RuGalz said:Still trying to decide between PC and PS3 version... Obviously PC version is superior in every way but I really don't like sitting in front of the desk to play games. A couple videos of PS3 version makes me think the frame rate might give me headaches. Ugh, decisions... Does the PC version supports playing from the pad well?
I keep seeing people say this. You know what a pain in the ass it is to somehow set up a relocated spot for a pc that is probably in another room then where the gaming tv is? Is there some magic wireless cord that can output HD video for me?Kosma said:Hook your pc up to your tv. Get a wireless keyboard and mouse.
I've been playing the 360 version for nearly 30 hours. I think the graphics are all right but the controls can be such a pain when you try to miromanageMrbob said:Just play it on normal...if you think its too easy switch to hard. There you go.
I did see the 360 version last night too, and uh, yeah. Where did all the textures go? I got used to it after time but I gotta be honest, initial impressions were pretty jarring.
megalowho said:I'd love to but I shortsightedly purchased a slim profile PC, which seriously limits my options. Price was great but it's not a gaming machine. If there's a low profile graphics card out there that GAF recommends I'm all ears.
Kosma said:Hook your pc up to your tv. Get a wireless keyboard and mouse.
goldsoundz said:Thesucks. Turning into aVeiland navigating maze-like areas moving at the pace of a snail is fun. The game has been amazing up to this point though, and this is also the first place I've died at 10 hours into the game.rat
DannyCool said:Man, that toolset that was just released for Dragon age?
Guess it aint coming for Xbox?So disapointed.....
RuGalz said:I have a HTPC that might run the game, not sure yet. (E4400 Radeon 4850) But the bold part is just not going to happen on the couch, that's why I am wondering if pad is supported.
~Kinggi~ said:I keep seeing people say this. You know what a pain in the ass it is to somehow set up a relocated spot for a pc that is probably in another room then where the gaming tv is? Is there some magic wireless cord that can output HD video for me?
Zefah said:Why can't you play on your couch with a wireless mouse and keyboard? I do and personally I find it to be completely comfortable. Keyboard in my lap and mouse to my side.
Alex said:There's no tactical cam and the pausing is kind of fucked up on consoles, but there's no reason to make it this easy, he was playing on hard and just totaled the thing. Nightmare on consoles looks easier than normal on PC.
Tom Penny said:But is easy TOO easy?
Zeliard said:Few images from my game (downsized from 1680x1050):
Captain N said:I just picked it up on the PS3. Any race better than others to start out?
Zeliard said:Sweet, Fraps 3.0 is out.
Seiken said:Really, by far the worst gaming experience I've had this generation. I don't buy bad games but unfortunately this was my first, pity, all the hype and all
Terrible VA. Good god I can't stand anyone except uh, the dwarfs I guess.
Identical story with all the classes except for the first 20 minutes, wow!
Unbalanced gameplay.
Absolutely terrifyingly bad graphics, good god I knew Bioware sucked at graphics but even come on, Mass Effect came before this?
The most clichéd and overused soundtrack of the year, can it get more obvious?
They failed on this one, good job Bioware. This is down there with Alone in the Dark, IMO.
RuGalz said:I have a HTPC that might run the game, not sure yet. (E4400 Radeon 4850) But the bold part is just not going to happen on the couch, that's why I am wondering if pad is supported.
Couldn't feel more different on that point.Seiken said:Really, by far the worst gaming experience I've had this generation. I don't buy bad games but unfortunately this was my first, pity, all the hype and all
Terrible VA. Good god I can't stand anyone except uh, the dwarfs I guess.
Identical story with all the classes except for the first 20 minutes, wow!
Unbalanced gameplay.
Absolutely terrifyingly bad graphics, good god I knew Bioware sucked at graphics but even come on, Mass Effect came before this?
The most clichéd and overused soundtrack of the year, can it get more obvious?
They failed on this one, good job Bioware. This is down there with Alone in the Dark, IMO.
golem said:While the game is amazingly derivative and not at all 'new shit', somehow i find it strangely compelling. Stick to a formula that works I suppose. I don't think the VA is bad at all though.. seems fine so far.
