After going through the Hawke customization at Skyhold, my accent changed to British. Is there a way to prevent this?
Default look or wait for a patch.
After going through the Hawke customization at Skyhold, my accent changed to British. Is there a way to prevent this?
Default look or wait for a patch.
Thanks! I figured that might work, but didn't know if I should go to an old save or not.
Stupid question, sorry - sometimes the combat camera will lock on to an enemy and I can see their level. I don't know how to trigger this though - playing with a controller on PC. Anyone know what button on the controller I can press to enter/exit this view?
Stupid question, sorry - sometimes the combat camera will lock on to an enemy and I can see their level. I don't know how to trigger this though - playing with a controller on PC. Anyone know what button on the controller I can press to enter/exit this view?
Stupid question, sorry - sometimes the combat camera will lock on to an enemy and I can see their level. I don't know how to trigger this though - playing with a controller on PC. Anyone know what button on the controller I can press to enter/exit this view?
Regarding the tactical camera, is it possible to issue multiple or a string of commands at once?
It seems pretty simplistic, like "walk here" and then I have to wait for him to get there, then select an attack and an enemy. Just making sure I wasn't doing this wrong, as I thought I could actually lay out "go here and use this attack from higher geound" strategies but can't seem to do that smoothly
Killed my fifth dragon recently.
Also I'm taking my time with the story.
I'm level 21 and the next story mission involves the Arbor forest something something.
Any brave spoiler clickers who know tell me how close to the end of the main questline I am?
And especially irksome are bugged / poorly designed fetch quests: "This random item in your Valuables is actually necessary to complete a Requisition quest in a different area, but you won't know that and it's only available from loot caches you've already opened or from enemies that no longer spawn because you've cleared the area."
Regarding the tactical camera, is it possible to issue multiple or a string of commands at once?
It seems pretty simplistic, like "walk here" and then I have to wait for him to get there, then select an attack and an enemy. Just making sure I wasn't doing this wrong, as I thought I could actually lay out "go here and use this attack from higher geound" strategies but can't seem to do that smoothly
Having these huge maps with random quests and embriums means that I'll probably never finish the game as I'll just get bored with it. I'm already sort of feeling that way with it because most enemies are easy to kill with tactical mode (although it's a pain in the ass to use) and I get so distracted when exploring.
I'm 20ish hours in, level 11.
When it happened to me on my first playthrough it took me around 1/2 hr to get use to his voice.
Personally, if I was to do it again I would go back and make sure my voice didn't change.
Hey guys, what's going on he-
tank -> follow tank
everyone else -> follow controlled
Didn't like how they wouldn't help focus down the archers and wizards otherwise. Works pretty well, and for the tough battles - like maybe half dozen in the game - just have each of them hold position manually, which they usually follow (but will break if the target goes out of LOS).
I've gotten used to it by now but we really need the tactics stuff back. Another area where they just gutted player input and customization.
tank -> follow tank
everyone else -> follow controlled
Didn't like how they wouldn't help focus down the archers and wizards otherwise. Works pretty well, and for the tough battles - like maybe half dozen in the game - just have each of them hold position manually, which they usually follow (but will break if the target goes out of LOS).
I've gotten used to it by now but we really need the tactics stuff back. Another area where they just gutted player input and customization.
Requisitions aren't really quests. They are just there as a way to farm Power. They repeat endlessly and for a completionists like yourself should be avoided at all costs.
Its just really awful how garbage the AI is with no real way to fix it. All those suggestions for telling ranged characters to follow themselves does nothing. I still have Varric wandering in to cleaving enemies. I miss the Origins tactics that would allow me to make my tank smart enough to use taunts properly and actually defend party members.
I keep forcing myself to play on Nightmare but the AI tactics (or lack of) keeps me asking myself why I'm bothering with it. I feel like I'm having to fight my own team as much as the enemies.
The Defend command doesn't work well for you? I've had really good luck with it. Especially for fights like Fade Rifts or others where once character is interacting with the environment and can't be interrupted.
