lorddarkflare said:That is solid advice and i think i may follow it.
I think part of my problem may be that the way this game handles Physical fights may not be my style (though since i have to play all four units, i might as well get used to it.).
So maybe i should switch to being a Mage to see how i like it.
Number 2 said:i think my main complaint with the game right now is that the world areas ive been to are very limited like KotORs. i know it was a foolish wish but i was kind of hoping for an open world. Exploring places is always a huge plus for me. It was also my biggest complaint for all the IE games after BG1.
Snuggler said:I've seen enough of his posts to know that he doesn't have "shitty taste in games", he's a Demon's Souls pro which is definitely worth something. I'm loving DA but I guess it's just not for everyone, especially if you're playing the console versions, I don't take it personally.
Really though, Demon's Souls literally shreds every game apart this year. It's an incredible experience and I really thought Dragon Age would give me that exact same feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction, unfortunately it didn't.lorddarkflare said:No kidding (though truth be told, he actually has good taste).
I'm on PC, playing on normal. I don't want to change to easy._tetsuo_ said:Youre still having trouble on easy? On the Console?
:lol Recovered in what way? I'm still playing it a couple of hours per dayZeliard said:I don't think Seiken has fully recovered from his Demon's Souls marathon yet.![]()
I could beat Demon's Souls with a naked character except a weapon. Because DS is 99% skill based, I'd say DA is balanced to 30%-skill 70%-gear which is a pity. But then again, these games usually are like that.kyo_daikun said:If he's been playing demon souls im surprised he mentions the difficulty of DA a few times, after DS the word difficult takes on a whole new meaning :lol
I'm playing DA on the highest possible settings in 1980x1280 with forced AFx16. It still looks disgusting._tetsuo_ said:I guess it looks bad on the console, my game looks great and I've seen his other post about the difficulty..
Even with top-down view?Seiken said:I'm playing DA on the highest possible settings in 1980x1280 with forced AFx16. It still looks disgusting.
I admit, it looks quite a lot better viewed from above but really, if that's what's required for a a game to look good in 2009, then I don't know what to say anymore.M°°nblade said:Even with top-down view?
You could, but you would be wrong if you did. Gear in this game is a minor upgrade. The kind of skills your characters have play a much bigger role.Seiken said:I could beat Demon's Souls with a naked character except a weapon. Because DS is 99% skill based, I'd say DA is balanced to 30%-skill 70%-gear which is a pity. But then again, these games usually are like that.
Variety sucks?Seiken said:I admit, it looks quite a lot better viewed from above but really, if that's what's required for a a game to look good in 2009, then I don't know what to say anymore.
Aye, sorry about that. I meant skills, gear, statpoint, class-decisions etc. That's not much "skill" involved.Lostconfused said:You could, but you would be wrong if you did. Gear in this game is a minor upgrade. The kind of skills your characters have play a much bigger role.
Hey I love variety bro, I just don't like how I'm forced to look from above for the game to look average. But anyway, fuck graphics, who cares.Lostconfused said:Variety sucks?
What game is that?Number 2 said:As someone that thinks an ascii character game is possibly one of the best this generation, i have to say i find so much concern with the utmost graphical clarity kind of sad.
Seiken said:What game is that?
Damn seems complicated, thanks.Number 2 said:Dwarf Fortress.
I will argue that it takes a type of skill to be able to do that. And yeah the graphics discussion is a waste of time.Seiken said:Aye, sorry about that. I meant skills, gear, statpoint, class-decisions etc. That's not much "skill" involved.
I abandoned my 2H worthless piece of shit. It was slow, when I missed, I was fucked. Even WITH precision skill, I missed. Now everything went kind of fine, Moorigan pretty much dealt 60% of the whole group damage (hence, why I started a mage), but when I got to the place_tetsuo_ said:What problems did you have with your 2 hand character, Sei? I've got a 2 hand dwarf and he's great.
Alex said:Outside of Uncharted 2, this is probably the best looking game I've played this year, so I'm utterly stumped at visual complaints.
Number 2 said:For tougher stuff you are going to have to use pots. Its very much like Diablo in that way. During regular encounters i almost never use potions due to my stubborness :lol Bosses or endurance fights its going to have to be that way.
Seiken said:I abandoned my 2H worthless piece of shit. It was slow, when I missed, I was fucked. Even WITH precision skill, I missed. Now everything went kind of fine, Moorigan pretty much dealt 60% of the whole group damage (hence, why I started a mage), but when I got to the placeFirst of all, I don't want to use potions. Ever. I never use them (Diablo 2 aside) in games so this is probably the major reason why this game isn't for me.where I'm supposed to kill the White Wolf-guardian, everything started going downhill.So I battle this dragon in the cave who's pretty fun to beat, required a lot of strategy, I like that. I probably died like 5 times but that's fine, I thought it was the main "hardest" boss of the place anyway. So after that I travel 10 feet and get ambushed by 40 skeletons.