Zeouterlimits said:Question:
I reached level 7 and got a specialisation point. The only one open to me now is Shape Shifter, which I've no interest in choosing. Can I level up and spend my spec point at level 8 and beyond? Or do I lose it if I don't use it all?
Mass Effect I think spoiled us with its amazing character models... well.. head models. I think if Dragon Age wasn't ported for consoles they might have been able to achieve that same level in DA.. kind of jarring to go back and forth thoughZeouterlimits said:Couldn't feel more different on that point.
I'd only agree with the graphical complaints, alot of things, especially the vistas & flora leave lots to be desired (character models are pretty good)
Seiken said:Really, by far the worst gaming experience I've had this generation. I don't buy bad games but unfortunately this was my first, pity, all the hype and all
I'm not an expert on graphics by any means and it did perform poorly, but I thought Mass Effect looked pretty great. Maybe it was just the art style that appealed to me, but I've been playing it recently and certain areas like the Citadel still look pretty amazing to me.Does anyone even remember Mass Effect? It looks like shit compared to this. The texturing was just absolutely awful, there were so many underdone models and glitches.
Thanks Number 2.Number 2 said:You dont have to spend it right away. You can keep it unused until you find someone/something to teach you the spec you want.
Having played ME again (on 360) over the summer, I can tell you the environments looks far better than in Dragon Age. Characters.. they're about even (both have a range of good and bad looking faces).Alex said:Does anyone even remember Mass Effect? It looks like shit compared to this. The texturing was just absolutely awful, there were so many underdone models and glitches.
Maybe it's because I'm not playing it on a console. The PC version of this game is stunning.
Having played ME again (on 360) over the summer, I can tell you the environments looks far better than in Dragon Age. Characters.. they're about even (both have a range of good and bad looking faces).
The opposite is true if you ask me, but thats what you get with opinions.golem said:well.. head models.
Huh, wait, what? Why? If you can play dragon age on pc, you can certainly play ME2 as well.Mrbob said:You mean the 360 version of Dragon Age? I would probably agreee with that.
I can tell you the environments looks far better than in Dragon Age
Twilight Princess said:looks like shapeshifters are kind of worthless...i'll definitely go blood mage and maybe a point or two into the arcane warrior chain. druids always get screwed, ms bare breasts looks so badass when she transforms into a spider in the intro movie, oh well...
Lostconfused said:Edit
Huh, wait, what? Why? If you can play dragon age on pc, you can certainly play ME2 as well.
Twilight Princess said:looks like shapeshifters are kind of worthless...i'll definitely go blood mage and maybe a point or two into the arcane warrior chain. druids always get screwed, ms bare breasts looks so badass when she transforms into a spider in the intro movie, oh well...
Gloomfire said:You can change on the fly.
Revelations said:Starfang
That is the answer I expected and it makes sense because I do agree with you. But personally I am going to be playing on my PC since my 360 is less then a meter away from it and I use the same set up for both so might as well take advantage of the better visuals. Oh well if anything I'll either see if saves can be transferred over from the steam copy, or just roll up the same character all over again.Mrbob said:I finished ME1 on 360 three times...gotta use those save files. ME is more of a console RPG in my opinion anyway, although I'll probably double dip on ME2 PC down the road.
I think you need to have the warden's keep DLC for this.Truant said:Where do you get this weapon?
The best I have now is a one handed blade restricted to the Arcane Warrior class.
Mrbob said:I need to get home so I can play this game some more!
I finished ME1 on 360 three times...gotta use those save files. ME is more of a console RPG in my opinion anyway, although I'll probably double dip on ME2 PC down the road.
Sometimes you unlock it by purchasing a Tome from a vendor. Other times you can get it by convincing different characters to teach you.Xamdou said:So how to I unlock the character specialization for warrior class?
For Templar and Berserker certain party members can teach you those specializations, or you can buy a manual to learn them.Xamdou said:So how to I unlock the character specialization for warrior class?
Alex said:I can't speak for 360 Dragon Age, I've only seen a half hour of it, but it's so hilariously above Mass Effect on the PC it's ridiculous. I've considered everything Bioware has put out since Infinity Engine 2D games to be quite goddamned hideous, but Dragon Age is one of the best looking games this year.
Mass Effect was an ugly, ugly game. UE3 bullshit all around.