I don't want the tank moving away from whatever it's tanking.
Requisitions aren't really quests. They are just there as a way to farm Power. They repeat endlessly and for a completionists like yourself should be avoided at all costs.
The AI and behavior options are pathetic in this, somehow the game remains great as a whole.
I think even worse is that the ranged AI stays in melee range.
Its just really awful how garbage the AI is with no real way to fix it. All those suggestions for telling ranged characters to follow themselves does nothing. I still have Varric wandering in to cleaving enemies. I miss the Origins tactics that would allow me to make my tank smart enough to use taunts properly and actually defend party members.
I keep forcing myself to play on Nightmare but the AI tactics (or lack of) keeps me asking myself why I'm bothering with it. I feel like I'm having to fight my own team as much as the enemies.
Eh, same reason I'm not playing on Nightmare (even though I played hardest difficulty on the other games/expansions). Its just not worth the hassle. You either need to cheese with overpowered skills or take too much control of your companions, its just not worth it. Its not about tactics like DA:O.
Plus, the game is so large and there are so many battles...easily double, triple, quadruple? The previous games, aint nobody got time for that.
Hey guys, what's going on he-
Its just really awful how garbage the AI is with no real way to fix it. All those suggestions for telling ranged characters to follow themselves does nothing. I still have Varric wandering in to cleaving enemies. I miss the Origins tactics that would allow me to make my tank smart enough to use taunts properly and actually defend party members.
I keep forcing myself to play on Nightmare but the AI tactics (or lack of) keeps me asking myself why I'm bothering with it. I feel like I'm having to fight my own team as much as the enemies.
The AI and behavior options are pathetic in this, somehow the game remains great as a whole.
I think even worse is that the ranged AI stays in melee range.
Does anyone play with friendly fire on? If I ever do another playthrough, I think I'd want to do a harder difficulty, but the friendly-fire option seems like it'd just be a well of frustration. Like, I already have enough trouble telling my characters to stay out of enemy attack range; how much more frustrating will it be to tell them to stay out of my AoE attacks? (Not to mention I sometimes can't even see where they are with the graphical effects / camera). I always played DA:O with Nightmare / FF-on, but for this game I think I might leave things at at Hard / FF off due to the party AI / tactics.
The dumb part is I totally agree. But everytime I nearly convince myself to turn the difficulty down I feel like I'm not doing it right. I sincerely don't know why I care. I'm like... 70% through the story on my Champion playthrough on Nightmare and its been about 25 hours of being unsure of why I'm doing it.
Tripped over a nug.
This is pretty much why I've been content with playing on hard. I feel it gives the best balance between challenge and fun without forcing you to turn off companion AI and babysit them every step of the way. Same reason I play with FF turned off. The game's AI simply doesn't support it. This would all change if they kept the excellent tactics settings from the previous two games.
I think you could probably get away with it so long as you never let an AI mage use any spell, ever, without your consent. Just turn off tactics for everyone and use a single tank to minimize collateral damage.Does anyone play with friendly fire on? If I ever do another playthrough, I think I'd want to do a harder difficulty, but the friendly-fire option seems like it'd just be a well of frustration. Like, I already have enough trouble telling my characters to stay out of enemy attack range; how much more frustrating will it be to tell them to stay out of my AoE attacks? (Not to mention I sometimes can't even see where they are with the graphical effects / camera). I always played DA:O with Nightmare / FF-on, but for this game I think I might leave things at at Hard / FF off due to the party AI / tactics.
40 hours later, I am still in the Hinterlands, I should finish the game sometime next year.
Even should you fall, you give your allies strength to fight harder in your name.
Health Amount: 100%
Damage Bonus: 50%
Duration: 10 seconds
Friendly fire could be pretty interesting with Cassandra. Just make sure she has Last Sacrifice -
- and knock her out whenever you need a heal or want a damage boost. Kinda morbid, but I'm sure she's fine with it.