Seriously? I mean, SERIOUSLY? In no way am I able to beat them, and I've tried for literally three hours. That's when I gave up. I have pretty much no AoE except Morrigans absolutely terrible Fire-pile-spell, Alistor dies after 5 hits, so much for a tank, that thief-girl does nothing but sucking and my main character? :lol Pathetic.
There, I can't believe I actually wrote all of that down.
Alex said:Outside of Uncharted 2, this is probably the best looking game I've played this year, so I'm utterly stumped at visual complaints.
lorddarkflare said:Then you do not play many good looking games.
Of course this game does not look that bad, but there is no reason for hyperbole.
On what difficulty?Mindlog said:The healer mage + my 2H has been money so far.
What? I'm 25 hours in just at 18%, and I feel like I'm rushing things.Zeliard said:Probably my biggest criticism as well. I don't mind the lack of an overworld at all, which probably would have added nothing to any of Bioware's games, but a lot of the environments are smaller and, crucially, a lot more linear than I would've hoped, with very few branching paths.
Still, the positives overshadow that by a long shot, and you still have good freedom with the quests you want to tackle and locations you want to visit, not to mention how open the dialogue system is.
Number 2 said:On what difficulty?
Truant said:What? I'm 25 hours in just at 18%, and I feel like I'm rushing things.
Ugggggh......_tetsuo_ said:. What the hell is wrong with potions?l
Zeliard said:That's because there's tons of content, which isn't what I'm talking about. A lot of the individual environments you and your party traverse through aren't that big and feature a pretty direct path from beginning to end.
Maybe that changes later on, but that's what it's been like so far.
I quoted the wrong post, man. I was replying to the guy who said he finished it in 35 hours. Sorry about that, I'm on my iphone right now. Kinda confusing.Zeliard said:That's because there's tons of content, which isn't what I'm talking about. A lot of the individual environments you and your party traverse through aren't that big and feature a pretty direct path from beginning to end.
Maybe that changes later on, but that's what it's been like so far.
Alex said:Outside of Uncharted 2, this is probably the best looking game I've played this year, so I'm utterly stumped at visual complaints.
fizzelopeguss said:Seriously....the game is fucking gorgeous, i thought risen had outstanding lighting but this game annihilates even that. And this actually has respectable character models and animations. :lol
You could load up a tank in fire resistance gear and charge him in to get and hold their attention id imagine. :lol Other than that you could send a scout ahead while your mage and party wait back for an ambush. When your rogue is running back, take aim with the spell so that it lands are the enemies run into it.Seiken said:Btw, could anyone please tell me how I can use huge AoE-spells efficiently? I just got Inferno and it's MASSIVE, i love the damage it does too, but how am I supposed to make a bunch of enemies stay on place while they're inside the fire? Without, of course, having my comrades in the fire too.
I'd love some help here![]()
Seiken said:Btw, could anyone please tell me how I can use huge AoE-spells efficiently? I just got Inferno and it's MASSIVE, i love the damage it does too, but how am I supposed to make a bunch of enemies stay on place while they're inside the fire? Without, of course, having my comrades in the fire too.
I'd love some help here![]()
Seiken said:Btw, could anyone please tell me how I can use huge AoE-spells efficiently? I just got Inferno and it's MASSIVE, i love the damage it does too, but how am I supposed to make a bunch of enemies stay on place while they're inside the fire? Without, of course, having my comrades in the fire too.
I'd love some help here![]()
Truant said:I quoted the wrong post, man. I was replying to the guy who said he finished it in 35 hours. Sorry about that, I'm on my iphone right now. Kinda confusing.
LCfiner said:yup, just like KOTOR, Mass Effect and Jade Empire. (And Fable, actually)
Bioware has been using the same town and city design for a long time now. Environments are very linear.
Maybe in a couple years theyll have places that are a bit more open to investigate.
Ooh I like this one, Moorigan is supposed to be my ice-mage so I guess I'll go with that for now!Truant said:Cone of cold is good for that.
Ikuu said:Is it worth building a character as a pure tank, or is it unnecessary?
Ikuu said:Is it worth building a character as a pure tank, or is it unnecessary?
Alex said:You can make alterations to party members suit whatever you feel like doing.
But Shale and Alister both make for great tanks. So you don't need your main character to be one._tetsuo_ said:Definitely good to have a tank
Alex said:For WRPG's, Risen is nice looking, so is The Witcher, but this game impresses me a lot more, personally. Especially considering how, IMO, ugly Bioware's past 3D games have been.
All JRPG's have been pretty ugly this generation, outside of some decent art direction. Demon's Souls, outside of a couple of nice sets of armor, is extremely first-generation PS3 looking, and it's a corridor hack on top of it.
Dragon Age has it's weak scenes and textures in spots, but for the content and variety, I'm pretty taken aback by how extremely well made most of the textures and models are and how absurd so many areas and scenes can look on the PC. It's a stunning game.
It gives me hope that Mass Effect 2 will actually look nice on PC as well, but it's still UE3 =/ Something about games on that engine always look... odd to me.
Zeliard said:You also don't have to go back to camp to switch party members. I wonder if people are aware of that.
fizzelopeguss said:WHAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!