TheVisualizer said:-Another thing that stands out in combat are traps, the origin quest's cave/ruins was littered with them, some were pressure plates that triggered what seemed like fireballs that shot out of the ceilings or walls and others have been hidden bear traps that popup and keep you stunned for awhile. A little further along in my 5 hours I actually had smarter enemies retreat and lead me and my party into a chokepoint where we all got stuck in bear traps, they capitalized and ended up killing one of my party members with that slick move.
Satanyoka said:What's contained in the deluxe edition fellow adventurer?
Phloxy said:Heads up went to best buy and they had both versions in for pc, I got one, and apparently the other 2 local bestbuys had them in stock as well for pc.
Xamdou said:Does the regular edition of Dragon Age 360 have bonus content like the Stone Prisoner DLC?
Himuro said:This games dlc and shit is confusing. So, let me get this straight. I get dlc because I pre-ordered a copy?
Himuro said:This games dlc and shit is confusing. So, let me get this straight. I get dlc because I pre-ordered a copy?
NewLib said:Every single new copy of Dragon Age gets Stone Prisoner.
The S-Word said:is this game really coming out on ps3 at the right time?!
normal difficultyShrinnan said:What difficulty were you playing on? This is the kind of AI that I love to see.
Thanks for the impressions, my hype for this game just keeps rising.
good, maybe we can get some streams going.fizzelopeguss said:Damn, i've heard the 360 version of this has just been leaked.![]()
DMPrince said:Is there a stream online somewhere? said:Is there a stream online somewhere?
syllogism said:
syllogism said:
MirageDwarf said:Watched live stream of 360 version for about a minute. Game pauses for a moment with big message on center of the screen. That's is bad.
Rad- said:360 version review by 360zine:
One RPG to rule them all..
Length: 80 hours.
Better on PC but still a must-own on 360 for RPG fans with time on their hands.
+ Enormous, staggeringly detailed world.
+ A real challenge, in the very best of ways.
- Combat can get chaotic on console (it's a real challenge to micromanage your team when there's a lot of enemies).
fizzelopeguss said:Damn, i've heard the 360 version of this has just been leaked.![]()
MirageDwarf said:Watched live stream of 360 version for about a minute. Game pauses for a moment with big message on center of the screen. That's is bad.
syllogism said:
hermit7 said:Not seeing the problem with this. Though with Bioware I have learned to save often, as their autosaves are extremely unreliable.
MirageDwarf said:It's a small nit-pick item that I don't like when playing games. Should have gone for autosaving without showing big message in the middle of the screen or show it somewhere in the corner. Also message is much more longer than it should be. "Saving..." should be enough.
syllogism said:
GarthVaderUK said:I've seen exactly the same message on a lot of games on 360, could be something Microsoft makes devs put in there to make sure people don't fuck up their saves.
MirageDwarf said:Pretty sure it's not a requirement. For exa. Halo games use "Checkpoint...done" or something.
bathala said:these blood splatters r ridiculous.
he stabbed the guy up front and got blood on his back :S
Nif said:Just saw some Black Friday Sears scans that show Dragon Age for PS3 (probably 360 too) for $40, in case people were getting it on consoles and don't mind the wait. Saw Forza, ODST, and Brutal Legend there, too.
I hear what you be sayin, i got my 360 version for 16.99Ploid 3.0 said:I got this for $46 no tax via Amazon release date. Also got a $10 amazon credit after it ships for my next game purchase. $6 extra for getting it sooner than black friday. Internet orders are criminaly cheap.
The console version is supposedly easier and apparently the difficulty spikes. Regular encounters aren't probably very challenging even on Nightmare. Really, that's how pretty much every CRPG ever has been set up.Acidote said:Apparently the game on the stream is set on hard difficulty, and I'm finding it much easier than it should.
Oh, and the chat jokes with maths are awful.