes on their potential. A lower MMR player, that may delay Battle Fury, Blink, Daedalus, or whatever else by 10 minutes more than normal.
BoTs are a good item, make no mistake, and even better now with the cooldown and the fact that BoTs 2 is an option, but there really is a time and a place for them.
PA gonna be garbage until a rework. Blur is pointless when you can just be bursted down by spells. RNG damage isn't helpful either.
I've gotten about 30 commends over the past two weeks. I've lost mmr playing support but hey I got commends!
You're gonna be happy to have those once valve finally finishes the game and implements that system where you pay less for Dota 2 than you do now for being so nice
NX reveal or I eat a bucket fried chicken.
I'm warning u nintendo
Start eating.
Another 8 commends in two matches! You're on to something sir
Another 8 commends in two matches! You're on to something sir
NX reveal or I eat a bucket fried chicken.
I'm warning u nintendo
Spread the Centaur DNA. Become a better thorns boss mob than Spectre. And have fun!!
i never imagined 3 hearts centaur could smash like this......from the very DEPTHS of 1.5k mmr to the latest trendy build. that's power.
There's such a clear cut difference between weekdays and weekend Dota. My winrates have started to normalize across the board but midday Dota always seem more willing to work together and less likely to blame, even on the losing side.